        WWW 2002:     Mobility and Wireless Access Track
 Alternate Track of 2002 International World Wide Web Conference
             May 7-11, 2002  Honolulu, Hawaii, USA
           Call for Papers    ---    Last Reminder
             URL: www2002.org
The WWW is facing a phenomenal growth in mobile access devices,
embedded internet systems, ad-hoc interaction and wireless
networking as the key enablers for the next generation internet
Technological progress in mobile communication, wireless appliances
and the respective mobile services lets us hypothesize that the
future embedded WWW will be a digital environment that is
implicitly aware of the presence of users, sensitive, adaptive
and responsive to user needs, habits and emotions and ubiquitously
accessible, mostly via natural interaction.
The Mobility and Wireless Access Track of WWW2002 solicits papers
dealing with mobile computing and wireless access technologies that
fertilate the evolution of a WWW that is based on seamless access,
awareness, intelligence, and natural interaction. Seamless access
refers to a situation in which we are surrounded by a multitude of
wirelessly interconnected embedded systems, mostly invisible and
hidden in the background of our workplace, home, or outdoor
environment. Awareness refers to the ability of the system to
recognise and localise objects as well as people and their
intentions in a non-obtrusive and implicit way. Intelligence
refers the ability of the digital environment to adapt itself to
the people that live in it, learn from their behaviour, and
possibly recognise intent and habit. Natural interaction
finally refers to advanced modalities like natural speech- and gesture
recognition, as well as speech-synthesis, which will allow to
"operate" the WWW in a much more human-like communication style.

Technical papers (maximum 15 pages) describing original, previously
unpublished, completed research, not currently under review by
another conference or journal, are solicited on the following
     Mobile/wireless computing architectures
     Integration of wired and wireless networks
     Mobile service management and delivery
     3G and 4G technologies and network solutions
     Mobility and QoS management
     Self-configuration in ad-hoc networks
     Personal area networks
     Media access techniques and terminals
     Ubiquitous access and context computing
     Smart devices and smart spaces
     Sensors and actuators
     Pervasive/ubiquitous/wearable computing scenarios
     Positioning and tracking technologies
     Location-dependent/personalized wireless applications
     Security and privacy issues for mobile/wireless systems
All papers will be refereed by the program committee. Accepted
papers will be published in the conference proceedings. For any
further details contact either Prof. Azzedine Boukerche
(boukerche@cs.unt.edu) or Prof. Alois Ferscha (ferscha@soft.uni-linz.ac.at).
(Also see the conference website at www2002.org.)
     Refereed Paper/Panels Submission deadline: November 13, 2001
     Author/Panels Proposer Notification: January 25, 2002
     Final Refereed Papers Due: February 25, 2002
Mobility and Wireless Access PROGRAM COMMITTEE
     Azzedine Boukerche, University of North Texas, USA (Deputy Vice Chair)
     Milind M. Buddhikot, Lucent Bell Laboratories, USA
     Samir Ranjan Das, University of Cincinnati, USA
     Alois Ferscha, University of Linz, Austria (Vice Chair)
     Elgar Fleisch, University St. Gallen, Switzerland
     Gerti Kappel, University of Linz, Austria
     Mohsen Kavehrad, Pennsylvania State University, USA
     Gabriele Kotsis, University of Vienna, Austria
     Franz Lehner, University of Regensburg, Germany
     Jason Lin Yi-Bing, National Chiao Tung University, Taiwan
     Michela Meo, Politecnico di Torino, Italy
     David M. Nicol, Dartmouth College, USA
     Stephan Olariu, Old Dominion University, USA
     Michael Rohs, Institute of Information Systems, Switzerland
     Petia Todorova, FgH-FOKUS, Germany
     Satish K. Tripathi, University of California, Riverside, USA
     Jari Veijalainen, University of Jyvaskyla, Finland
     Lars Wolf, University of Karlsruhe, Germany
     Albert Y. Zomaya, University of Western Australia, Australia