-------- Original-Nachricht -------- Betreff: CFP: Special section of FUTURE GENERATION COMPUTER SYSTEMS Datum: Fri, 23 Dec 2005 09:01:45 +0900 (KORST) Von: Sangkyun Kimsaviour@yonsei.ac.kr Firma: "OptimaNumerics" An: Computational Science Mailing List computational.science@lists.optimanumerics.com
[ I apologize in advance if you receive multiple copies of this CFP ] =========================================================================== CALL FOR PAPERS FUTURE GENERATION COMPUTER SYSTEMS
Special Issue on Information Engineering and Enterprise Architecture in Distributed Computing Environments (SS: IE & EA in Grid Computing) ===========================================================================
Topic of the Special Section
Information Engineering (IE) and Enterprise Architecture (EA) link the empirical and theoretical studies with a constructive view of researches on distributed computing and its applications on how to design and deliver enterprise information systems effectively in distributed computing environments. With the research results of IE and EA, we can make practical activities on distributed computing and its applications in enterprise information systems. This special section focuses on the following topics - Methodology of IE for IT products or industrial information systems in grid computing, - EA for distributed computing environments, - Strategic or tactical applications of IE and EA in distributed computing environments. This special section does not include papers on information theory, mathematics, cryptography, network topology, communication protocols, hardware design, and programming methods.
Submission of Manuscript
The submitted manuscript should present original work that should not be under review elsewhere. I invite you to submit a short paper of 5 or 6 pages including figures, tables and references. The submitted paper must be formatted according to the formatting rules of the FGCS. The files should be submitted to me through the website http://ees.elsevier.com/fgcs/. Please register at the site and upload editable source files for manuscript (Word, LaTeX,..) and figures, providing the special section title and Guest Editor name, and selecting for the article type that belonging to this special section. Also include vitae (short biographies and photographs) for all authors and structured abstract (purpose, methodology/approach, limitations, practical implications, originality/value of the paper). When the "approval" button is clicked, the paper will be submitted. The guest editor will make an initial determination of the suitability of the manuscript. Papers that lack clarity in presentation or are outside the scope of the special section will not be sent for review. The guest editor will send the manuscript to at least two competent referees. Based on the recommendations by the referees, the guest editor will determine whether the manuscript should be accepted, accept with minor revision, accept with major revision or rejected. The papers included in the special section will be collected in the Science Citation Index (SCI) Expanded database of Thomson ISI.
Important Dates
Paper submission due: February 28 2006 Notification of acceptance: March 31 2006 1st revision due: April 30 2006 Camera-ready due: May 31 2006 Publication: To be determined
Guest Editor
Dr. Sangkyun Kim Yonsei University, Korea e-mail: saviour@yonsei.ac.kr