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Focus section on
"Innovation in Human Computer Interaction: What can we learn
from Design Thinking?"
to be published at the
Interaction Design and Architecture(s) Journal (IxD&A)
(ISSN 1826-9745, eISSN 2283-2998)
Guest Editors:
• Alma Leora Culén, Department of Informatics, University of Oslo
• Asbjørn Følstad, SINTEF
Important dates:
• Deadline:
December 15, 2015
• Notification to the authors: January 15, 2016
• Camera ready paper: February 10, 2016
• Publication of the special issue: end of February, 2016
In this focus section we explore the position that innovation has
in the field of Human Computer Interaction (HCI). Innovation in
HCI may be seen as mainly incremental, introducing small changes
in existing systems and services. Design thinking, to the
contrary, has been recognized as an important driver of innovation
in business, education, health, and other important domains. As
both HCI and design thinking are seen as representing user-centred
perspectives, we are interested in lessons that could be learned
from design thinking and whether they could help move the
innovation in HCI to a more central position, and beyond just
small changes.
Many similarities, and differences, can be found between design
thinking and HCI design approach to innovation. Key to design
thinking is the capacity to generate and explore design
alternatives through user research, ideation, rapid iteration on
multiple alternatives, combining parts from different design
proposals, and evaluating with users. This problem-solving
procedure may be applied to the design of anything from designing
organizational changes, to designing products, services or
systems. HCI design processes, on the other hand, typically
involve analytical, requirements-driven approaches. HCI design
processes may also be more limited in scope, e.g. as they rarely
aim at bringing about organizational changes. HCI design processes
have been described as ‘finding the right solution to the given
problem’, as opposed to the design thinking that seeks to solve
the right problem, by questioning the framing of the problem and
opening the design space. We acknowledge that within HCI, and in
particular within participatory design, there is a long tradition
of work with issues along practical-political and
theoretical-conceptual lines that correspond to those of design
thinking. Thus, in conclusion, this special issue aims to explore
these differences and similarities in relation to innovation.
Topics of Interests
We welcome all papers discussing innovation in HCI, from diverse
points of view and from diverse research areas. The papers can
explore, but are not limited to, any of the following topics:
• HCI, design thinking and innovation towards sustainable future
• HCI and social innovation
• Design thinking, HCI and service innovation
• Design thinking, HCI and values
• HCI innovations transfer to products in use
• Design thinking in HCI education (or vice versa)
• The role of multidisciplinary teams in innovation
• Participatory design, design thinking and re-infrastructuring
• Innovation and decision-making processes
• Living labs and design thinking
KEYWORDS: Innovation; design thinking; radical
innovation; incremental innovation; design driven innovation.
Submission procedure
The manuscripts should be submitted either in .doc or in
.rtf format.
All papers will be blindly peer-reviewed by at least two
Authors are invited to submit 8-14 pages paper (including authors'
information, abstract, all tables, figures, references, etc.).
The paper should be written according to the IxD&A
authors' guidelines
Authors' guidelines
Link to the paper submission page:
http://www.mifav.uniroma2.it/idea2010/login.php (when submitting
paper please choose Domain Subjects under: "IxD&A
focus section on:
‘Innovation in Human Computer Interaction: What can we learn from
Design Thinking?')
More information on the submission procedure and on
the characteristics
of the paper format can be found on the website of the
IxD&A Journal
where information on the copyright policy and responsibility
of authors,
publication ethics and malpractice are published.
For scientific advices and for any query please contact
the guest-editors:
• Alma Leora Culén: almira [at] ifi [dot] uio [dot] no
• Asbjørn Følstad: Asbjorn [dot] Folstad [at] sintef [dot] no
marking the subject as: "IxD&A section on 'Innovation in Human
Computer Interaction: What can we learn from Design Thinking?' "
*** 2014: IxD&A in figures ***
acceptance rate: less than 30%;
4 issues and 28 papers published, written by 90
authors from 16 countries (5 continents); 102
reviewers involved.
IxD&A is visited by scholars from all over the world coming
from more than 90 countries
View stats:
*** Soon also in Scopus ***
*** Soon also in Emerging
Sources Citation Index and Web of Science
forthcoming issues:
• Spring 2016
'Mobile learning and Special Education'
Guest Editors: Peña L. Bedesem, Enrico Gandolfi, Richard
E. Ferdig, C. C. Lu
with a focus section on:
'Emotions and Personality in Personalized Systems'
Guest Editors: Nadja DeCarolis, Marco de Gemmis, Andrej
Košir e Marko Tkalcic
• Summer 2016
'The Social Innovation capacity of Open Education and Learning'
Guest Editors: Carlo Giovannella
& Demetrios Sampson
with a focus section on:
"Experiences of Technology Appropriation: Unanticipated
Users, Usage, Circumstances, and Design"
Guest Editors: Alina Krischkowsky,
Nervo Verdezoto, Manfred Tscheligi,
Michael Muller
• Autumn 2016
'On Making'
Guest Editors: Joep Frens & Patrizia Marti
with a focus section on:
'Player and Learner eXperience'
Guest Editors: Monica Divitini, Gabriella Dodero,
Rosella Gennari
• Winter 2016
'Smart Learning Ecosystems and Regional
Guest Editors: Alke Martens,
Radu Vasiu, Annika Wolff