Call for
Enterprise Computing 2016
and 15th
June, 2016 in Böblingen,
Herman Hollerith Center for
Services Computing
New concepts in information
systems research are required by digital companies.
These include an interdisciplinary approach to
information systems as well as to computer
science, business administration, behavioural science,
and other relevant scientific areas. New architectures
combined with integrated Internet of Things platforms,
mobility systems, collaborative business strategies, Big
Data and Cloud ecosystems strongly
impact on current and future business strategies. These
are what enable digital transformation to new business
opportunities in the first place. Close cooperation is
needed between scientific, business and societal
partners. The conference is organized under
the umbrella of GI, the German Informatics society and
extends research work from working groups like Business
Information Systems, Enterprise Architecture Management
and others.
Digital business models as well
as enterprise and software architectures are pivotal for
resolving a particular issue: how can information
systems be made to support
business objectives efficiently? Corporate demands for
flexible and agile service and information systems are
met by service-oriented architectures in the context of
Big Data and Cloud Computing. New data resources
generate new options for the digital business
of the future.
The conference objective –
Digital Enterprise Computing – addresses the essential
tasks and challenges of digital enterprises. The
conference as well as the accompanying
doctoral consortium focuses on three essential aspects
and their interdisciplinary combination:
- Strategies and business models for digital
- Enterprise architecture management in digital
- Digital Information and Service systems based on
technologies like the Internet of Things, Cloud
Computing, Enterprise Social Networks and Big Data.
The following research
approaches are addressed: Digital business and
enterprise modelling, innovation processes, change
management processes, business process management,
IT service management, Enterprise Social Networks,
digital service ecosystems, architecture metamodels,
reference models, capability maps, frameworks, semantic
support, visual and interactive systems, structured and
nonstructured data architectures, analytic,
decision-making and diagnostic models, mobility systems,
architecture tools, architecture patterns, architecture
patterns, architecture governance and management, and so
The conference topic – Digital
Enterprise Computing – is interdisciplinary and broadly
based. The conference addresses members of IS- and
IT-research groups on every
scientific level. A doctoral consortium will be offered
for doctoral students. Also very welcome are business
professionals interested in digital transformation,
digital business models and services, change management,
enterprise social networks, IT-management,
enterprise architecture management, service-oriented
architectures, and digital technologies like Cloud
Computing, Big Data, the Internet of Things, and Mobile
The GI-conference includes
invited key note speakers, workshops on specific Digital
Enterprise Computing topics based on submitted papers, a
poster session for student
research projects, as well as a PhD-workshop on current
research topics. A panel discussion will address the
actuality and perspectives of Digital Enterprise
Computing– with leading representatives of science,
business, politics and the civil service weighing
in on the issues.
Guidelines for Authors
Research papers should not
exceed 8-12 pages. Position papers should be no more
than 4 pages. The language of presentation is English
and should comply with the highest
academic standards (DFG). Acceptance is based on
multiple anonymous (double-blind) reviews. Submissions
should be forwarded via
. The GI guidelines for authors
are binding. Accepted papers will be published in the
German Informatics Society proceedings. Authors will
be asked to publish a revised version in an associated
journal. Also, in order to encourage an active dialog
between research and business, please submit a one-page
abstract of innovative industrial experiences.
Important Dates
Deadline: 1st
of Acceptance by 23th
version of Accepted Papers by 7th
and 15th
June, 2016
Bernhard – President of Böblingen District
Hertweck – Hochschule Reutlingen
Christian Decker – Hochschule