Subject: | [AISWorld] CfP - AMCIS 2012 Mini-Track: "IT Governance, Alignment, and Architectures" |
Date: | Wed, 14 Dec 2011 12:56:29 +0100 |
From: | Patas, Janusch <> |
To: | <>, <> |
Strategic Use of Information Technology
IT Governance, Alignment, and
An integral part of IT
management is the planning, steering,
controlling, and monitoring of the
enterprise IT systems and infrastructure
in an efficient and effective way. On
the one hand, IT managers have to satisfy
business requirements and demonstrate
the value-generating abilities of IT to
the business. On the other hand,
information technology and concepts of its
application are evolving rapidly and
thus managers have to decide which
innovation out of many should be adopted
within their respective IT organization.
In the last years,
research and practice have developed and
highlighted the benefits of new
concepts to cope with these challenges.
These are for instance concepts from:
IT governance, IT alignment as well as
enterprise architecture management.
Furthermore, a lot of (best practice)
reference models and frameworks (e. g.
COBIT, ITIL, CMMI), standards (
The mini track “IT
Governance, Alignment, and Architectures”
aims to review and discuss the
state of the art of methodological support
from a holistic perspective and will
debate new approaches to support IT
governance, business/IT alignment and IT
architectures. In addition, new challenges
and empirical findings should be
analyzed within this domain. Both
conceptual and empirical papers are
and will be considered for this
Research papers of interest
include, but
are not limited to:
Relationship between and linking of IT
governance and
enterprise architectures
Interdependencies between IT governance
and enterprise
- IT
governance frameworks and their
- Benefits
of frameworks and standards in IT
Comparison, mapping and integration of IT
governance/ best
practice frameworks
Methodological support for IT governance
and business/ IT
- IT
governance architectures
- Maturity
models for IT governance, alignment and
enterprise architectures
- IT
processes and controls
- Impact
of IT governance on the business value of
- Case
studies in IT governance / enterprise
Mini-Track Chairs:
| d.milicevic | j.patas}
Sonnemannstraße 9-11
60314 Frankfurt am Main
Submit your paper using the
manuscript central system at –
Important Dates
• January 2,
2012: Manuscript Central will start
accepting paper submissions
• March 1, 2012:
(11:59 PM Pacific time zone): Deadline for
paper submissions
• April 2, 20012:
Authors will be notified of acceptances on
or about this date
• April 20, 2012:
(11:59 PM Pacific time zone): For accepted
papers, camera ready copy due
Janusch Patas
Sonnemannstraße 9-11
60314 Frankfurt am Main
Deutschland /
Tel: +49 (0) 69
154008 - 791
Fax: +49 (0) 69
154008 - 4791
Geschäftsführung /
Management Board: Prof. Dr. Udo Steffens,
Ingolf Jungmann
Vorsitzender des
Stiftungsrates / Head of Foundation Board:
Prof. Dr. h.c. Klaus-Peter Müller
Registergericht /
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