-------- Original-Nachricht -------- Betreff: CFP IEEE TableTop2006 Datum: Fri, 29 Apr 2005 14:36:41 +0930 Von: Bruce Thomas Bruce.Thomas@unisa.edu.au An: bproell@faw.uni-linz.ac.at, bb@cs.purdue.edu, assourav@ntu.edu.sg, susanne.boll@informatik.uni-oldenburg.de, walter.brenner@unisg.ch, steph@nus.edu.sg, tanyac@deakin.edu.au, cellary@kti.ae.poznan.pl, jychung@us.ibm.com, Roger.Clarke@anu.edu.au, asuman@srdc.metu.edu.tr, ed@cse.fau.edu, elena.ferrari@uninsubria.it, fotouhi@cs.wayne.edu, y.fu@csuohio.edu, Chanan@bgumail.bgu.ac.il, ruediger.grimm@tu-ilmenau.de, manfred.hauswirth@epfl.ch, thess@bwl.uni-muenchen.de, yho@zurich.ibm.com, christian.huemer@univie.ac.at, kersten@management.uottawa.ca, kitagawa@is.tsukuba.ac.jp, koenig@wiwi.uni-frankfurt.de, gabriele.kotsis@jku.ac.at, lamersd@informatik.uni-hamburg.de, laender@dcc.ufmg.br, jyl@us.ibm.com, lilien@cs.purdue.edu, aseplim@ntu.edu.sg, hliu@asu.edu, hludwig@us.ibm.com, madrias@umr.edu, merz@ponton-consulting.de, mobasher@cs.depaul.edu, modani@hotmail.com, mkmukesh@in.ibm.com, gustaf.neumann@wu-wien.ac.at, awkng@ntu.edu.sg, rolf.oppliger@esecurity.ch, parabosc@unibg.it, opastor@dsic.upv.es, guenther.pernul@wiwi.uni-regensburg.de, pitoura@cs.uoi.gr, Gerald.Quirchmayr@univie.ac.at, iray@cs.colostate.edu, werner@ifs.uni-linz.ac.at, Tomas.Sabol@tuke.sk, nls@cse.iitb.ac.in, mis@researchworkx.de, "Roger Tagg" Roger.Tagg@unisa.edu.au, tankl@comp.nus.edu.sg, stephanie.teufel@unifr.ch, "Bruce Thomas" Bruce.Thomas@unisa.edu.au, amin@ifs.tuwien.ac.at, atsalga@di.uoa.gr, vidya@cs.mun.ca, H.Weigand@uvt.nl, weinhardt@iw.uka.de, werthner@itc.it, abw@uts.cc.utexas.edu CC: bichler@in.tum.de
Call For Papers
The First IEEE International Workshop on Horizontal Interactive Human-Computer System (TableTop2006)
Adelaide, South Australia, January 5-7, 2006. http://www.tinmith.net/tabletop2006
Support by IEEE, NICTA, University of South Australia
The use of the tabletop as an input/output device is an exciting and emerging domain of computer systems. This is cross disciplinary domain. An example set of combining areas are as follows: projector based display systems, augmented reality, user interface technologies, multi-modal interactions, CSCW, and information visualisation.
The purpose of the workshop is two-fold in bringing together leading researchers for following reasons: 1. presentation and exchange current results of ongoing investigations * in a traditional oral presentation and * in a printed proceedings 2. a set of workshops culminated with a set of group reports * define the current state of the art, * map out the current coverage of the research domain, and * explore future research directions.
We encourage researchers and developers in the above mentioned fields to present in the following areas:
* Applications for tabletop displays * Gesture-Based Interfaces for tabletop displays * Multi-Modal Interfaces for tabletop displays * Speech Interfaces for tabletop displays * Tangible Interfaces for tabletop displays * User Interface Technologies for tabletop displays * Computer Supported Collaboration Systems for tabletop displays * Middleware and Network Support for tabletop displays * Augmented Reality for tabletop displays * Social Protocols for tabletop displays * Haptic Rendering for tabletop displays * Information Visualisation for tabletop displays * Horizontal Display Hardware
Paper Submission:
We invite submissions of two kinds: a) Regular research papers of up to 8 pages, describing original research on investigations into horizontal oriented user interface based (tabletop) systems. b) Position papers of up to 2 pages, describing existing work and work-in-progress, and addressing the three workshop issues:
1. How does your research define the current state of art for horizontal interactive human-computer systems? 2. How does your research fit into the current coverage of the horizontal interactive human-computer systems research domain? 3. What directions will you take your current research into horizontal interactive human-computer systems research?
Each paper must be submitted as a single PDF file in IEEE Computer Science Press format (described at http://www.computer.org/cspress/instruct.htm). Each paper will be peer reviewed by no less than three experts in the field. Accepted research and position papers will be included in the IEEE proceedings and presented in the paper sessions. The research and position papers with used as a foundation for the interactive collaborative sessions during the workshop addressing the following: * define the current state of the art, * map out the current coverage of the research domain, and * explore future research directions.
Submission details will be available on the web server at http://www.tinmith.net/tabletop2006.
Important Dates:
August 1, 2005: Submission of papers. September 1, 2005: Notification of acceptance September 27, 2005: Camera-ready papers. January 5-7, 2006: Tabletop2006 workshop, Adelaide.
General Chair: Bruce Thomas (University of South Australia) Bruce.Thomas [at] unisa.edu.au
Co- Program Chairs: Morten Fjeld (Chalmers Uni. of Technology) morten [at] fjeld.ch Masahiro Takatsuka (University of Sydney) masa [at] takatsuka.org
Contact Information: Prof. Bruce H. Thomas Director Wearable Computer Lab. School of Computer and Information Science The University of South Australia, Mawson Lakes, SA 5095, AUSTRALIA Phone: +61 8 8302 3464 Fax: +61 8 8302 3381
Yours, Professor of Computer Science Bruce H. Thomas Ph.D. Director Wearable Computer Lab School of Computer and Information Science The University of South Australia Mawson Lakes, SA 5095, Australia phone: +61 8 8302 3464 mobile 0408 828 942 fax: +61 8 8302 3381 Bruce.Thomas@unisa.edu.au http://www.cis.unisa.edu.au/people/bht CRICOS Provider Number 00121B