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Subject: [AISWorld] JAIS Special Issue on “Digital Sustainability and Information Systems Research" - Call for Papers
Date: Tue, 5 Sep 2023 02:08:06 +0000
From: Julia Kotlarsky <jkot131@uoa.auckland.ac.nz>
To: aisworld@lists.aisnet.org <aisworld@lists.aisnet.org>
CC: Juliana Sutanto <juliana.sutanto@monash.edu>, Jacqueline Corbett <Jacqueline.Corbett@fsa.ulaval.ca>

We are excited to announce JAIS Special Issue “Digital Sustainability and Information Systems Research: New Challenges and Theoretical Perspectives”

See details on JAIS web-site https://aisel.aisnet.org/jais/SI-DigitalSustainabilityFINAL.pdf
Special Issue Guest Editors

Julia Kotlarsky – University of Auckland, New Zealand
Jacqueline Corbett - Université Laval, Canada
Juliana Sutanto – Monash University, Australia
Thomas Kude – University of Bamberg, Germany
Yenni Tim – University of New South Wales, Australia

Deadline for paper submissions is 2 October 2024. Ahead of this deadline, in February 2024, we will be holding an online information session and will invite potential authors to send us specific questions to address during this session.

JAIS Special Issue Call for Papers

Digital Sustainability and Information Systems Research: New challenges and theoretical perspectives


Sustainability is a moral and existential imperative of our time. As Information Systems (IS) scholars, we are aware of the immense impact of digital technologies on efforts and initiatives towards sustainable practice happening locally and globally. Furthermore, because digital phenomena lie at the heart of our discipline, IS researchers are well positioned to join these efforts. This Special Issue aims to champion new digital sustainability research programs targeting the planet’s most pressing sustainability challenges from the past decade. We hope it will contribute towards building novel collective knowledge and help shape digital sustainability research in IS.

Motivation for this Special Issue

Human society is approaching the edge of a dangerous precipice. The Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change’s (IPCC) Sixth Assessment Report unequivocally confirms that human activities have caused global warming, predicting that even with current commitments and mitigation efforts, it will be difficult to limit warming below the critical threshold of 2oC (IPCC, 2023). The planet’s air, land, and water continue to be threatened on several fronts, with research suggesting that the safe operating zone for six of the nine planetary boundaries has already been breached (Stockholm Resilience Centre, n.d.). Over the past decade, extreme weather events such as droughts, floods, fires and heatwaves have not only increased in frequency but also in magnitude. In addition to causing environmental impacts, these events have a significant impact on society, further complicating the pursuit of social and economic sustainability.

In 2020, about 724 million people were living in conditions of extreme poverty, with almost 30% of the world’s population suffering from some level of food insecurity (United Nations, 2023). Equality for women and other marginalized groups continues to lag. The World Bank (2022) reports that 2.4 billion women globally do not have the same economic rights as men, and despite the adoption of the United Nations Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples in 2007 (United Nations, 2007), Indigenous Peoples around the world continue to suffer the intergenerational trauma of colonization. The trend towards urbanization endures, with cities struggling to ensure inclusive, resilient, and sustainable living environments for all residents (United Nations 2023). On top of all these challenges, violent conflicts have led to the forced migration of millions of people and the deaths of thousands of civilians (United Nations 2023). These alarming circumstances highlight the lack of progress towards the United Nation’s Sustainable Development Goals. As stated in the 2023 Progress Report ,the promise of leaving no one behind is in peril: of 140 measured targets, only 12% are on track for 2030, and about half are moderately or severely off track.

In response to the urgent need to address sustainability challenges, organizations, governments and industries worldwide have started to make efforts in recent years to harness the potential of digital technologies. Examples of such efforts range from specific solutions, such as the Internet of Things (IoT) sensors widely used by many organizations to pursue sustainability objectives, to the birth of new data-driven companies that are applying advanced analytics and artificial intelligence (AI) to offer sustainability-related data services.

