-------- Original-Nachricht --------
Betreff: [Pro-it] CfP USAB 2010 6th Sympos. of the WG HCI&UE of the Austrian Computer Society, Sept 16-17, Deadline: April, 25, 2010
Datum: Tue, 30 Mar 2010 12:57:57 +0200
Von: Martin Hitz <martin.hitz@uni-klu.ac.at>
An: pro-it@ocg.or.at

Liebe Kolleginnen und Kollegen,

anbei ein CfP mit der Bitte um Beachtung, falls es in Ihrem Interessensbereich liegt, und um Weiterleitung an andere Interessierte.

Mit der Bitte um Nachsicht für allfällige Mehrfachsendungen und 
besten Wünschen für die Osterfeiertage,

Martin Hitz

***Call for Papers, Workshops and Tutorials***

(ALL aspects of Human-Computer Interaction and Usability)

Co-located with the Alps Adria Psychology Conference 2010

Klagenfurt University, 16.-17. September 2010
Venue: Hotel Lindner Seepark Hotel Congress & Spa
directly at the beautiful beach of Lake Wörth



Keynote: Patrick Baudisch (Hasso Plattner Institute, HPI):
Mobile Phones - on their way to becoming the computational platform of
the world

Welcome Adress: Silvia Zimmermann, President of Usability Professionals
Association (UPA): The Future of Mobile Experiences

Industrial Track: Putting HCI into Best Practice

The Industrial Track is designed as a means to bring together practitioners
of different industrial areas as well as practitioners with
scientists (Details below).


The 6th Symposium of the Workgroup HCI&UE of the Austrian Computer
Society will take place in Carinthia (Southern Austria) this year from
Sept. 16th to Sept. 17th.

The topics are structured alongside (but not limited to) the following
three dimensions:

1)  Special user groups (children, elderly, healthcare professionals,
tourists, students, teachers, ...)
2)  Issues on practical application of HCI in the work place (process
aspects, HCI patterns, cost/benefit analyses, ...)
3) Future trends in HCI

We encourage and cordially invite authors to submit their original work
related to all topics of HCI and Usability enumerated as

a) long papers (>=14 pages),
b) short papers (between 8 and 14 pages),
c) posters (2 pages).

Proposals for workshops or special tracks are welcome, too. Accepted
conference papers will be published in Springer Lecture Notes in
Computer Science (LNCS).

Templates are provided on the symposium website. The submission will be
open by April 1st on Easychair



April 25th        Deadline for submissions in all categories (strict)
May 16th         Author notification
June 6th          Deadline for revised papers
June 20th        Final decisions and notifications
July 4th            ABSOLUTE DEADLINE for camera-ready papers (strict)

Sep. 16th-17th    Symposium


***Industrial Track: Putting HCI into Best Practice***

The Industrial Track is designed as a means to bring together
practitioners of different industrial areas as well as practitioners
with scientists.

Thus, the conference strongly encourages submission of industry-focused
contributions, showcases and use case studies. Submissions on a variety
of topics are sought – particularly those that identify new directions
in the practical implementation and use of Human Computer Interaction
methodologies and tools. We welcome experience reports, war stories
(success and failure) and lessons learned.

Submissions should meet the following conditions:

At least one author of each Industrial Track submission should be from a
company (rather than from a university).

The paper should report about industrial or other real-world
experiences, projects etc.

Presentations may include a short demo of the solution, methodology, or

Contributions should concentrate on the HCI aspects behind the products
rather than being pure marketing presentations.

Presentations should raise awareness in the research community of the
problems of practical applications.

Topics include the following aspects:

– Multi-platform delivery / device independence – Rich internet applications
- E-learning systems and content
- Simulations
- Serious games
- Mobile applications
- e-commerce applications and HCI issues
- Web 2.0 and e-learning 2.0
- Tool & Methodology Choices, Tradeoffs, Decisions
- Business Cases on HCI (financial issues, financing issues, ROI etc.)
– Usability issues (how to do it right)
- Remote usability evaluation – Automated usability assessment
(experiences / limitations)
– Usability in production environments – Clean Room conditions
– Human-Robot interaction

Suggestions for further topics are welcome! Organize your own workshop!

***Special Issue of JITT***

Authors of high rated papers on e-tourism or related areas will also be
invited to submit an extended version of their work for a special issue
of the Journal of Information Technology and Tourism (JITT,

***Free admittance to AAPC 2010***

Attendees of USAB 2010 are entitled to visit the co-located „Alps Adria
Psychology Conference“  ( <http://aapc2010.uni-klu.ac.at>
http://aapc2010.uni-klu.ac.at) for free – and vice versa.

Looking forward to seeing you in beautiful Carinthia,

Gerhard Leitner
Martin Hitz
Andreas Holzinger


Dr. Martin Hitz

Dean, Faculty of Technical Sciences
Phone: +43 463 2700 5011

Professor, Interactive Systems Research Group
Phone: +43 463 2700 3512

Alpen-Adria-Universität Klagenfurt - Austria

Skype: prof.hitz

JOIN US AT USAB 2010! http://usab2010.uni-klu.ac.at/