Subject: Pre-announcement of RSEEM 2002
X-Mailer: Lotus Notes Release 5.0.8  June 18, 2001
Date: Tue, 12 Mar 2002 17:43:12 +0100
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This is a pre-announcement of RSEEM 2002. You will soon receive a separate
Call for Papers.


Dear member of the E-Commerce research community,

We would like to cordially invite you to this year's Research Symposium on
Emerging Electronic Markets (RSEEM 2002). This year, our symposium will
take place in Basel, Switzerland. We would like to ask you to reserve the
following dates in your agenda:

    9th Research Symposium on Emerging Electronic Markets (RSEEM 2002)
                 September 22 and 23 in Basel, Switzerland

                    with the possibility to also visit
                      Orbit/Comdex Europe (OCE 2002)
                 September 24 to 27 in Basel, Switzerland

This year, RSEEM will be linked with the Orbit/Comdex Europe (OCE) - one of
the largest B2B IT shows in Europe which will start on Tuesday September
24. We plan to provide you with an invitation to an OCE special event

This year's focus topic will be E-Procurement: Matching vendor and buyer
needs and the future of e-markets and e-societies.

We expect some participants to be arriving on Saturday, September 21
(remember flights are cheaper if Sunday is a non-travel day). There will be
an interesting "social program" for the early guests.

The strength of RSEEM has traditionally been the restricted number of
researchers who are highly specialized in the field of electronic markets.
In order to stimulate a lively discussion the number of participants will
be limited to approx. 30 people.

Program preview
| optional    | Saturday Sept | Social event                         |
|             | 21 afternoon  |                                      |
| RSEEM       | Sunday Sept 22| Symposium: paper presentations and   |
|             |               | discussion                           |
| RSEEM       | Monday Sept 23| Symposium: paper presentations and   |
|             |               | discussion                           |
| optional OCE| Tuesday Sept  | Surprise event and visit of the IT   |
|             | 24            | show                                 |

You can find further information on the Web site of RSEEM 2002:

Hope to see you in Basel soon.

Petra Schubert and Uwe Leimstoll
(organizers of RSEEM 2002)


University of Applied Sciences Basel (FHBB)
Institute for Business Economics (IAB)
Competence Center E-Business
Peter Merian-Str. 86
P.O. Box, 4002 Basel
Phone +41 61 279 1790
Fax +41 61 279 1798