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[LAST Deadline extension] Call for Papers || Short Papers || Demos
& Videos || Doctoral colloquium
LAST Deadline Extension
18th International Conference on Intelligent Environments
(IE2022), 20-23 June 2022, Biarritz, France
** Important Dates **
Conference paper submission: 11 January 2022 (AoE) (paper update
until the 14th of January 2022)
Communication of results: 10 march 2022
Camera ready: 28 march 2022
The 18th International Conference on Intelligent Environments
(IE2022) will be held in 2022 in Biarritz, France, from June 20th
to June 23rd. The IE Conference is recognized as a major annual
venue in the area. It has been hosted all around the world and
offers a truly international forum that encourages rich exchanges.
Intelligent environments refer to physical spaces in which
information and communication technologies are woven with
sensing/acting technologies in order to create interacting spaces
enhancing occupants' experience. The ultimate objective of such
environments is to provide services to occupants, enrich their
activities but also to develop their awareness.
** Conference Program **
IE is a multidisciplinary event welcoming contribution from a
diversity of relevant areas including sensing, networking,
human-computer interaction, artificial intelligence, software
engineering, context-awareness, the internet of things, pervasive
and ubiquitous computing, etc. The event will include regular
full/short papers, a Doctoral Colloquium, a Posters Session and
Demos Session as well as an Industrial Forum. Special Sessions
will focus on specific topics (details further down).
** COVID-19 information **
The IE 2022 committee is closely monitoring the situation with
respect to health safety and travel. We will adapt the conference
according to the latest pandemic evolution and recommendations. IE
will take the form of a hybrid event, or totally virtual depending
on the health situation in June 2022.
** Paper categories **
FULL papers should be up to 8 pages in total (see
SPECIAL SESSIONS papers should be up to 8 pages in total (see
SHORT papers should be up to 4 pages in total (see
DEMOS & VIDEOS papers should be up to 4 pages in total (see
DOCTORAL COLLOQUIUM papers should be up to 4 pages in total (see
All accepted papers of all categories will be published in the
IEEE proceedings of the conference and submitted for inclusion
into IEEE Xplore subject to meeting IEEE Xplore’s scope and
quality requirements.
** Submission **
For this edition, to increase high quality papers and independent
merit, the evaluation process is *double blind*. Hence, all papers
should be anonymous for any of the categories below. This
constraint does *not* apply to DEMOS & VIDEOS papers.
All papers should be submitted as PDF on EasyChair :
https://easychair.org/conferences/?conf=ie2022 by selecting the
appropriate category.
They should be formatted according to the IEEE Template for
Conference Proceedings,
** Special Sessions **
The following special sessions proposed by members from our
scientific community have been accepted:
- "Smart Cities" by Juan Carlos Augusto, Middlesex University,
London, UK
- "Human Mobility Analysis in Heterogeneous Urban Environments" by
Fernando Terroso Sáenz and Manuel Curado Navarro, Universidad
Católica de Murcia (UCAM), Spain
- "Ethics & Privacy Preservation in Data Analytics and Smart
Environments" by Antonio Balderas-Alberico, Juan Manuel Dodero,
Manuel Palomo Duarte, and Mercedes Rodriguez-Garcia, University of
Cadiz, Spain
- "Post-covid Intelligent Environments" by Sherif Aly (The
American University in Cairo, Egypt), Takuya Yoshihiro (Wakayama
University, Japan), Ahmed Elmogy (Prince Sattam Bin Abdelaziz
University, Saudi Arabia), and Hamada Rizk (Osaka University,
Japan & Tanta University, Egypt)
** Short Papers **
Short Papers provide an opportunity to report on early results,
position statements, and complementary resources created. Accepted
submissions will be included in the conference proceedings and
will be presented during an exclusively dedicated Posters Session
of the conference.
** Demos & Videos **
The demo and video track provides a unique opportunity to showcase
research prototypes, novel ideas or future visions of Intelligent
Environment that are difficult to convey in a paper-only format.
Demos allow conference participants to view and try out novel and
noteworthy systems and components of Intelligent Environments in
action, and discuss the systems with those who created them.
Appropriate demos include applications, technologies, and research
prototypes. Accepted demos will be showcased during the
** Doctoral Colloquium Papers **
Doctoral colloquium papers should focus on research projects (PhD
or similar) which are either (a) in a relatively early stage, but
where the investigating student has already identified the nature
and key aspects of the problem(s), and has ideas regarding how to
solve them, or (b) is at a stage where interesting results are
being produced, but the work is not yet sufficient to produce a
long paper.
** Keynote Speakers **
The conference will include keynote lectures of the following
distinguished speakers:
· Prof. Jiannong Cao, Chair Professor of Distributed and Mobile
Computing, Hong Kong Polytechnic University, Hong Kong
· Prof. Christine Julien, Annis & Jack Bowen Professor in
Engineering, Electrical and Computer Engineering, The University
of Texas at Austin, U.S.A
· Dr. Maria-Antonietta Grasso, Principal Scientist UX and
Ethnography, Naverlabs, France
** Awards **
As previous editions, several awards will be programmed to
recognize authors outstanding scientific contributions to the area
of intelligent environments. The awards are the following.
- Beatrice WORSLEY award for the best full paper
- Best Poster award
- Best Doctoral Colloquium award
- Best Demos&Video award
- Best Presentation awards for a full paper presentation
** by a female presenter
** by a male presenter
This twin presentation award has been set up to encourage equal
visibility of female and male researchers. The awards will be
allocated to the whole co-authors of the presented paper. The
attribution will be decided by a jury of people of equally
balanced gender.
** Workshops & Tutorial & Industry Forum **
The conference will feature 10 workshops and 7 tutorials on all
aspects of intelligent environments. Check the workshop and
tutorial web pages (
Furthermore, as each year, the conference will offer an Industrial
Forum which will be a networking event and an opportunity for the
business sector to showcase their innovation. Companies interested
by the industrial forum can contact the industrial forum chairs
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