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Betreff: [AISWorld] Call for Paper - 3rd Intern. Workshop on Emerging Ideas and Trends in the Engineering of Cyber-Physical Systems (EITEC 2016)
Datum: Mon, 30 Nov 2015 18:27:54 +0000
Von: Weyer, Thorsten <Thorsten.Weyer@paluno.uni-due.de>
An: AISWorld@lists.aisnet.org <AISWorld@lists.aisnet.org>

++ 3rd International Workshop on Emerging Ideas and Trends in Engineering of Cyber-Physical Systems (EITEC' 16) ++

+++ Important Dates +++
Abstract Submission                                                Jan 10th, 2016
Author Feed-back                                                    Jan 15th, 2016
Full Paper Submission deadline                              Feb 05th, 2016
Notification of acceptance/rejection                     Mar 04th, 2016
Final version due                                                      Mar 20th, 2016
Workshop                                                                 Apr 11th, 2016

Cyber-physical systems are based on networked embedded software systems which connect computational entities in a collaborative
manner with physical entities of the real world to achieve an overall purpose of its users. Together with available content and services
on the World Wide Web, they build networks of systems that integrate with the physical environment. This will lead to radical changes
in many application fields (e.g. energy, mobility, healthcare) and will have an impact on our daily lives. Many technology leaders are
already in the midst of a global race of repositioning and reinventing themselves by developing new dynamic CPS inspired business
models. However, mastering the engineering of complex and trustworthy CPS faces serious challenges, which have to be addressed
by the engineering methodologies of the future.

The EITEC workshop series aims at bringing together researchers and practitioners from various domains relevant to CPS dedicated to
mastering the challenges in engineering of CPS today and in the future. The workshop will be a venue to share results and new ideas,
discuss upcoming research directions, and to catalyze a joint industry-academia platform that bridges the gap between scientific
results and transfer into practice.

The workshop will include a keynote presentation by Dr. Bernhard Schätz, head of "Software & Systems Engineering Department" at
the fortiss transfer institute in Munich. More information on his current research is available at http://www4.in.tum.de/~schaetz/.

The organizers invite contributions with a strong focus towards CPS that describe problem statements, trends, and emerging ideas in
the engineering of CPS. The workshop defines 4 categories of submissions, targeted to address dedicated topics.

+++ Paper Categories +++

Category 1: Problem Statements and emerging ideas
Submissions for this category shall describe open issues in the engineering of CPS of theoretical or practical nature and discuss / present
corresponding solution ideas or describe industrial and academic challenges for the engineering of CPS.

Category 2: Demonstration papers
Submissions in this category will present and demonstrate prototypical features of development tools that address the specific challenges
in engineering of CPS.

Category 3: Research Directions and trends
Submissions in this category shall discuss contributions that address proposals how to shape future research in the engineering of CPS.

Category 4: Empirical Evaluation
Submissions in this category shall discuss contributions that address empirical evaluation work related to future research in the
engineering of CPS.

+++ Topics +++

Topics for contributions in the aforementioned categories may include:
*            Engineering Paradigms: Model-based engineering, engineering methodologies, quality assurance techniques, engineering for
              adaptation, self* CPS, heterogeneous applications and platforms.
*            Modeling and Analysis: Multidisciplinary modeling and analysis, context-analysis and context-awareness, specification of
              requirements, functional analysis, verification and validation of safety, security, and timing properties.
*            Architectures: Scalable and evolvable system and software architectures, architectural design and languages.
*            Design Space Exploration (DSE): (Multi-) objective analysis support for DSE of CPS.
*            Variability: Management, modelling and analysis for CPS.
*            Processes: Integrated processes based on the design-operation life-cycle continuum of CPS.
*            Industrial Practice: Experiences from efforts in the industry addressing the technological challenges that come with the
              introduction of CPS.
*            Empirical Evaluations: Results from empirical evaluations addressing the technological challenges that come with the
              introduction of CPS.

+++ Workshop format +++
The workshop will be held as part of CPS Week 2016 to take place in Vienna, Austria on April 11-14, 2016. It will feature peer-reviewed
paper presentations organized according to the 4 categories defined above.  Accepted papers will be published in the IEEE Xplore
Proceedings. Papers not exceeding 6 pages must be submitted electronically in .pdf format through EasyChair
(see: https://easychair.org/conferences/?conf=eitec2016) and conform to our guidelines (see: http://EITEC.informatik.tu-muenchen.de/formatting.html).

Each submission will be reviewed by at least two members of the Program Committee and will be evaluated on the basis of originality, importance of contribution, soundness, evaluation, quality
of presentation and appropriate comparison to related work. The program committee as a whole will make final decisions about which submissions to accept for presentation at the conference.

Organization Team:
Wolfgang Böhm (Technical University of Munich)
Ingo Stierand, (Carl von Ossietzky University)
Andreas Vogelsang (Technical University of Munich)
Thorsten Weyer (University of Duisburg-Essen)

Workshop Web Page:


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