Subject: | [WI] CFP: 4th Workshop on the Digitization of the Individual (DOTI) – Pre-ICIS 2019 Workshop |
Date: | Fri, 9 Aug 2019 09:52:57 +0000 |
From: | Trenz, Manuel <> |
Reply-To: | Trenz, Manuel <> |
To: | <>, <> |
Sollten Sie diesen CFP mehrfach erhalten, bitten wir dies
zu entschuldigen ***
Sehr geehrte Damen und Herren,
hiermit möchten wir Sie gerne auf den Call
for Papers des “Workshop on the Digitization of the
Individual” im Vorfeld der ICIS 2019 in München hinweisen.
Neben Diskussionen zu Arbeitspapieren im
unten beschriebenen Themenfeld bietet der Workshop in diesem
Jahr auch ein Panel zum Thema “AI and robots in individuals’
lives - How to align technological possibilities and ethical
issues” zu dem wir Sie herzlich einladen.
Wir würden uns sehr über Einreichungen aus
Ihren Reihen freuen.
Mit freundlichen Grüßen
Christy Cheung (Hong Kong Baptist
University, Hong Kong)
Christian Matt (Universität Bern, Schweiz)
Ofir Turel (California
State University, Fullerton, USA)
Manuel Trenz
(Universität Göttingen)
4th Workshop on the Digitization of the Individual (DOTI)
– Pre-ICIS 2019 Workshop
15 December 2019, 1:00-5:30pm, Munich, Germany
Deadline for paper submissions: 13 September
of acceptance/rejection decisions: 27 September 2019
As our lives become
immersed by powerful digital devices and services, questions
of implications for individuals’ lives as well as their
social interactions and structures arise. IS research has
traditionally focused rather on institutional contexts
(Baskerville 2011). However, the digitization of
individuals' private contexts offers manifold important
research questions to be solved (Matt et al. 2019). In
everyone’s life outside the organizational context these
pertain individual behavior and decision making and the
positive and negative consequences thereof, but also
communication and interactions with other individuals as
well as firms. The emerging fully digitized and connected
environment implies changes to the development, exploitation
and management of personal IS. While particular scenarios
(e.g. smart home, connected cars, social networks) have
received some attention in different fields, this workshop
seeks to gather these fragmented views and bring together
researchers interested in the impact of digitization on
Research in this area
is beneficial in two ways. First, understanding the
implications, opportunities and threats of the digitization
of individuals' private lives enables suppliers of digital
technologies to form closer and stronger connections with
their customers and to build services and devices that
better match their expectations and improve their everyday
lives. Second, this research can help to develop policies
and practices that improve the usage and exploitation of
digital technologies on a societal level. By encouraging a
systematic focus on the individual, this workshop strives
for a common understanding of the role of the individual and
the challenges and opportunities owing to novel digital
The 4th
workshop on the Digitization of the Individual will be held
in Munich, Germany, in conjunction with ICIS 2019 and is
scheduled for 15 December 2019, 1:00 PM - 5:30 PM. To
promote further impactful research on individuals, strong
emphasis during the workshop will be given to paper
development discussions, among others, facilitated by
discussants providing direct feedback. As part of the
workshop, an expert panel on “AI and robots in our
individuals’ lives - How to align technological
possibilities and ethical issues” will provide
thought-provoking discussions on important aspects and
trends in this particular domain. Workshop participants will
be charged a registration fee that will include snacks and
coffee breaks (details will be announced as the conference
program is finalized).
Possible topics of
submissions include, but are not limited to:
behavior in digital environments, such as
making in digital environments
behavior in social networks and the sharing economy
communication and consumption patterns
collaboration among individuals
and negative outcomes of digitization, such as
of usage of digital devices and ubiquitous connectivity on
individuals’ attitudes, behaviors and performance
and techno-stress
and IT-security issues for individuals’ private lives
impact of quantification on the self
exploitation and management of personal IS
of solutions for individual use
models for personal IS solutions
information system architectures and connected environments
IS solutions in particular contexts (e.g. health IS, smart
should be submitted as email attachments to the workshop
co-chairs at ( with the subject
heading "DOTI workshop submission".
deadline for submission is
13 September 2019. Authors will be notified of
acceptance/rejection decisions by 27 September 2019. As a
paper development workshop there will no be formal
proceedings; accepted papers will be made available to other
attendees for the period of the workshop and a printed
abstract will be included as part of the workshop materials.
are two types of submissions: full papers and
research-in-progress papers. The length of full papers and
research-in-progress papers is limited to 7,000 words and
4,500 words respectively (excluding references). The format
of the submission is a Word or PDF document that includes a
title, author names and affiliations, and 3-5 keywords. The
submission should follow the ICIS formatting guidelines (
submissions to DOTI must represent original work that has
not already been published in a journal or conference
proceedings. If the work has been presented at another
conference or is currently under consideration for
publication or presentation elsewhere, the authors must
disclose this fact. At least one author for every accepted
paper must register for the workshop and be prepared to
present their ideas in person (both full and RIP papers will
be presented). Due to the strong emphasis of the workshop on
paper development, the workshop schedule ensure room for
detailed discussions and each presentation will be
accompanied by a discussant providing direct feedback to the
individual work.
look forward to welcoming you in Munich,
Cheung (Hong Kong Baptist University)
Christian Matt (University of Bern)
Manuel Trenz (University of Göttingen)
Ofir Turel (California State University)
R. (2011): Individual Information Systems as a Research
Arena, European Journal of Information Systems (20:3), pp.
C., Trenz, M., Cheung, C. M. K., and Turel, O. (2019):. The
Digitization of the Individual: Conceptual Foundations and
Opportunities for Research, Electronic Markets,