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Dear Colleagues,
The 26th International Conference on Informatics Education and Research organized by the AIS Special Interest group on Education (http://www.sig-ed.org) will be held in Shanghai, China from 2 to 4 December 2011, just prior to the International Conference on Information Systems. Dedicated to promoting excellence in information systems and technologies education, practice and research, this conference invites research papers, panels and tutorials from interdisciplinary researchers and educators in information systems and technologies. Submissions are now open and the last date to submit is 1 August 2011.
Whether you are in business school or information technology school or engineering, whether your research covers curriculum, teaching, pedagogy and/or technologies, whether it is on theory, practice, innovation or knowledge, you are invited to submit a paper to the conference. In addition, you are also welcome to submit papers on ethical, social and administrative issues related to IS/IT education.
All papers will be double-blind reviewed and accepted papers will be published in the conference proceedings CD-ROM. Selected papers from the conference proceedings will be fast-tracked for possible publication in the SIGED’s online journal, the Journal of Informatics Education Research (JIER) and/or the Journal of Information Systems Education (JISE). For further information on the conference, please visit our web site http://www.sig-ed.org and contact any of the board members/officers.
On behalf of the Conference committee and SIG ED: IAIM
Andrew Urbaczewski, University of Michigan- Dearborn, Conference chair, aurbacze@umd.umich.edu
Jan Seruga, Australian Catholic University, Research Chair, Jan.Seruga@acu.edu.au
Craig Tyran, Western Washington University, Program Chair, Craig.Tyran@wwu.edu
Carina de Villiers, University of Pretoria, Proceedings Chair, Carina.Devilliers@up.ac.za
Ravi Seethamraju, University of Sydney, President SIGED: IAIM, g.dick@unsw.edu.au
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