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+++ LAST REMINDER: European Journal of Information Systems Special
Issue - Embracing Contrarian Thinking: Value-Reflexive Research
for a Digital World +++
The initial paper submission deadline is on February 2, 2024.
Digital technologies and our world are deeply enmeshed shaping our
lives into a digital world.
These technologies (e.g., artificial intelligence, blockchain,
social media platforms) relate to values in overt and covert ways.
They bolster or challenge values that frequently remain
unquestioned and hidden but do surface when examining the intended
and unintended technology effects.
For research to co-enact a better digital world, we need to
reflect on and problematize the values inscribed in technology. In
this call, we ask researchers to embrace contrarian thinking
seeking alternative viewpoints that may contradict prevailing
attitudes or trends to understand phenomena.
Specifically, we ask scholars, "Which values do we value?" and
encourage them to collectively engage in reflection and action on
how values underpin, inform, and perform the digital world in
which we live. We seek studies that exemplify how we as a
community can engage with the values in digital technologies,
their design, development, and use.
Some of the key topics we are interested in include (but are not
limited to):
Value-reflexive research into digital transformation, artificial
intelligence, privacy, cybersecurity, digital infrastructures,
blockchain, social media and other digital technologies
Value-driven digital transformation of society, organisations and
the individual
Values in digital innovation, business model design, business
process design, data analytics, digital entrepreneurship, etc
Values in designing, implementing and adopting digital
technologies and policies for enacting cybersecurity, privacy, and
data protection, etc
Value positions in the design and development of digital
Values in the governance of digital technology (e.g., artificial
intelligence, blockchain, digital infrastructures
The role of values in user experience design and human computer
interaction (e.g., nudging, persuasive design, universal design,
value-sensitive design
Societal, economical, institutional value structures and digital
ecosystems, platforms, or infrastructures
Competing values in digital technologies at the societal,
organisational or individual level
Contrarian thinking on digital disparities, e.g., digital divide,
digital dignity and digital equality or in-equality
Value-washing (e.g., green-washing) in corporate digital
responsibility, privacy, cybersecurity, business models, digital
innovation and digital entrepreneurship
Manifestation of values in digital technology
Materialisation of values in digital technology
Theorising around values in digital phenomena
The socio-technical nature of values
You can find the call for papers including timeline and list of
AEs here:
In case of questions, feel free to reach out to any of the special
issue guest editors.
Markus P. Zimmer
Xenia Vassilakopoulou
polyxenv@uia.no <https://mailto:polyxenv@uia.no/>
Miria Grisot
miriag@ifi.uio.no <https://mailto:miriag@ifi.uio.no/>
Marko Niemimaa
AISWorld mailing list