This harnessing of digital technologies to address sustainability challenges has impacted the way practitioners view this emerging trend, which they increasingly refer to as digital sustainability. For example, Gartner describes digital sustainability as harnessing the “tools of digital transformation, such as enhanced connectivity and the Internet of Things (IoT), to improve the environment and support sustainable business operations”. On a global scale, the United Nations has initiated conversations on the relationship between digital sustainability and environmental concerns. For example, the focus of the United Nations Environment Program (UNEP) is “accelerating and scaling environmental sustainability by applying data, digital technologies, and solutions to UNEP’s key activities, products, and services and ultimately delivers on its key action areas—climate, nature, and pollution”(UN Environment Programme, n.d.). In the domain of social sustainability, the United Nations chosen theme of “DigitALL: Innovation and Technology for Gender Equality” for International Women’s Day 2023 emphasizes the potential of digital technologies for empowering women and girls.

However, IS research has been lagging behind the digital sustainability discourse happening in practice. As argued in a recent JAIS editorial on digital sustainability (Kotlarsky et al., 2023), the IS research community has a strong foundation to draw upon (Watson et al., 2020), ranging from research into Green IS (e.g., Leidner et al. 2022; Watson et al. 2021; Corbett & Mellouli, 2017) to studies addressing significant societal challenges (e.g., Tong et al. 2022; Young et. al. 2019; Young 2018; Tim et al. 2017, Puri 2007). As Urquhart and her colleagues (2008) note, the poor cannot eat technology, but the mindful design and use of technology can contribute to innovative solutions and positive impacts. In particular, we consider that the recent shift in the way IS research approaches digital phenomena offers new perspectives on the relationship between digital technologies and sustainability.

Building on Baskerville et al.’s (2020) contention that the classical view of an information system as representing and reflecting physical reality has become obsolete, we agree that an ontological reversal has taken place at the junction between technology and sustainability whereby the digital version of business solutions is created first (e.g., algorithms and data analytics solutions) and the physical version second (e.g., material waste) (Kotlarsky et al. 2023). As a result, the assumption that IS only represents the physical assets within sustainability phenomena is being challenged. This provides an opportunity for the IS community to drive a more inclusive agenda on digital sustainability, one that encompasses phenomena in which the impact of digital technologies and macro-level environmental, social, and economic objectives converge. Accordingly, this Special Issue seeks contributions that delve into digital sustainability and encompass “the development, deployment, and utilization of digital resources and artifacts toward improving the environment, society, and economic welfare” (Kotlarsky et al. 2023, p. 938).

What we are interested in

We invite original and thought-provoking studies that advance and shape our understanding of digital sustainability as an emerging research area. We are interested in studies that contribute to our understanding of environmental and/or social sustainability, and studies that elucidate new forms of digital sustainability. We therefore welcome studies that engage with digital sustainability by building on theoretical foundations from the extant IS literature, as well as studies that bring insights from other disciplines into the IS research domain. Furthermore, we seek studies that consider digital sustainability at all levels and perspectives, in the context of developing and developed nations. We specifically welcome submissions that integrate more than one dimension of digital sustainability—the environment, society, and/or economic welfare. Overall, we aim to present a collection of papers that provides a balanced, integrated, and cumulative perspective on digital sustainability.

Potential topics of interest include, but are not limited to:

Design and development considerations

* Research that investigates the processes, principles, resources or capabilities required for the design and development of digital sustainability artefacts
* Intervention-based research that engages directly in enhancing sustainability practices within organizations or communities through effective leveraging of digital technologies
* Studies that examine how the different inter- and intra-organizational actors involved in digital sustainability projects engage and interact as they develop, deploy, and govern digital solutions for macro-level sustainability agenda
* Explorations of the relationship(s) between digital objects and the physical reality they shape/create in the context of social and environmental sustainability

Use considerations

* Research that examines how digital technologies support key organizational activities (e.g., decision-making, resource management, and innovation processes) in the management of macro-level sustainability challenges, such as climate change
* Theoretical and/or empirical investigations of the interplay between sustainability initiatives and other digital agendas, such as digital transformation
* Studies of ‘computed human experiences’ with respect to sustainability, for example, how people interact with complex environmental and social problems through immersive technologies
* Research on the challenges and opportunities for reclaiming and rejuvenating Indigenous cultures and knowledge as well as advancing Indigenous community economic development through decolonized digital artefacts

