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Subject: CFP - VIKE 2003 extended deadline Date: Sun, 20 Jul 2003 17:38:01 -0700 From: "Neil Ernst" nernst@uvic.ca To: nernst@uvic.ca
[Apologies for cross-postings]
****************** DEADLINE EXTENDED ************************* ***************** FINAL CALL FOR PAPERS ********************** 1st Workshop on Visualizing Information in Knowledge Engineering (VIKE 03) at the 2nd International Conference on Knowledge Capture (KCAP) 25-26 October 2003, Sanibel Island, Florida, USA Workshop URL: http://www.cs.uvic.ca/~nernst/vike/
* Deadline for paper submissions: 0700 UTC July 31st, 2003 (extended) * Notification of acceptance: August 29th, 2003 * Camera ready deadline: September 16th, 2003 * Workshop: October 25-26th, 2003
Objectives The goal of this workshop is to explore cognitive issues in knowledge engineering processes and tools, and to examine where techniques from the field of information visualization might help with these issues. Knowledge engineering is often a complex area for end-user and engineer alike. We anticipate the workshop will be of interest to several groups:
* professionals interested in improving knowledge capture technology, particularly in the areas of tool adoption and usability; * developers of information visualization solutions to knowledge engineering domains; * people with interests in the area of cognitive support for complex tasks.
For example, a researcher who has created a knowledge sketching tool will be interested to discover how this tool may be combined with information visualization techniques in order to improve the usability and utility of the tool for the end-user.
Knowledge engineering is seeing more and more interest from communities outside AI, computer science, and logic, particularly due to emerging Semantic Web technologies. To better support the various processes involved in knowledge engineering, techniques from the field of information visualization can be very helpful. Information visualization techniques provide a means to make discoveries, make decisions, and provide explanations about data, in a way which leverages innate human spatial reasoning abilities. For example, humans can interpret information represented as complex pictures much more easily than they can lines of text. The workshop will be concerned with, but not necessarily limited to, the following topics:
* Visual support for knowledge engineering processes * Visual query creation * Knowledge discovery through interactive exploration * Information Visualization and the Semantic Web * Scalability of visual representations of complex data
Format This will be a full-day workshop that combines interactivity with formal presentations. We will begin with introductory remarks (and possibly a yet to be determined keynote speaker or tutorial), followed by presentations by accepted speakers. These talks will be organized into distinct themes based on submissions. There will be plenty of opportunity for discussion after each presentation and at breaks.
Workshop Committee Margaret-Anne Storey, Assistant Professor, U. Victoria, Canada Dr. Storey's main research interests involve understanding how people solve complex tasks, and designing technologies to facilitate navigating and understanding large information spaces. With her students, she is working on a variety of projects within the areas of software engineering, human-computer interaction, information visualization, social informatics and knowledge management. Dr. Storey is part of the program committee for Infovis 2003 and Softvis 2003, as well as general chair of VisSoft 2003.
Vladimir Geroimenko, Senior Lecturer, U. Plymouth, England Dr. Geroimenko's main research interests concern knowledge representation and the Semantic Web; in particular, he is interested in how information visualization might aid in delivering and designing intelligent systems. Some other interests include visual interaction with semantic web ontologies and interactive multimedia interfaces for XML applications. He is the also the organizer for the Third International Symposium on Visualisation of the Semantic Web, at the IEEE International Conference on Information Visualisation - IV2003, in London, July 2003.
Timothy Lethbridge, Associate Professor, U. Ottawa, Canada Dr. Lethbridge is interested in knowledge-based reverse engineering, user interface design, and knowledge engineering, particularly user interfaces to allow the browsing of knowledge bases. He developed the CODE4 knowledge management system and is the pedagogy co-chair of IEEE/ACM Computing Curriculum / Software Engineering (CCSE), the international effort to standardize software engineering curricula.
Heiner Stuckenschmidt, Post-doctoral Researcher, Vrije Universiteit, Amsterdam Dr. Stuckenschmidt works in the Knowledge Representation and Reasoning group at the VU, and is interested in ontologies and the Semantic web, including approximate terminological reasoning, ontologies and distributed systems, and knowledge management. He is organizer of the IJCAI-03 Workshop on Ontologies and Distributed Systems and on the program committee for the Semantic Web Track at WWW'03. His group developed the Spectacle knowledge visualization tool.
Jennifer Golbeck, Ph.D. Candidate, Research Assistant, U. Maryland, U.S.A. Ms. Golbeck is interested in complex systems and intelligent agents. She is currently studying the graph properties of complex systems models, particularly social networks, and their applications on the semantic web. As part of her work with the Maryland Information and Network Dynamics lab (MIND lab) she has co-authored a paper on the visualization of semantic metadata and ontologies. She is the author of the DAML-to-OWL ontology conversion tool.
Organizers Neil Ernst, M. Sc. Candidate, U. Victoria, Canada Margaret-Anne Storey, Assistant Professor, U. Victoria, Canada
Submissions We invite short discussion papers, limited to 4-6 pages, which describe ongoing work or new ideas within the scope of the workshop. Papers may also be in the form of a position statement, indicating a writer's particular opinion on a subject related to the workshop. Thought-provoking papers are always welcome!
Submission procedure: Please email submissions, in PDF format only, to nernst(at)cs.uvic.ca (note: spam protected) by midnight Pacific Daylight Time July 30th 2003 (0700 UTC July 31st, 2003).
Submission format: Please use this Word template or the LaTex style sheet file (.sty) (an example .tex file). This template is based on the official ACM templates for proceedings. In concordance with requirements of the ACM digital library, please include categories and subject descriptors that best describe your submission. The hierarchy of descriptors can be found here (for example, some submissions may fall under the category "I.2.4: Knowledge Representation Formalisms and Methods".) You may include optional keywords. Note that reviewer assignments will be based on the contents of the abstract, as well as these descriptors and keywords. Accepted papers will be published as part of the KCAP 2003 workshops.
Related Work
* International Symposium of Visualisation of the Semantic Web, IV03-VSW * Jambalaya ontology visualization tool: http://shrimp.cs.uvic.ca * Touchgraph tab for Protege-2000: http://www.ecs.soton.ac.uk/~ha/TGVizTab/ * Ozone - Zoomable ontology navigator: http://www.cs.umd.edu/hcil/ozone/ * Spectacle - Ontology information browser: http://www.cs.vu.nl/~frankh/abstracts/VSW02.html