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SoftwareMining-2012: The First International Workshop on Software
(Held in conjunction with KDD-2012 , Beijing, China, August 12-16,
(Submissions Due: 23:59 (PDT), May 14, 2012)
Software systems have been playing important roles in business,
scientific research, and our everyday lives. It is critical to
improve both software productivity and
quality, which are major challenges to software engineering
researchers and practitioners. In recent years, software mining has
emerged as a promising means to
address these challenges. It has been successfully applied to
discover knowledge from software artifacts (e.g., specifications,
source code, documentations, execution
logs, and bug reports) to improve software quality and development
process (e.g., to obtain the insights for the causes leading to poor
software quality, to help
software engineers locate and identify problems quickly, and to help
the managers optimize the resources for better productivity).
Software mining has attracted
much attention in both software engineering and data mining
The first International Workshop on Software Mining aims to bridge
research in the data mining community and software engineering
community by providing an
open and interactive forum for researchers who are interested in
software mining to discuss the methodologies and technical
foundations of software mining,
approaches and techniques for mining various types of
software-related data, applications of data mining to facilitate
specialized tasks in software engineering. The
participants of diverse background in either data mining or software
engineering can benefit from this workshop by sharing their
expertise, exchanging ideas and
discussing new research results.
Authors who are interested in software mining are invited to submit
their manuscripts related to all aspects of software mining
including software mining foundations,
mining specific software data, software mining in specialized tasks,
The best submission, according to the evaluations from the PC
members, would be granted the "SoftwareMining-2012: Best Paper
The first International Workshop on Software Mining
(SoftwareMining-2012) calls for research papers reporting original
investigation results, real-world applications
and system development experience in all aspects of software mining.
The topics of the SoftwareMining-2012 submissions may roughly fall
into three major aspects,
including 1) Methodological and technical foundations of software
mining, 2) Approaches and techniques for mining various types of
software-related data, and 3)
Applications of data mining to facilitate specialized tasks in
software engineering. Topics of interest include but are not limited
A. Software mining foundations
A1. Novel data mining methodologies / algorithms for
software analytics
A2. Software mining models and techniques
A3. Robust and Highly Scalable Algorithms for Mining Large
Scale Software System
A4. Understanding and visualizing software mining results
A5. Privacy preserving software mining
B. Mining specific software data
B1. Mining software specifications
B2. Mining source code
B3. Mining execution traces and logs
B4. Mining change patterns and trends
B5. Mining bug and crash reports
B6. Mining natural language artifacts in software data
C. Software mining in specialized tasks
C1. Mining for software defect identification and
C2. Mining for software testing and debugging
C3. Mining for cost/effort estimation
C4. Mining for software development and reuse
C5. Mining for resource allocation
C6. Mining for process control
Paper Submission and Publication
Each submission should be no more than 8 pages total in length,
consisting of title, authors' names, postal and email addresses, an
up to 200-words abstract, up to 5
keywords, and a body with all contents, figures, tables, and
references. The format should be keep the same as the KDD main track
format, which is the standard
double-column ACM Proceedings Style. Additional information about
formatting and style files is available online at:
All manuscripts must be submitted electronically in a single PDF
file using the conference management
tool. Please make sure that any special fonts used are included in
the submitted documents. Detailed instructions will be available
soon on the SoftwareMining-2012
website (http://lamda.nju.edu.cn/conf/softmine12/).
For accepted papers, authors are required to prepare their final
submissions for the workshop proceedings according to the reviewers'
suggestions. All the accepted
papers will be included in the ACM Digital Library (and EI-indexed
as well).
Important Dates
* Paper Submission Deadline: 23:59 (PDT), May 14, 2012
* Author Notification: 23:59 (PDT), June 1,
* Camera Ready Deadline: 23:59 (PDT), June 8, 2012
Organizing Committees
* Ming Li, Nanjing University, China
* Hongyu Zhang, Tsinghua University, China
* David Lo, Singapore Management University, Singapore
Program Committee:
* Mithun Acharya, ABB Research, USA
* David M. Andrzejewski, Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory,
* Hong Cheng, The Chinese University of Hong Kong, China
* Qiang Fu, Microsoft Research Asia, China
* Lingxiao Jiang, Singapore Management University, Singapore
* Sunghun Kim, Hong Kong University of Science and Technology,
* Jian-Guang Lou, Microsoft Research Asia, China
* Leonardo Mariani, University of Milan Bicocca, Italy
* Tim Menzies, West Virginia University, USA
* Tien N. Nguyen, Iowa State University, USA
* Lin Tan, University of Waterloo, Canada
* Suresh Thummalapenta, IBM Research India, India
* Min-Ling Zhang, Southeast University, China
* Xiangyu Zhang, Purdue University, USA
* Zhengyu Zhang, Institute of Software of CAS, China
* Yuming Zhou, Nanjing University, China
* Thomas Zimmermann, Microsoft Research, USA
(We are waiting for more confirmations. Please check the update
on our website.)
For further information, please visit the symposium website at http://lamda.nju.edu.cn/conf/softmine12/.
Any questions, comments and suggestions should be
directed to softmine2012@gmail.com.