Management and governance considerations

* Studies that explore the governance of digital sustainability and new ways of organizing for sustainability in different settings. For example, where do digital sustainability initiatives emerge and how do they unfold?
* Research on the role of different actors in the digital sustainability ecosystem and their impact on the emergence of new digital sustainability sectors and business models
* Studies on the sustainability agenda at the community and societal levels, and the role of digital technologies in either empowering or constraining sustainability-driven collective actions
* Policy implications related to digital sustainability for organizations, individuals, and societies, especially as they relate to ethical concerns and social well-being

Outcomes and consequences

* Studies that incorporate multiple aspects of digital sustainability performance to enrich and expand our understanding of the impact of digital technologies on various stakeholders
* Case studies and other investigations of real-world impacts (positive/negative, planned/unintended) of digital sustainability on vulnerable or marginalized communities
* Given that the well-being of future generations is a central concern, research that investigates alternative ways of measuring progress toward long-term sustainability objectives and how to link these with short-term performance
* Beyond techno-optimism, identifying the key challenges presented by digital technologies, either directly or through their use, that negatively impact sustainability agendas, coupled with empirical insights for mitigating these challenges

What we are not interested in

We are not interested in studies that only make peripheral contributions to digital sustainability. This may be the case when the original research design, including the data collected, was not intended to contribute to understanding of digital sustainability, or when engagement with the concept of digital sustainability is marginal. A possible example of the latter would be studies that append a connection to one or more Sustainable Development Goals as a post-hoc discussion, yet the core research problem is not substantially driven by a sustainability issue.

Given that this Special Issue aims to promote research programs that relate to the planet’s most pressing sustainability challenges, we believe that environmental and social welfare are of utmost importance. Therefore, we are not interested in studies concerned solely with economic welfare at the business level, such as those on sustainable business operations or organizational sustainability. We do, however, welcome submissions that couple economic welfare with other dimensions, such as environmental or social welfare, especially when integrated within a broader, macro-level sustainability agenda.

We also emphasize that while related to digital responsibility (AIS, 2023) and digital resilience (Boh et al., 2023), digital sustainability differs from these notions. Therefore, we are ONLY interested in studies on digital sustainability. We recommend potential authors consult the recent editorial on digital sustainability by Kotlarsky et al. (2023), which provides a conceptualization and extensive discussion of digital sustainability and its ontological foundations.

Date (tentative)

February 2024
Online information session (we invite potential authors to send us specific questions to address during this session)
2 October 2024
Deadline for paper submission
1 February 2025
First-round decisions
1 June 2025
Deadline to submit revised papers
15 September 2025
Second-round decisions
1 February 2025
Deadline to submit revised papers
1 June 2025
Provisional/Final decisions
1 July 2025
Deadline to submit final paper (if minor revision is required)

Special Issue Guest Editors

Julia Kotlarsky – University of Auckland, New Zealand
Jacqueline Corbett - Université Laval, Canada
Juliana Sutanto – Monash University, Australia
Thomas Kude – University of Bamberg, Germany
Yenni Tim – University of New South Wales, Australia

Special Issue Guest Editors Bios

Julia Kotlarsky (j.kotlarsky@auckland.ac.nz<mailto:j.kotlarsky@auckland.ac.nz>) is a Professor of Information Systems at the University of Auckland Business School, New Zealand. She holds a PhD from the Rotterdam School of Management (Netherlands) and has worked previously in the UK. Julia’s research interests revolve around digital sustainability; the interface between artificial intelligence technologies and humans, focusing on data and digital transformation; and technology sourcing. Her work has been published in MIS Quarterly, and the Journal of Management Information Systems, Journal of Information Technology, Journal of Strategic Information Systems, among other outlets. She has published 17 books, among them The Handbook of Global Outsourcing and Offshoring, which is widely used by practitioners and academics around the world. Julia is a co-founder of the AIS Special Interest Group on Advances in Sourcing. She serves as a Senior Editor for the Journal of the Association for Information Systems and the Journal of Information Technology and is on the editorial board of Information Systems Research.

