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Subject: [AISWorld] CFP: Special Issue on Open and Linked Data - TGPPP
Date: Wed, 24 Oct 2012 10:30:35 +0000
From: Yannis Charalabidis <yannisx@epu.ntua.gr>
To: aisworld@lists.aisnet.org <aisworld@lists.aisnet.org>

Call for Papers: Special Issue on Open and Linked Data for Science and Society
Transforming Government: People, Process & Policy (TGPPP) - Emerald Publications

Transforming Government: People, Process & Policy (TG:PPP) ? Transforming Government  publishes 
leading  scholarly  and  practitioner  research  on  the  subject  of  transforming Government  through its  
people, processes  and  policy.  Unique  and  progressive  in  its  approach,  the  journal  seeks  to 
recognise both the multidisciplinary and interdisciplinary perspectives of e‐Government, and welcomes  
both pure and applied research that impacts central and local Government. International perspectives ar
e also welcome. The journal is  also  interested in  exploring  how  research  carried  out in  the  private 
sector  can  be  applied  to  the  public sector as a means of improving efficiency and effectiveness.  
The journal is in its sixth year of publication. 

Special Issue Scope 
Open government data provide an unprecedented opportunity for societies to move towards 
transparency, evidence-based decisions, enhanced cohesion, public engagement and trust. Public 
Sector Information (PSI) may be offered as ”open and linked data” in many forms and through different 
media: from simple datasets describing traffic or unemployment, to web services linking and mashing 
information from different sources, to interactive visualization of complex phenomena, to citizen-based 
data gathering and transmission. In this way, data  can be made available to scientists, citizens and 
enterprises, who in turn can use this for developing and offering value-adding services, thus forming a 
network or ecosystem around publicly available open data. All these developments require a solid base 
of empirical investigations, forward-looking positions, conceptual frameworks, methods, tools and 
services to be made available towards scientific, entrepreneurial and citizen communities. 

This Special Issue of TGPPP Journal solicits original high quality papers presenting theoretical 
frameworks or technical approaches to open and linked data that depict sound positions and views for 
advancing the provision, usage and final utilization of open data by scientists of all scientific domains, 
citizens and businesses. Topics of interest in this area include, but are not limited to: 
?  Justification of requirements for public sector information, orienting from any scientific domain 
?  Examples and best practices of open data utilization for policy-making and scientific purposes 
?  Visionary ideas on open data utilization within society 
?  Metadata schemas for open and linked data management 
?  Methods and tools for open data acquisition, curation, management and publication 
?  Methods and tools for integrating and combining open data from distributed heterogeneous sources 
?  Methods and tools for combining linked open data with in-house or open structured information        
systems in the ‘deep web’ 
?  Information systems and services for open data gathering and provision 
?  New approaches for public sector information visualization 
?  Collaborative governance approaches involving the use of open data 
?  Open data and citizen participation in information gathering / crowdsourcing
?  New governance and business models for open data “ecosystems” 
?  Legal provisions and open issues at national and European level, regarding re-use of governmental 
?  International cooperation in the field of open and linked data 

Excellent contributors should provide multi-disciplinary approaches, possibly combining information 
science with social sciences, management, finance, engineering or law, to allow uptake of open data by 
diverse scientific domains, for modeling or solving complex societal problems. 

Submissions must constitute original work and will be submitted to a double blind reviewing process.  
Detailed instructions/author guidelines for the preparation of manuscripts are provided at:  
Submissions of full manuscripts should be made via the ScholarOne system available at: 

Important Dates  
- Submission deadline (full papers): March 15, 2013 
- Camera-ready deadline (for accepted papers): September 2013 

Guest Editors 

Ass. Prof. Yannis Charalabidis 
University of the Aegean 
Email: yannisx@aegean.gr   

Assoc. Prof. Marijn Janssen 
Delft University of Technology 
The Netherlands 
Email: m.f.w.h.a.janssen@tudelft.nl   
Dr. Keith Jeffery 
Science and Technology Facilities Council 
United Kingdom 
Email: keith.jeffery@stfc.ac.uk  

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