-------- Original Message --------
Subject: [WI] ERP Future 2014 - Research : Call for Papers Deadline Extension - 29.09.2014
Date: Fri, 26 Sep 2014 08:34:32 +0000
From: Keckeis, Johannes <Johannes.Keckeis@uibk.ac.at>
Reply-To: Keckeis, Johannes <Johannes.Keckeis@uibk.ac.at>
To: Keckeis, Johannes <Johannes.Keckeis@uibk.ac.at>, wi@aifb.uni-karlsruhe.de <wi@aifb.uni-karlsruhe.de>




E R P   F u t u r e   2 0 1 4  -  R e s e a r c h



Date and Venue:


17. November 2014 - Dornbirn/Austria




The Department of Strategic Management, Marketing and Tourism and the Institute of Computer Science at the University of Innsbruck would like to invite you, to submit your contribution to actively participate at the ERP Future 2014 - Research conference, which is held on November 17th, 2014 at the University of Applied Sciences Vorarlberg. What trends and future potentials can be identified according to the ERP landscape? For this event submissions with both a business-management and technical focus will be accepted.


The ERP Future 2014 - Research conference provides a platform for scientific discussion from a business and computer science point of view regarding Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) systems, Business Intelligence (BI) systems, Business Process Management (BPM) systems and information systems.


We would like to inform you, that the Call for Papers is already open. The Official deadline for submissions is September 15th, 2014. Short papers (max. 8 pages) as well as long papers (max. 15 pages) will be eligible. According to Springer Post-Proceedings contributions have to be submitted in English. Accepted papers will be approved to be presented at the ERP Future 2014 - Research conference.


The ERP Future 2014 - Conference Proceedings (Springer Lecture Notes) will be available in the middle of 2014. The principal authors will receive a free copy via mail.


Detailed information regarding the Call for Papers can be found on the website of the ERP Future 2014 - Research conference: http://2014.erp-future.com/en/research/call_for_papers


We are looking forward to your contribution!



List of topics:



·  Business Management and ERP Systems

·  Enterprise Architecture Management (EAM) and ERP Systems

·  Information Systems Integration

·  Customer Relationship Management

·  Business Intelligence

·  Business Process Management

·  Software Usability of ERP Systems

·  Lean Management and ERP Systems

·  e-learning and ERP Systems

·  ERP Systems in the public sector, NGOs and NPOs

·  Software Quality Engineering and ERP Systems

·  Requirements Engineering and ERP Systems

·  Product Line Engineering and ERP Systems

·  Security Engineering and ERP Systems

·  Architecture of ERP Systems

·  ERP Systems and the “Cloud“

·  Mobile applications and ERP Systems

·  Software development process and ERP Systems

·  Strategic Management and ERP Systems

·  Critical Success Factors of ERP Systems

·  Big Data and ERP Systems

·  Product Management and ERP Systems

·  Social Media and ERP Systems

·  Release Planning and ERP Systems


Program Committee:


The committee tasked with reviewing or coordinating reviews consists of following members:


·      Martin Adam (University of Applied Sciences Kufstein, Austria)

·      Rogerio Atem de Carvalho (Instituto Federal Fluminense, Brasil)

·      Dagmar Auer (Johannes Kepler University Linz, Austria)

·      Irene Barba Rodriguez (University of Seville, Spain)

·      Josef Bernhart (EURAC Bozen / Bolzano, Italy)

·      Goetz Botterweck (Lero - The Irish Software Engineering Research Centre, Ireland)

·      Ruth Breu (University of Innsbruck, Austria)

·      Jörg Courant (HTW Berlin, Germany)

·      Jörg Dörr (Fraunhofer IESE, Germany)

·      Dirk Draheim (University of Innsbruck, Austria)

·      Kerstin Fink (University of Applied Sciences Salzburg, Austria)

·      Kai Fischbach (Universität Bamberg, Germany)

·      Hans H. Hinterhuber (University of Innsbruck, Austria)

·      Sami Jantunen (Lappeenranta University of Technology, Finland)

·      Josef Küng (Johannes Kepler University Linz, Austria)

·      Asmamaw Mengistie (Sholla Computing, USA)

·      David Meyer (University of Applied Sciences Technikum Wien, Austria)

·      Wolfgang Ortner (Joanneum University of Applied Sciences, Austria)

·      Kurt Promberger (University of Innsbruck, Austria)

·      Friedrich Roithmayr (Johannes Kepler University Linz, Austria)

·      Matthias Schumann (University of Göttingen, Germany)

·      Stéphane S. Somé (University of Ottawa, Canada)

·      Alfred Taudes (WU Vienna University of Economics and Business, Austria)

·      Victoria Torres Bosch (Polytechnic University of Valencia, Spain)

·      Manfred Vogt (Dornbirn University of Applied Sciences, Austria)



Track Chairs:


Michael Felderer, Computer Science / Software Engineering Track

Felix Piazolo, Business Management Track



Organizers and Partners:


University of Innsbruck

University of Applied Sciences Vorarlberg

ACM - German Chapter



Deadline for submission:


29.09.2014 (via EasyChair)








Please feel free to forward this information. Thank you and greetings from the Tyrol!


Johannes Keckeis



Universität Innsbruck  
Institut für Strategisches Management, Marketing und Tourismus  

Mag. Johannes Keckeis   

Universitätstraße 15, 6020 Innsbruck  

Telefon  +43 512 570-512
Fax       +43 512 507-2848  

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