-------- Original Message -------- Subject: ACM/SPEC ICPE 2013: CALL FOR INDUSTRY & EXPERIENCE PAPERS Date: Thu, 18 Oct 2012 18:51:14 +0200 From: Kai Sachs sachs@dvs.informatik.tu-darmstadt.de To: Kai Sachs sachs@dvs.informatik.tu-darmstadt.de
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CALL FOR PAPERS for Industry & Experience Track
ICPE 2013 http://icpe2013.ipd.kit.edu 4th ACM/SPEC International Conference on Performance Engineering
Prague, Czech Republic, April 21-24, 2013
A Joint Meeting of WOSP/SIPEW sponsored by ACM SIGMETRICS and ACM SIGSOFT in Cooperation with SPEC.
Abstract 23 October 2012 Full Paper 30 October 2012
The industry and experience track of ICPE is open to both academic and industrial contributions - the focus is on submissions that cover innovative implementations, novel applications of performance-related technologies, interesting performance results and experience in applying recent research advances to industrial situations on any of the topics of interest. The industrial track program committee will review all papers submitted in this track for originality, quality, soundness and relevance.
In brief, the topics of interest include:
- Performance and software development processes - Performance modeling and prediction - Performance measurement and experimental analysis - Benchmarking, configuration, sizing, and capacity planning - System management and performance optimization - Performance in cloud, virtualized and multi-core systems - Performance and power - Domain-specific performance modeling and evaluation
The full list of topics is available at http://icpe2013.ipd.kit.edu/call_for_papers.
Submit via Easychair at http://www.easychair.org/conferences/?conf=itoficpe2013.
Submissions must be in the standard ACM format for conference proceedings (http://www.acm.org/sigs/publications/proceedings-templates). Industry and experience track papers should be clearly marked in the text as "Industrial Or Experience Paper". The expected size of the papers is 5-12 pages double column including figures and tables.
GENERAL CHAIRS Petr Tuma, Charles University, Czech Republic Giuliano Casale, Imperial College London, UK
INDUSTRIAL CHAIR Seetharami R. Seelam, IBM Research, USA
INDUSTRIAL PROGRAM COMMITTEE Walter Bays, Oracle Corporation, USA Andrew Bond, Red Hat, USA Winnie Cheng, American Express, USA Pankaj K. Garg, ZeeSource, USA Klaus-Dieter Lange, HP, USA Elmoustapha Ould-Ahmed-Vall, Intel, USA Meikel Poess, Oracle Corporation, USA Kai Sachs, SAP AG, Germany Connie U. Smith, Performance Engineering Services, USA Ian Whalley, Google, USA