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What factors play into an organization's ability to deliver
projects, programs, and business strategies successfully?
Share your insight in Cutter Business Technology Journal
Abstract Deadline: June 16, 2021
Technology projects of all shapes and sizes fail at a dizzying
rate – up to 75% for ERP projects and 95% for product innovation
projects. Why can't we learn from these mistakes? Are the causes
that mysterious? Or can we learn from our failures and develop
some best practices to at least reduce the probability of failure?
Before managers and executives launch new technology projects they
should anticipate why their projects might fail and craft
solutions before they spend millions or even tens of millions of
dollars to improve their technology infra-structures, transform
their business processes or implement new enterprise software
An upcoming issue of Cutter Business Technology Journal, with
Guest Editor and Cutter Fellow Steve Andriole
, will address the recurring problem of project failure and what
factors play a major role in an organization's ability to deliver
projects, programs, and business strategies successfully.
Article ideas may include, but are not limited, to the following:
What role do talent assessments, team dynamics, executive support,
and corporate culture play in successful project delivery?
How does inexperience with major technology projects and weak
corporate technology leadership play a role in project failure?
What type of leadership is needed?
What type of executive support including that from stakeholders
and sponsors is necessary?
How does an inadequate internal or extended talent pool for
technology projects add to project failure? How can it be
addressed? How can we attract and retain digital talent?
How can a team of both digital and non-digital employees improve
How can a weak or non-existent technology culture feed into
project failure? How can barriers to cultural change be overcome?
How can companies best attract, retain and develop talent -
benefits/compensation/advancement/work location?
What type of decision-making culture is necessary to succeed?
How can we ensure the right teams are recruited? What skills are
How does training play into project success? What investments in
learning & development are most crucial for executives to
Please send article ideas (short paragraph outlining discussion
points) by June 16 to Steve Andriole and Christine Generali .
Access the full Call for Papers here
Accepted articles due July 20 . Final article length is typically
2,000-3,500 words plus graphics. More editorial guidelines
Learn more or submit a proposal!
Cutter Business Technology Journal
is published monthly as a forum for thought leaders, academics,
business practitioners, and industry experts to present innovative
ideas, current research, and solutions to the critical issues
facing business technology professionals competing in today's
digital economy.
If you have any questions, please contact Christine Generali ,
Cutter Business Technology Journal
Group Publisher.
We look forward to the opportunity of working with you!
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, an Arthur D. Little company, is a global business technology
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