********************** Apologies for Multiple Postings
6th Mediterranean Conference on Information Systems
IS: Crossroads of Technology, People, Organizations and
Limassol, Cyprus - September 3-5, 2011
Track: E-Commerce, E-Business, E-Government
E-commerce, e-business and e-government are pervasive
phenomena in modern society, having radically altered the way
transactions are performed. The virtual migration of
transactional activities has given rise to changing
stakeholder expectations about the way organizations function
and the type of e-services being delivered. With the emergence
of novel technological innovations, such as cloud computing,
green computing, mobile applications, social networking,
Software-as-a-Service (SaaS) and Web 2.0, both public and
private organizations have a much larger arsenal of tools from
which to innovate business practices and deliver e-services
that are sustainable, personalizable and responsive to
stakeholder needs.
This track embraces both retrospective and progressive
views of how e-commerce, e-business and e-government have
evolved and would transform with technological advances. We
welcome papers that identify and address knowledge gaps in:
(1) the e-transformation of organizations (both public and
private) in an increasingly digital era, and/or;(2) the
development of e-service interfaces between organizations
(both public and private) and their stakeholders. Papers that
subscribe to inter-disciplinary perspectives,adopt mixed
methods and/or address the Mediterranean contextare
particularly welcome.
Topics of interest include but are not limited to:
* Cloud computing in e-service delivery
* Collaborative commerce
* E-service delivery in developing countries
* E-service failure and recovery
* E-service quality of e-commerce, e-business and/or
e-government websites
* E-transformation of public and/or private organizations
* Evaluation of ICT investments for e-commerce, e-business
and/or e-government
* Hedonic design of e-commerce, e-business and/or
e-government websites
* ICT service chains
* Interoperability in e-service delivery
* Mobile commerce
* Personalization of e-services
* Social networks and Web 2.0 in e-service delivery
* Software-as-a-Service (SaaS) in e-service delivery
* Sustainability issues in e-commerce, e-business and/or
* Value (co)creation in e-commerce, e-business and/or
Conference Submissions
When submitting, authors should indicate the track for
which they wish their paper to be considered. Submissions will
be subjected to peer review.
Types of contributions, in English, via the EasyChair
Submission System:
* Full research papers (7 to 12 pages)
* Extended abstracts and short research-in-progress papers
(3 to 7 pages)
* Research and teaching case studies (7 to 12 pages)
Important Due Dates
* Deadline for submissions: May 2nd, 2011
* Notification of acceptance: June 15th, 2011
* Camera-ready versions: July 1st, 2011
Conference Proceedings will be published online. The
proceedings will be listed in major citation databases such as
EBSCO, ABI Inform, etc.
Contact Information
* Chee-Wee Tan, University of Groningen, The Netherlands
email [