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*** THIRD CALL FOR PAPERS - ACM CHIGreece 2021 ***
The 1st International ACM Conference of the Greek SIGCHI Chapter
(ACM CHIGreece 2021), ONLINE from Athens, Hellas, 25-27 November
Theme: "Connecting the Community"
Full details are available online:
Abstracts due: 16 July 2021 (mandatory)
Full papers due: 23 July 2021
In CHIGreece 2021 we are excited to invite the Greek research
community and other researchers, residing in various institutions
in Greece, Cyprus and abroad, to come together, present and
disseminate their research and innovations. The event will host
plenary sessions with keynote speakers, papers presentations,
exhibition and interactive experiences and a track dedicated to
young researchers. In addition, a panel of experts will exchange
on this year’s topic of World Usability Day on “Design of our
Online World: Trust, Ethics and Integrity”.
CHIGreece 2021 is expected to offer a vibrant venue of engagement
and collaboration for researchers and practitioners in the field
of human-computer interaction (HCI) to showcase their work and
share their experiences and new ideas for long-term sustainable
Papers are expected to address challenging and innovative topics
in Human-Computer Interaction theory, methodology and practice,
including but are not limited to:
- HCI and education
- HCI and digital heritage
- HCI in Virtual, Augmented and Mixed Reality
- Mobile HCI
- HCI and Adaptation & Personalization
- HCI and Accessibility & Assistive Technologies
- HCI in the Pandemic
- HCI in Business
- HCI and design
- HCI and games
- Natural HCI
- HCI and Social Media & Networks
- HCI and Interactive Entertainment
- Human-AI Interaction and Explainability
- Understanding users and human behaviour
- HCI and Privacy & Security
- HCI and Trust & Fairness
- Methodologies for HCI
- Evaluation of usability, accessibility and user experience (UX)
We encourage original and relevant contributions focusing on
experiences and lessons learned from real-life applications,
current state-of-the-art methodologies, challenges tackled and
solutions adopted, tools, algorithms, and services in the
academic, public or private sector, studies, theories, techniques,
and evaluation procedures that could support HCI aspects in
various levels of interactive environments.
All conference papers must contain original, previously
unpublished, research work adhering the four publication types:
- Full research papers: 10 pages + references, proposing original
reports of new research techniques, findings, and applications
clearly indicating its innovative aspects. Research procedures and
technical methods should be presented in sufficient detail to
ensure reproducibility, and results should be clearly communicated
with the respective implications and impact.
- Short research papers: 7 pages + references. of references,
proposing original and highly promising research or applications.
Merit will be assessed in terms of originality and importance
rather than maturity, extensive technical validation, and user
- Exhibition & interactive experiences: Initially an extended
abstract of 500 words for review from individuals and research
groups also in industrial organizations, spin-offs, corporations,
government institutions and public administration active in the
broad field of HCI eager to share ideas, results, demonstrations,
functional prototypes, installations with other HCI researchers,
professionals, and stakeholders. It is a track dedicated to
industry and academia, and it seeks to showcase their innovations
and promote collaborations among them (upon acceptance further
guidelines will be provided for the camera-ready version)
- Young Researchers: Initially an extended abstract of 800 words
for review from young researchers, i.e., early doctoral students,
BSc, MSc students, that want to discuss their research goals,
methods, and results at an early stage in their research and
receive invaluable feedback. They should highlight the following,
or similar, aspects like research problem, related work, research
questions, proposed approach and expected innovation, current
progress and future work. In the first page, they should include
their research title, name, name(s) of their supervisors and
university (upon acceptance further guidelines will be provided
for the camera-ready version)
Manuscripts should be formatted using the new workflow for ACM
publications – as single-column paper submissions. Instructions
and templates are available here:
All papers will undergo a peer review process by at least three
expert reviewers to ensure a high standard of quality, considering
originality, significance, technical soundness, clarity of
exposition, and relevance to the conferences thematic areas.
CHIGreece 2021 uses:
- Double blind review process for Full and Short papers. Authors
must omit their names and affiliations from submissions, and avoid
obvious identifying statements. Papers should be submitted
electronically as a single PDF file through the EasyChair
submission system by selecting the respective paper category:
- Single blind (curated) review process for Exhibition &
interactive experiences and Young Researchers papers. Authors do
not need to be anonymized before submission. Extended abstracts
should be submitted electronically as a single PDF file to
chigreece2021eie@greekchi.acm.org (Exhibition & interactive
experiences) and
chigreece2021yr@greekchi.acm.org (Young
Accepted Full and Short papers will be published in CHIGreece 2021
proceedings by ACM and will be available via the ACM Digital
Library. Exhibition & Interactive Experiences and Young
Researchers papers will be available on the conference Web-site.
+++ Full and Short research papers +++
Abstracts: July 16, 2021 (mandatory)
Submissions deadline: July 23, 2021
Review notification: September 10, 2021 (tentative)
Submission of camera-ready: September 20, 2021 (tentative)
+++ Exhibition & Interactive Experiences +++
Extended abstracts: September 10, 2021 (tentative)
Review notification: September 30, 2021 (tentative)
Submission of Camera-ready: October 11, 2021 (tentative)
+++ Young Researchers +++
Extended abstracts: September 10, 2021 (tentative)
Review notification: September 30, 2021 (tentative)
Submission of Camera-ready: October 11, 2021 (tentative)
Note: The submissions times are 11:59pm AoE time (Anywhere on
General chairs
Constantinos Mourlas, National & Kapodistrian University of
Panagiotis Germanakos, SAP SE
Program chairs
Maria Roussou, National & Kapodistrian University of Athens
George Caridakis, University of the Aegean / Athena RC
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