-------- Original-Nachricht -------- Betreff: [isworld] NGITS 2009 cfp Datum: Thu, 30 Oct 2008 14:53:28 -0400 Von: Tsvi Kuflik tsvika-k@bezeqint.net Antwort an: Tsvi Kuflik tsvika-k@bezeqint.net An: AISWORLD Information Systems World Network isworld@lyris.isworld.org
NGITS'2009 The 7th conference on Next Generation Information Technologies and Systems
June 15th � June 18th, 2009 Haifa, Israel http://mis.haifa.ac.il/~ngits2009
NGITS 2009 is the seventh conference in a series that was launched in 1993 to promote research on new technologies in information systems. Information on the previous six NGITS conference may be found at http://www.informatik.uni-trier.de/~ley/db/conf/ngits/index.html. The NGITS conference is a 4-day event that combines keynote addresses, presentations of research papers, posters session, technical demonstrations, industrial tracks, tutorials and social events.
Call for Research Papers (a call for industrial track papers and tutorials will be published separately)
The NGITS series of workshops was launched in 1993 to promote research on new technologies in information systems, and NGITS 2009 is the seventh workshop in this series. We invite technical research papers on all aspects of information systems. Of particular interest are papers that combine multiple disciplines of computer science to develop new technologies for information systems. Submissions may report original research results, outline new viewpoints and challenges, or describe the implementation or deployment of a novel technology in an actual setting. Accordingly, authors should categorize their submission as "research," "vision," or "experience," depending on its primary contribution. NGITS 2009 will feature an additional industrial track. See the call for papers at: http://mis.hevra.haifa.ac.il/~ngits2009/industrial.html. In addition to technical research papers, we are also seeking proposals for panels and demonstrations. The proceedings of NGITS 2009 will be published in Springer's LNCS series. To illustrate the scope of NGITS, a list of topics is given below, but submissions are not limited to these topics.
Methodologies, models and tools for IS development Requirements engineering Model-driven engineering Design of IS Human aspects Software asset/portfolio management Business Transformation and Optimization IT Governance Agile software development Ontologies Verification, testing, and evaluation of IS Technologies Database management Information retrieval and filtering Flexible querying Knowledge discovery and data mining Data warehousing Knowledge management Agent oriented technologies Programming languages and development environments Service-Oriented Architecture Web services Middleware Virtualization Collaboration technologies Applications Enterprise applications Workflow management systems Medical information systems Decision support systems Agricultural information systems
Demos should feature mature systems or innovative prototypes of information systems. They should be attractive, address an application of broad interest in such a way that it can be appreciated by a diverse audience, and clearly show the contributions to the conference themes. We also encourage submission of demos that have already been described in the literature. All submissions should be in LNCS format. For camera-ready format instructions, please see �Information for LNCS Authors� instructions at: www.springer.de/comp/lncs/authors.html. Full paper submissions should not exceed 12 pages, and poster submissions should not exceed 4 pages. Authors of demos should submit short (1-3 pages) informal descriptions of their proposed presentation. Please describe what attendees will be able to see or do during your demo (e.g., screenshots), and itemize any equipment or facilities that you will require for your demonstration.
Important Dates Submission of abstracts: January 25, 2009 Submission of papers: February 2, 2009 Author notification: March 16, 2009 Final papers due: May 3, 2009
Organizing & Program Committees
STEERING COMMITTEE: Opher Etzion, IBM Haifa Research Lab, Israel, Avigdor Gal, Technion, Israel, Tsvi Kuflik, Haifa University, Israel
LOCAL ARRANGEMENTS: Nilly Schnapp, Israel
PROGRAM CO-CHAIRS: Yishai Feldman, IBM, Israel, Donald Kraft, USA
MEMBERS: Nabil Adam, Rutgers University, USA, Hamideh Afsarmanesh, University of Amsterdam, The Netherlands, Mathias Bauer mineway GmbH, Germany, Maria Jose Martin-Bautista, Universidad de Granada, Spain, Iris Berger, Haifa University, Israel, Dan Berry, Waterloo University, Canada, Elisa Bertino, Purdue University, USA, Gloria Bordogna, CNR, Italy, Patrick Bosc, ENSSAT, France, Jen-Yao Chung, IBM Watson, USA, Alessandro D'Atri, Luiss University, Italy, Asuman Dogac, Middle East Technical University, Turkey, Ophir Frieder, Illinois Institute of Technology, USA, Mati Golani, Israel, Paolo Giorgini, University of Trento, Italy, Enrique Herrera-Viedma, Universidad de Granada, Spain, S.S. Iyengar, Louisiana State University, USA, Judy Kay, University of Sidney, Australia, Larry Kerschberg, George Mason University, USA, David Konopnick, IBM, Israel, Manolis Koubarakis, National and Kapodistrian University of Athens, Greece, Amnon Meisels, Ben-Gurion University, Israel, Naftaky Minsky, Rutgers University, USA, Amihai Motro, George Mason University, USA, George Papadopoulos, University of Cyprus, Cyprus, Gabriella Pasi, Italy, Mor Peleg, Stanford University, USA, Fred Petry,USA, Haggai Roitman, Israel, Doron Rotem, Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory, USA, Charles A. Shoniregun, University of East London, UK, Pnina Soffer, Haifa University, Israel, Steve Schach, Vanderbilt University, USA, Bracha Shapira, Ben Gurion University of the Negev, Israel, Bernhard Thalheim, Kiel University, Germany, Eran Toch, Technion, Israel, Yair Wand, University of British Columbia, Canada, Ouri Wolfson, University of Illinois - Chicago, USA, Amiram Yehudai, Tel Aviv University, Israel
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