-------- Original Message --------
Subject: [computational.science] The International Conference Proceedings Series (ICPS) published by ACM: The Joint International Conference on Human-Centered Computer Environments (HC 2012), Aizu-Wakamatsu, March 8-13, 2012
Date: Wed, 21 Dec 2011 08:43:14 +0900
From: Alexander Vazhenin <vazhenin@u-aizu.ac.jp>
Organization: "ICCSA"
To: Computational Science Mailing List <computational.science@lists.iccsa.org>

Dear colleagues and scholars,
I would like to inform you that the HCCE-2012 proceedings volume will be identified 
as being part of the International Conference Proceedings Series (ICPS) published by ACM. 
ACM will put the full-text of the proceedings papers into the ACM Digital Library, 
under the heading of the "ACM International Conference Proceedings".
Consider, please, to submit a paper to the HCCE 2012 . The HCCE 2012 WEB-site

Traditionally, this conference will include special student sessions.
Alexander Vazhenin 

Dr. Alexander Vazhenin
Associate Professor
University of Aizu                   
Tsuruga, Ikki-machi, Aizu-Wakamatsu, 
Fukushima, 965-8580, Japan          
e-mail: vazhenin@u-aizu.ac.jp, 
Tel: +0242-37-2717   
Fax: +0242-37-2553
The Joint International Conference on Human-Centered Computer Environments (HC 2012)


Dear Colleagues and Scholars:

HCCE-2012, The Joint International Conference on Human-Centered Computer Environments will be held in March 8-13, 2012 with the following events:

	• The 14th International Conference on Humans and Computers (HC-2012). Main Conference Place: Hamamatsu, Japan. Some sessions will be held in Aizu-Wakamatsu. 
	• International Symposium on Spatial Media. Place: Aizu-Wakamatsu. 
	• The 3rd Aizu University ACM Chapter Conference on Elearning and Technical Communication. The selected post conference papers will be included in the HCCE 2012 Proceedings.
The conference sessions will be at the University of Aizu (Aizu-Wakamatsu) and University of Shizuoka (Hamamatsu) with satellite sessions at Duesseldorf University of Applied Sciences. Please visit the following link for more information about the HCCE 2012: 


The HCCE-2012 proceedings volume will be identified as being part of the International Conference Proceedings Series (ICPS) published by ACM that is the world's largest professional computer society. ACM will put the full-text of the proceedings papers into the ACM Digital Library, under the heading of the "ACM International Conference Proceedings". There are over 34,000 individual subscribers to the ACM Digital Library, and over 2,800 library subscriptions. This guarantees that the proceedings will be available to the widest possible audience of computing professionals. Selected papers will also be invited to be optionally extended and published in 3DForum- the Journal of Three Dimensional Images or JVRB- the Journal of Virtual Reality and Broadcasting.

HCCE welcomes submissions regarding all aspects of computer-human interaction, including but not limited to the following topics:

	• 3D Computer Graphics
	• AI-based Techniques in HC
	• Artificial Life
	• Computer-Aided Visualization
	• Cognitive Engineering
	• Computer Science in Engineering, Medicine, Health Care, Cultural Heritage, Environment, and Sports
	• Humans and Education, E-learning
	• Multi-Agent Systems and Social Simulation
	• New Trends in HC (mobile, ubiquitous & tangible computing)
	• Nonlinear Stochastic Processes: Theory and Applications
	• Public Health Informatics
	• Verbal / Nonverbal Interfaces
	• Robotics
	• Virtual Environments and Mixed Reality
	• Web-Based Human Computer Interaction

HCCE especially welcomes young researchers, and special student sessions will be organized.

Important Dates:
	• Dec. 28, 2011: deadline for uploading submission, as full paper or extended abstract,
	• Jan. 17, 2012: notification,
	• Jan. 27, 2012: deadline for uploading camera-ready manuscripts of accepted papers,
	• Mar. 8-13: conference (in Aizu-Wakamatsu & Hamamatsu, Japan and Dόsseldorf, Germany)

Note: All submissiaons for HCCE-2012 and HC-2012 should use the ACM LaTeX2e compact format, as described by

Submissions are managed via the EasyChair conference management system 

Please share this announcement with your colleagues, and consider submitting to this conference. 
Please send all questions to the following e-mail: hcce2012@gmail.com

Alexander Vazhenin

HCCE-2012 Organizing Co-Chair