-------- Original Message --------
Subject: [AISWorld] HCist 2012 | International Conference on Health and Social Care Information Systems and Technologies | Call for Papers | Algarve, Portugal, October 3-5, 2012
Date: Mon, 23 Jan 2012 19:10:35 +0000
From: Maria Manuela C. Cunha <mcunha@ipca.pt>
Reply-To: mcunha@ipca.pt
Organization: Instituto Politécnico do Cávado e do Ave
To: irma-l@irma-international.org, aisworld@lists.aisnet.org

---------- HCist 2012 | Call for Papers
---------- International Conference on Health and Social Care 
Information Systems and Technologies
---------- Algarve, Portugal, 2012, 3-5 October
submission deadline: April 14th, 2012

Dear Professor/Dr./Mrs./Mr.,

It is our great pleasure to invite you to HCist'2012 "International 
Conference on Health and Social Care Information Systems and 
Technologies" to be held in Algarve, Portugal, from 3 to 5 October, 2012.

Under the leitmotiv of leveraging health and social care through people, 
processes and information systems, academics, scientists, healthcare IT 
professionals, managers and solution providers from all over the world 
will have the opportunity to share experiences, bring new ideas, debate 
issues, and introduce the latest developments in the largely 
multidisciplinary field embraced by Health and Social Care Information 
Systems and Technologies (HCist).

All accepted full papers will be published in the conference proceedings 
(with ISBN). Papers can also be accepted as posters, with an extended 
abstract to be published in a book of abstracts (with ISBN).

Authors of selected papers will be invited to extend the paper for 
possible publication in international journals and edited books.

HCist'2012 is co-located with CENTERIS'2012, providing an excellent 
conference environment for sharing best practices among researchers, 
academics and professionals from both generic Enterprise and specific 
Healthcare Information Systems research areas.

---------- Themes/Recommended topics

HCist’2012 intends to introduce and discuss the main issues, challenges, 
opportunities and trends related to recent health and social care 
IT-based developments, applications and services.

Recommended topics include, but are not limited to: Advanced (3D) 
Visualization Software, Bioinformatics, Business Intelligence applied to 
Healthcare Information Systems, CDSS- Clinical Decision Support Systems, 
Clinical Reporting Systems, CPOE- Computerized Physician Order Entry, 
CTRM - Critical Test Results Management, Data Security and Protection, 
DICOM - Digital Imaging and Communications in Medicine, EHR - Electronic 
Health Records, ePrescription, eTherapy, HIE- Health Information 
Exchange Solutions, Health IT Infrastructure, Healthcare Content 
Management, Healthcare Information Systems Management, Healthcare 
Billing and Financial Management, Healthcare IT Management and 
Governance, Healthcare Information Systems Integration, Interoperability 
& Connectivity solutions, Healthcare in-house development, off-the-shelf 
and open source solutions, HL7 standards, Medical Coding, Medical Data 
Archiving and Storage, Medical Dictation, Medical Records & Document 
Scanning, Medical Display Monitors, Medical Image Analysis, Enhancement, 
Sharing & Archiving, Medication Administration Systems, 
Medical/Healthcare Quality Assurance (QA) Software, Medical & Patient 
Scheduling Software, Medical Speech/Voice Recognition Systems, Medical 
Semantic Web, mHealth – Mobile Device Software for Healthcare, PACS - 
Picture Archiving and Communication Systems, PHR - Personal Health 
Records, Practice Management Systems, PRM - Patient Relationship 
Management, QICS-Qualitative Intelligence and Communication Systems, 
Radiation Therapy Software, RTLS - Real Time Location Systems, 
Telemedicine, Thermal Imaging Software

---------- Submission Procedure
Researchers and practitioners are invited to submit their paper 
electronically at the Conference webpage (http://hcist.eiswatch.org) 
until April 14th, 2012.

Submitted papers will be reviewed on a double-blind review basis, and 
authors will be notified of the review process results by May 28th, 
2012. Authors of accepted papers will receive recommendations from 
reviewers to improve their work, and should submit the final 
camera-ready version until June 22nd, 2012.

---------- Paper format
Papers must be written in English. Each paper should not exceed 10 pages 
considering the MSWord and Latex templates available for download at the 
conference webpage (http://hcist.eiswatch.org).

---------- Important dates
Deadline for paper submission: April 14th, 2012;
Notification of acceptance/rejection: May 28th, 2012;
Revised version: June 22nd, 2012.

For more detailed information, please visit http://hcist.eiswatch.org

We hope to see you next October in Algarve, Portugal!

Best regards,

Ricardo Martinho
Rui Rijo

---------- Conference Co-Chairs:
--- Ricardo Martinho (ricardo.martinho@ipleiria.pt), Polytechnic 
Institute Leiria, Portugal
--- Rui Rijo (rui.rijo@ipleiria.pt), Polytechnic Institute Leiria, Portugal

---------- Program Chair
--- Vinesh Raja (vinesh.raja@warwick.ac.uk), University of Warwick, UK

---------- Secretariat

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