Jacqueline Corbett (Jacqueline.corbett@fsa.ulaval.ca<mailto:Jacqueline.corbett@fsa.ulaval.ca>) is a Professor of Management Information Systems in the Faculty of Business Administration at Université Laval in Quebec City, Canada. She holds a PhD (MIS) from Queen’s University at Kingston, Canada. Jacqueline’s research focuses on the design and use of information systems (IS) in the pursuit of sustainable development. Her research takes a multidisciplinary and multi-method approach to investigate emerging questions around clean energy, smart and sustainable cities, open data and data waste, digital transformation, and digital innovation by Indigenous Peoples and communities. Her work is published in the Journal of the Association of Information Systems, Information Systems Journal, Journal of Business Ethics, Strategic Entrepreneurship Journal, and International Journal of Information Management, among other outlets. Jacqueline currently serves as President of the AIS Special Interest Group on Green IS (SIGGreen) and was previously Co-chair of the AIS Women’s Network College. She has been a guest editor and editorial board member for multiple sustainability-related special issues and is an Associate Editor for Communications of the Association for Information Systems.

Juliana Sutanto (juliana.sutanto@monash.edu<mailto:juliana.sutanto@monash.edu>) is a Professor in Information Systems in the Department of Human-Centred Computing at the Faculty of IT, Monash University, Australia. She leads the Digital Transformation Group in the department. She is also the Indonesia Lead for the faculty. She has research expertise in system design, user behavioral analysis, and data management. She collaborates with researchers from other disciplines to address societal and environmental challenges. Her on-going research work includes information systems for disaster management, digital resilience and community resilience, and health information systems. She is the recipient of an Informs ISS Design Science Award for privacy-safe design. Her research has been published in Management Science, MIS Quarterly, Information Systems Research, Journal of the Association for Information Systems, and Journal of Management Information Systems, among other outlets. She was previously an Associate Editor for MIS Quarterly and is currently a Senior Editor for the Journal of the Association for Information Systems.

Thomas Kude (thomas.kude@uni-bamberg.de<mailto:thomas.kude@uni-bamberg.de>) is a Professor at the University of Bamberg, Germany, where he holds the chair of information systems and platform economy. He received his PhD from the University of Mannheim, Germany, and has previously worked in France. Thomas is interested in the development and application of information systems at various levels of analysis. His recent research work primarily focuses on digital innovation by collectives of organizations and individuals. For example, he has studied the governance and evolution of digital platforms and ecosystems in different domains, including enterprise software and mobile apps. He has also studied collaboration in teams, in particular software development teams. Thomas’ work has been published in MIS Quarterly, Information Systems Research, Information Systems Journal, and Journal of Operations Management, among other outlets. Thomas serves as an associate editor for MIS Quarterly and Business & Information Systems Engineering (BISE). He is on the editorial review board of the Journal of the Association for Information Systems.

Yenni Tim (yenni.tim@unsw.edu.au<mailto:yenni.tim@unsw.edu.au>) is a Senior Lecturer at the School of Information Systems and Technology Management (SISTM), University of New South Wales (UNSW) Business School, Australia. Yenni leads a research program that addresses practical challenges at the intersection of digital capacity and societal resilience. Her qualitative fieldwork and action design research projects seek to develop new knowledge and digital interventions to support organizations and communities in building resilience against societal shocks, such as disasters, environmental crises, digital disadvantage, and social exclusion. Yenni’s work has been published in the Journal of Strategic Information Systems, Information Systems Journal, Information & Management, and European Journal of Operational Research, among other outlets. She is the recipient of an AIS Early Career Award (2021). Yenni currently serves as a Managing Editor for the Journal of the Association for Information Systems, an Associate Editor for the European Journal of Information Systems and Information Systems Journal, and a Guest Editor for Special Issues of the Information Systems Journal and Academy of Management Perspectives. In addition, she co-leads the Sustainability and Resilience research stream at the Digital Sustainability Knowledge Hub within the UNSW Business School.


