-------- Original-Nachricht --------
Betreff: [AISWorld] CFP: Online IS Education for the 21st Century
Datum: Sun, 14 Jul 2013 20:52:12 +0000
Von: He, Wu <WHe@odu.edu>
An: aisworld@lists.aisnet.org <aisworld@lists.aisnet.org>

Call for Papers: Journal of Information Systems Education
seeks original manuscripts for a Special Issue on "Online IS Education for the 21st Century"


CFP Website: http://jise.org/CFP-OnlineEducation.html


Guest Editors:
 Dr. Wu He                      whe@odu.edu                  
Old Dominion University
 Dr. Guandong Xu            Guandong.Xu@uts.edu.au
University of Technology Sydney, Australia


Online teaching and learning have become increasingly common in higher education institutes (HEIs).
Many HEIs realize the growing importance of online learning in IS education and are offering
online IS programs or courses to students. However, designing, developing and teaching an online
IS course effectively is often a challenge. Many IS instructors are new to online teaching and need
orientation and training for their own readiness in designing, developing and teaching IS courses
in the online environment. It is recognized that effective faculty are key to student success in
online courses and to the success of online programs (Jones & Meyer, 2012). Therefore, it is
imperative that administrators and instructors in schools of information systems learn more
of the best practices and issues of designing, developing, teaching, and assessing online IS programs and courses.

We are looking for academic ideas and practices that can vastly improve the online IS education.
In order to improve the quality of online IS programs/courses and provide a forum for
timely knowledge sharing and in-depth presentation of recent advances in online IS
program/course design, development, teaching, learning and evaluation, we invite submissions
of high-quality, innovative and insightful articles.
For this special issue of JISE on Online IS Education for the 21st Century, we invite submissions of high-quality,

innovative and insightful articles. Suggested topics include:
•Faculty development for teaching online IS courses
•Strategies, methods and techniques of designing and developing online IS program and courses
•Business model and issues for running online IS programs (cost estimation, faculty compensation, student recruitment and retention, marketing, student support infrastructure, etc.)
•Quality issues with teaching and learning in online IS courses
•Case studies related to online course design, development, teaching and evaluation
•Comparing online IS courses and traditional face-to-face IS courses
•Technology Strategies for teaching online IS courses
•Role of Information Technology in teaching online IS courses
•Instructional resources and technology (e.g., Social Media, Web 2.0) for teaching online IS courses
•Ongoing support for online IS program and courses
•Value of online IS courses
•Attrition in Online IS programs
•Collaborative learning and interaction in online IS courses
•Faculty motivation and perception of teaching online IS courses

 Initial submissions due:                    September 30, 2013
 Notification to authors:                     November 30, 2013
 Revised papers due:                          January 31, 2014
 Publication of the issue:                    March 31, 2014
Submission Guidelines:
 Papers for this special issue are due September 30, 2013. Prospective authors are encouraged to submit
an abstract, as early as feasible, to the Guest Editors for preliminary review on the appropriateness
of their expected manuscript. Please forward your submission in Microsoft Word format
by e-mail to Dr. Wu He at whe@odu.edu, with a copy to Dr. Guandong Xu at Guandong.Xu@uts.edu.au.
You need to ensure that all identification information is removed from your manuscript
and its meta-data prior to submission, as submissions will be doubled-blind reviewed.
Submissions should not exceed 7000 words including figures and tables and references.
Submissions will be subject to editing for clarity, organization, space and style of JISE.
Shorter teaching cases or teaching tips will be also welcome by the Guest Editors
(for more information - http://jise.org/Initial.html). In the event that submissions are
accepted to the special issue but might not be accommodated within the special issue,
these submissions will be published in future regular issues of JISE.
For more information concerning JISE submission guidelines, please refer to http://jise.org/Submit.htm

Wu He, Ph.D.
Assistant Professor of Information Technology
Department of Information Technology & Decision Sciences
College of Business and Public Administration
Constant Hall 2022
Old Dominion University
Norfolk, VA 23529