-------- Forwarded Message --------
We are accepting proposals for mini-tracks for the Systems
Analysis and Design (SAND) track for AMCIS 2022. (SAND is
sponsored by the Special Interest Group on Systems Analysis and
Design (SIGSAND).) A broad Call for manuscript submissions will be
forthcoming in the not-too-distant future.
There are many and varied aspects of SAND, both traditional
approaches and emerging perspectives, with new technologies
increasingly incorporated into our everyday work and personal
lives and the growing digitalization of organizations and
workplaces. New challenges (e.g., the changes required by the
COVID-19 pandemic, as one example) continue to require our
attention to the analysis and design efforts providing
opportunities for both research and practice. Therefore, in
addition to the general SAND topic areas (listed below), a
mini-track is an opportunity to organize and provide an area in
which a more specific focus can be developed for the conference
program. Please submit your mini-track ideas.
The mini-track submission system for AMCIS 2022 is now open and
accepting submissions. To access the system, just browse to the
following URL:
Once at the website, sign in (or create a new account) then enter
the following to get started:
Society: AIS
Conference: AMCIS 2022
Track: AMCIS 2022 Mini-track Submissions
Then click "GO" and fill out the form.
(General) Track Description: Systems Analysis involves examining
business problems (opportunities) and identifying possible
solutions, whereas systems design includes the identification,
specification, and implementation of an information technology
solution. The combined field of Systems Analysis and Design (SAND)
deals with all issues related to the development of systems and is
of central importance to the Information Systems discipline,
including understanding how businesses can create value with new
digital technologies. The SAND track provides a forum for
discussing research related to systems development tools,
methodologies, and other activities throughout the systems
development life cycle (SDLC). This includes requirements
determination, modeling techniques and languages, agile systems
development practices, empirical evaluation of analysis and design
methods, user involvement in systems development, open-source
development, design of systems architecture, and other tech
nical and organizational issues in systems development.
Topics include, but are not limited to:
* Systems Analysis and Design: Methodologies and Design Processes
* Systems Analysis and Design: Empirical Evaluations, Modeling
Methods, Techniques, and Languages
* Systems Analysis and Design: Requirements Elicitation, Modeling,
and Validation
* Analysis and Design for Service-Oriented Enterprises
* Micro-service-based Development
* Contemporary Issues in Agile Development
* Strategic Software Management: Issues, Experiences, and Theory
* Technical and Managerial Issues in Open Source Development
* User Participation and Involvement in Information Systems
* Impact of Systems Analysis and Design on IS use (e.g., adoption,
information quality)
* Comparative Analysis of SAND Approaches and Techniques
* Application of SAND concepts and principles beyond IS
development (e.g., in data analytics)
* Organizational Issues in Systems Analysis and Design
* General Systems Analysis and Design
* New and Emerging SAND Tools and Approaches (especially as used
for AI/ML, Blockchain, Analytics, IoT/AoT, etc.)
* History of SAND
Again, the deadline for Mini-track proposals is Nov 30, 2021. To
submit your mini-track proposal, go to:
by Nov
ember 30, 2021.
Feel free to contact us if you have any questions.
Arturo Castellanos (William & Mary)
(Primary Contact)
Jon W. Beard (Iowa State University)
Roman Lukyanenko (HEC Montreal)
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