AIS. (2023). JAIS Special Issue Call for Participation
Digital Responsibility: Social, Ethical, and Ecological Implications of IS. Association for Information Systems. https://aisel.aisnet.org/jais/SI-DigitalResponsibility.pdf

Baskerville, R. L., Myers, M. D., & Yoo, Y. (2020). Digital first: The ontological reversal and new challenges for IS research. MIS Quarterly, 44(2), 509–523.

Boh, W., Constantinides, P., Padmanabhan, B., & Viswanathan, S. (2023). Introduction: Building Digital Resilience against Major Shocks [Special Issue]. MIS Quarterly, 47(1), 443–360.

Corbett, J., & Mellouli, S. (2017). Winning the SDG battle in cities: How an integrated information ecosystem can contribute to the achievement of the 2030 sustainable development goals. Information Systems Journal, 27(4), 427–461.

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Ketter, W., Padmanabhan, B., Pant, G., & Raghu, T. (2020). Addressing societal challenges through analytics: An ESG ICE framework and research agenda. Journal of the Association for Information Systems, 21(5), 1115–1127.

Kotlarsky, J., Oshri, I., & Sekulic, N. (2023). Digital sustainability in Information Systems research: Conceptual foundations and future directions. Journal of the Association for Information Systems, 24(4), 936–952. DOI: 10.17705/1jais.00825

Leidner, D., Sutanto, J., & Goutas, L., (2022). Multifarious roles and conflicts on an inter-organizational Green IS. MIS Quarterly, 46(1), 591–608.

Medaglia, R., & Damsgaard, J. (2020). Blockchain and the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals: Towards an agenda for IS research. In D. Vogel, K. N. Shen, & P. S. Ling (Eds.), PACIS 2020 Proceedings. Association for Information Systems.

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The World Bank. (2022, March 1). Nearly 2.4 billion women globally don’t have same economic rights as men. https://www.worldbank.org/en/news/press-release/2022/03/01/nearly-2-4-billion-women-globally-don-t-have-same-economic-rights-as-men

Tim, Y., Pan, S. L., Ractham, P., & Kaewkitipong, L. (2017). Digitally enabled disaster response: The emergence of social media as boundary objects in a flooding disaster. Information Systems Journal, 27(2), 197–232.

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Watson, R. T., Elliot, S., Corbett, J., Farkas, D., Feizabadi, A., Gupta, A., Iyer, L., Sen, S., Sharda, R., Shin, N., & Thapa, D. (2021). How the AIS can improve its contributions to the UN’s sustainability development goals: Towards a framework for scaling collaborations and evaluating impact. Communications of the Association for Information Systems, 48(1), 42.

Watson, R. T., Webster, J., Corbett, J., Elliot, S.; Radhakrishnan, S., & Ketter, W. (2020). Senior Scholars’ Consortium: How can IS scholars increase global sustainability, both collectively and personally?. ICIS 2020 Proceedings, 7. https://aisel.aisnet.org/icis2020/panels/panels/7

Young, A. G. (2018). Using ICT for social good: Cultural identity restoration through emancipatory pedagogy. Information Systems Journal, 28(2), 340–358.

Young, A. G., Selander, L., & Vaast, E. (2019). Digital organizing for social impact: Current insights and future research avenues on collective action, social movements, and digital technologies. Information and Organization, 29(3), 100257.

On behalf of all guest editors of this Special Issue:

Professor Julia Kotlarsky PhD
Technology and Global Sourcing
Department of Information Systems & Operations Management
The University of Auckland Business School
Sir Owen G Glenn Building | 12 Grafton Rd | Auckland
Phone: +64 9 373 7599 ext 83305
Email: j.kotlarsky@auckland.ac.nz<mailto:j.kotlarsky@auckland.ac.nz>

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