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XP2021 - 22nd International Conference on Agile Software
Development – Agile Turns Twenty While the World Goes Online
June 14-18 2021 ONLINE
XP is the premier Agile software development conference combining
research and practice. It is a unique forum where Agile
researchers, practitioners, thought leaders, coaches, and trainers
get together to present and discuss their most recent innovations,
research results, experiences, concerns, challenges, and trends.
Whether you are new to Agile or a seasoned Agile practitioner, XP
2021 will provide an informal environment to learn and trigger
2021 marks 20 years since the publication of the Agile Manifesto,
making it a good time to reflect on the past, the present and the
future of Agile. The strength of XP is the way it enables
conversations and the exchange of ideas between academics and
industry practitioners. After the challenges of 2020 and during
these times of great change it is as important as ever for us to
come together and share what we have learnt over the last year.
The conference will run online for a second year which gives us
the opportunity to reach out to a global and diverse audience, and
we particularly welcome proposals from new contributors and new
perspectives. So, we encourage contributions from regular
attendees and newcomers, and look forward to meeting old and new
friends in June 2021.
XP 2021 will consist of a 5-day program with sessions that feature
research papers, experience reports, keynotes, panels, workshops,
lightning talks, posters and industry events
Submissions solicited below will be reviewed by the program
committee based on relevance, significance, rigor, novelty,
replicability, and quality. In some cases, submissions that have
been accepted will be subject to shepherding by a designated
committee member.
The XP 2021 conference proceedings will be published by Springer
in the Lecture Notes in Business Information Processing (LNBIP)
series, and will be open access. Full and short research papers
will be published in the main proceedings before the conference.
The post-conference proceedings volume will include the workshop
papers and selected poster submissions.
Full details of all the calls are available on the Conference
Research Papers. We invite submissions of unpublished high-quality
research papers, full and short, related to Agile and Lean
software development. DEADLINE: Abstract February 26, Paper March
5, 2021
Research Workshops. We invite proposals for full or half-day
scientific workshop on Agile related topics, and welcome existing
and new workshop topics. DEADLINE for Workshop Proposals: January
29, 2021
Experience Reports. This is an opportunity to share practical
experience through a paper and an accompanying talk. We invite
proposals from industry practitioners that describe your original,
unpublished experience related to agile and lean software
development and what you intend to focus on in your written
report. DEADLINE for proposals February 28, 2021, Final version
May 14, 2021
Lightning Talks. We invite proposals for 5 minute lightning talks
that describe novel and/or relevant experiences, opinions, or
ideas on Agile topics. DEADLINE for proposals: March 31, 2021
Posters. We invite Poster submissions addressing new research
ideas, early-stage research, PhD research, late breaking
developments, or industrial experiences. Selected poster abstracts
will be published. DEADLINE for extended abstract submission:
April 23, 2021
General Chair -
- Peggy Gregory, University of Central Lancashire & Agile
Research Network, UK
Academic Program Chairs -
- Casper Lassenius, Aalto University, Finland
- Xiaofeng Wang, Free University of Bozen-Bolzano, Italy
Research Workshops Chairs -
- Ademar Aguiar, University of Porto, Portugal
- Eduardo Guerra, Free University of Bozen-Bolzano, Italy
Experience Chairs -
- Rebecca Wirfs-Brock, Wirfs-Brock Associates
- Lise Hvatum, Schlumberger Ltd
Lightning Talks Chairs -
- Maarit Laanti, Nitor Delta
- Martin Kropp, University of Applied Sciences and Arts
Northwestern Switzerland
Posters Chairs -
- Noel Carroll, Lero, National University of Ireland, Galway,
- Kashumi Madampe, Monash University, Australia
PROGRAM COMMITTEE (Research Paper Track):
Noura Abbas, CTUO
Ademar Aguiar, University of Porto
Craig Anslow, Victoria University of Wellington
Joseph Barjis, San Jose State University
Hubert Baumeister, Technical University of Denmark
Marthe Berntzen, University of Oslo
Jan Bosch, Chalmers University of Technology
Frank Buschmann, Siemens AG
Fabio Calefato, University of Bari
Noel Carroll, National University of Ireland Galway
Daniela S. Cruzes, NTNU
Torgeir Dingsøyr, Norwegian University of Science and Technology
Yael Dubinsky, StepAhead
Jutta Eckstein, IT communication
Steven Fraser, Innoxec
Ilenia Fronza, University of Bozen-Bolzano
Juan Garbajosa, Universidad Politécnica de Madrid
Alfredo Goldman, University of São Paulo
Eduardo Guerra, Free University of Bolzen-Bolzano
Orit Hazzan, Israel Institute of Technology
Helena Holmström Olsson, University of Malmo
Fabio Kon, University of São Paulo
Philippe Kruchten, The University of British Columbia
Ville Leppänen, University of Turku
Lech Madeyski, Wroclaw University of Science and Technology
Sabrina Marczak, PUCRS
Frank Maurer, University of Calgary
Tommi Mikkonen, University of Helsinki
Alok Mishra, Molde University College – Specialized University in
Nils Brede Moe, SINTEF
Parastoo Mohagheghi, NAV
Juergen Muench, Reutlingen University
Maria Paasivaara, IT University of Copenhagen & Aalto
Ken Power, Independent Consultant
Rafael Prikladnicki, PUCRS
Bala Ramesh, Georgia State University
Pilar Rodríguez, Universidad Politécnica de Madrid
Darja Smite, Blekinge Institute of Technology
Simone V. Spiegler, University of Stuttgart
Viktoria Stray, University of Oslo
Stefan Wagner, University of Stuttgart
Hironori Washizaki, Waseda University
Eileen Wrubel, Carnegie Mellon University
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