-------- Original Message --------
Subject: [AISWorld] CFP - Information Security Curriculum Development Conference at Kennesaw State University
Date: Fri, 08 Jun 2012 15:13:34 -0400 (EDT)
From: Humayun Zafar <hzafar@kennesaw.edu>
To: <aisworld@lists.aisnet.org>

InfoSecCD seeks to give academicians, researchers and practitioners a unique opportunity to share their perspectives with others interested in the various aspects of Information Security Curriculum Development. Papers offering novel research contributions in any aspect of information security education are solicited for submission to the 2012 Information Security Curriculum Development Conference. The primary focus is on quality original unpublished research, case studies, and implementation experiences. Papers should have practical relevance to the design, development, implementation and best-practices in information security education – for the Pedagogy track and for best-practices in the design, implementation and management of information security for the Practices Track.

Theoretical papers must make convincing argument for the practical significance of the results. Theory must be justified by compelling examples illustrating its application. The primary criterion for appropriateness is demonstrated practical relevance. The conference will include three tracks: pedagogy, practice, and student.

In order to be considered a student paper, and thus eligible for the best student paper award, the paper must be authored exclusively by students. Any paper submitted as a student paper with a non-student co-author will be reclassified as either pedagogy or practice and is eligible for the best paper award, but not the best student paper award.

Note: Work in Progresses can be accepted if substantial progress and expected completion by conference date is demonstrated.

Please note that all submissions must use the ACM approved format available in the template downloadable from http://infosec.kennesaw.edu/InfoSecCD/InfoSecCD_ACM_Template.docx

Note: Please use the conference paper management site https://cmt.research.microsoft.com/INFOSECCD2012/

To submit a paper, go to the CMT Microsoft site, register as an author and upload. Additional details provided by system.

Important Dates


Humayun Zafar, Ph.D.
Assistant Professor of Information Security and Assurance
Department of Information Systems
Kennesaw State University

1000 Chastain Road, Mail Stop 1101
Kennesaw GA 30144
(770) 420-4424

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