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Subject: [AISWorld] Call For Papers: HICSS 53 - Mini-track on Technology Mediated Collaborations for the Professional Service Sectorations
Date: Wed, 22 May 2019 23:14:47 -0400
From: Souren Paul <souren.paul@gmail.com>
To: aisworld@lists.aisnet.org

Call for Papers:

*Technology Mediated Collaborations for the Professional Service Sector*

*Collaboration Systems and Technologies Track*

*Fifty-third Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences (January
7-10, 2020)*

*Mini-track Chairs:*

Souren Paul¶

College of Engineering and Computing

Nova Southeastern University

Fort Lauderdale, FL 33314



Nilmini Wickramasinghe

Swinburne University and

Epworth HealthCare

John St,

Hawthorne, VIC 3122, Australia


¶ Primary Contact

*Proposed area of the mini-track:*

Today, the professional service sector, including: healthcare, legal
services as well as banking and finances, is facing significant challenges
and opportunities afforded by the embracement of collaborative
technologies. Some areas within this sector are more advanced such as
banking and finance while other areas are still slower to fully embrace the
full potential of the numerous technologies currently available. For
example in banking it has been possible to access and transfer funds
electronically anywhere in the world for many decades while in healthcare
we still struggle to transfer an electronic medical record from one
healthcare organization to another within the same city. However, for all
the industries making up the professional service sector it is not just
essential but a competitive necessity as we move forward in the 21st
Century that they conquer technology and effectively embrace the tools
techniques and technologies of the digital age. Further, we believe it is
useful to look at developments in the various industries which make up the
professional service sector as there is merit to compare and contrast
successes, challenges and learnings to enable all areas to best utilize
collaborative technologies to their fullest.

In order to achieve successful and superior delivery of services it is
necessary to consider people, process and technology issues; i.e. to have a
socio-technical perspective. To do this effectively and efficiently and
thereby have a higher success it is also necessary to be cognizant of the
primary stakeholders including: customers, employers, organizations,
administrators, regulators and researchers who form the basis of any
partnership. Successful collaborations depends on pertinent information ,
relevant data and germane knowledge being expeditiously and appropriately
shared to the right people at the right time in the right form so that
critical and effective decision making can take place. This also requires
essential security and privacy to be ensured as well as accuracy and
integrity of the content to be assured. The efficacy of the architecture
will determine the efficacy of the system, and the efficacy of the system
will determine the efficacy of the strategy.

We welcome papers which address the state-of-the-art, state-of-the-need,
and the state-of-the-practice of these combinations. Topics include:

- RPA(robotic process automation) and TQM(total quality management) and
Six sigma
- MDMs(multidimensional meetings)
- Block Chain
- Big Data and Analytics
- 3D printing
- Virtual reality (VR), Augmented reality (AR)
- Bots
- EMRS (Electronic medical records)
- Electronic legal records
- Electronic financial records

This mini track has evolved from just focusing on the healthcare sector in
previous years where we offered one session in the mini-track on HICSS-43
and two in HICSS-44, 45, and 46, and again one session in HICSS-47 and two
sessions in HICSS-48 and one session again in HICSS-49, HICSS-50, HICSS-51
and HICSS-52 to now opening this up to all professional service sector
industries such as healthcare, law and banking and finance for HICSS-53.
One of the papers in the mini-track in HICSS-44 won the best paper award
for the Collaborative Systems and Technologies track. We have defined the
scope of the mini-track using the ontological framework and solicit papers
from a variety of researchers studying these types of collaborations.
Further, selected papers from this mini-track will be published in a
special issue of IJNVO (International J Networking and Virtual
Organizations) published by InderScience.

If you want to discuss your paper topic we are happy to do so.

*Due Date *

April 20 | 6:00 pm HST: Paper submission begins.
June 15 | 11:59 pm HST: Paper submission deadline

Please refer to the web site to ensure your submission meets required
format https://hicss.hawaii.edu/authors/
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