The 13th International Conference on Web Information
System Engineering
(WISE 2012)
November 28th-30th, 2012, Paphos,
*** EXTENDED DEADLINE: 22nd June 2012
The aim of this thirteenth edition of the conference
series on Web
Information Systems Engineering is to provide an
international forum
for researchers, professionals, and industrial
practitioners to share
their knowledge in the rapidly growing area of Web
methodologies and applications. Previous WISE
conferences were held in
Hong Kong, China (2000), Kyoto, Japan (2001),
Singapore (2002), Roma,
Italy (2003), Brisbane, Australia (2004), New York,
USA (2005), Wuhan,
China (2006), Nancy, France (2007), Auckland, New
Zealand (2008),
Poznan, Poland (2009), Hong Kong, China (2010), and
Sydney, Australia
The proceedings of WISE 2012 will be published in 2
separate volumes
by Springer in its Lecture Notes in Computer Science
series, with best
papers to be recommended for publication in special
issues of
international journals (including World Wide Web).
Topics of interests include but are not limited to:
* Cloud Computing
* Discovering Social Web structures and models
* Deep/Hidden Web;
* Event Processing and Event-driven Systems;
* Evolution and temporal analysis of the Social Web;
* Integration of the Web and Internet-connected
Objects / IoT;
* Linked Open Data;
* Peer-Computing;
* Rich Web UI;
* Search, Text and media extraction, clustering and
classification of
the Social Web
* Semantic Web;
* Social web and Applications;
* Web Agents and Web Intelligence;
* Web-based Applications (e.g., Auction and
Negotiation, e-Commerce,
e-Government, e-Learning, etc.);
* Web-based Business Processes and Web Services;
* Web-based Enterprise Systems and Transactions;
* Web Data Integration;
* Web Data Mashup;
* Web Data Models;
* Web Information Retrieval;
* Web Metrics and Performance;
* Web Mining and Web Warehousing;
* Web Monitoring and Management;
* Web Security and Trust Management;
* Web Tools and Languages;
* Web Visualisation; and
* XML and Semi-structured Data.
Important Dates
* Research Paper Abstract Submission: 15th June 2012
* Research Paper Submission: 22nd June 2012
* Demonstration Paper Submission: 22nd June 2012
* Paper Notification of Acceptance: 3rd August 2012
* Accepted Paper Camera-ready: 31st August 2012
* Workshop Proposal Submission: 18th May 2012
* Workshop Proposal Notification: 25th May 2012
Submitted papers will be carefully evaluated based
on originality,
significance, technical soundness, and clarity of
exposition. All papers
will be refereed by at least three members of the
program committee.
Participants submitting demos are required to submit
a 2-page short
paper describing the demo content, research,
relevance and importance to
the web information system community. For demos,
participants will be
able to showcase the demo during the conference.
All submitted papers MUST be formatted according to
the author
guidelines provided by Springer LNCS format and MUST
NOT exceed 14
pages for research papers and 2 pages for demo
Submissions must be done via Easychair:
A special issue of WWWJ is scheduled for extended
versions of some
selected papers from the WISE2012 conference.
Organizing Committee
* General Co-Chairs:
Yanchun Zhang, Victoria University, Australia
George Angelos Papadopoulos, University of Cyprus,
* PC Co-Chairs:
Xiaoyang (Sean) Wang, Fudan University, China
Isabel Cruz, The University of Illinois at Chicago
Alex Delis, University of Athens, Greece
* WISE Challenge Program/Track Co-Chairs:
Xiaofang Zhou, University of Queensland, Australia
Weining Qian, East China Normal University, China
* Workshop Co-Chairs:
Armin Haller, CSIRO, Australia
Zhisheng Huan, Vrije University Amsterdam, The
* Demonstration Papers Vo-Chairs:
Georgia Kapitsaki, University of Cyprus, Cyprus
Gustavo Rossi, La Plata National University,
* Publication Chair:
Guangyan Huang, Victoria University, Australia
* Publicity Co-Chairs:
Demetris Zeinalipour-Yatzi, University of Cyprus,
Jing Yang, Graduate University, Chinese Academy of
Sciences, China
* Local Arrangement Chair:
Petros Stratis, Easyconferences Ltd.