-------- Original-Nachricht -------- Betreff: [isworld] 6th Int'l Conf on IS for Crisis Response and Management, Sweden, May 2009: Submission Site Open Datum: Mon, 8 Dec 2008 18:38:02 -0500 Von: Bartel Van de Walle bartel@uvt.nl Antwort an: Bartel Van de Walle bartel@uvt.nl An: AISWORLD Information Systems World Network isworld@lyris.isworld.org
-------------------------------------------------------------------------- ISCRAM2009:
6th International Conference on Information Systems for Crisis Response and Management May 10-13 2009 Göteborg, Sweden
Paper submission deadline: Sunday January 11, 2009
http://www.iscram.org Join the ISCRAM Facebook group! --------------------------------------------------------------------------
Dear colleagues,
We would like to inform you that the submission system for ISCRAM2009 contributions is now open. Please consider submitting your work - we invite both practitioner presentations and academic research papers.
Papers for ISCRAM2009 cover all aspects of information systems for crisis response and management, broadly defined but still related to the 10 general tracks, and may take the form of completed research papers, research-in-progress papers as well as practitioner presentations.
* Humanitarian Actions and Operations * Collaboration and Social Networking * Human-Computer Interaction * Geo-Information Support * Intelligent Systems * Standardization and Ontologies * Research methods * Technologies, Tools and Demos * Open-track
In addition to the above general tracks, there are also 18 special sessions covering specific aspects of this domain. Please have a look at at the ISCRAM Community website (http://www.iscram.org) for detailed information of the tracks and special sessions CFPs.
During the ISCRAM 2009 conference there will be numerous special events such as the PhD-colloquium, Workshops, Hands-on Demo Sessions, Poster Sessions and a practitioners side-event. Additional information about these events will be made available at www.iscram.org
We are all looking forward to seeing you at ISCRAM 2009 in Gothenburg Sweden.
Best regards,
Jonas Landgren and Bartel Van de Walle Conference Co-Chairs ISCRAM2009
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