-------- Forwarded Message -------- Subject: [WI] RuleML+RR 2019: Open Calls Date: Mon, 1 Jul 2019 10:42:52 +0300 From: Nick Bassiliades nbassili@csd.auth.gr Reply-To: Nick Bassiliades nbassili@csd.auth.gr To: wi@aifb.uni-karlsruhe.de
Dear Colleagues,
The International Joint Conference on Rules and Reasoning RuleML+RR 2019 (http://2019.ruleml-rr.org), the leading conference in the field of rule-based reasoning, will be held in Bolzano, Italy, September 16-19, as a part of BRAIN 2019 (https://brain2019.inf.unibz.it), the Bolzano Rules and Artificial Intelligence Summit. With its special focus theme on "Beneficial AI", BRAIN 2019 brings together RuleML+RR 2019, DecisionCAMP 2019, the Reasoning Web Summer School (RW 2019), and the Global Conference on Artificial Intelligence (GCAI 2019).
Submit your rule-based applications, solutions, demos, results, rule bases to the RuleML+RR 2019 poster and interactions track and/or the 13th International Rule Challenge and/or learn more about "Explainable AI" at the 15th Reasoning Web Summer School.
PhD students can also present and discuss their research at the joint RuleML+RR+GCAI Doctoral Consortium.
The Open Calls for your submissions are as follows:
* 13th International Rule Challenge (http://2019.ruleml-rr.org/?p=rule_challenge) - deadline July 19th
* RuleML+RR 2019 Posters and Interactions (http://2019.ruleml-rr.org/?p=posters_and_interactions) - deadline July 19th
* RuleML+RR+GCAI Doctoral Consortium (http://2019.ruleml-rr.org/?p=doctoral_consortium) ? deadline July 19th
* 15th Reasoning Web Summer School (http://2019.ruleml-rr.org/rw2019/) - deadline July 28th
* 5th Global Conference on Artificial Intelligence GCAI 2019 (http://gcai2019.inf.unibz.it) - deadline July 5th
++++++++++++ News ++++++++++++++++
- Joint Keynotes by Mike Gualtieri on “The Future of Enterprise AI and Digital Decisions”, Marie-Laure Mugnier on “Existential Rules: a Study Through Chase Termination, FO-Rewritability and Boundedness” (https://brain2019.inf.unibz.it/?p=keynotes)
- Sponsors and Partners: Free University of Bozen-Bolzano, Bosch, Center for Perspicuous Computing, Artificial Intelligence Journal, Oxygen XML Editor, Hotel Greif
- Prizes will be awarded, in particular for the Best Challenge Paper/Demo
We are looking forward to meeting you in Bolzano in September!
Website: http://2019.ruleml-rr.org Twitter hashtag: #ruleml2019
-- Mailing-Liste: wi@lists.kit.edu Administrator: wi-request@lists.kit.edu Konfiguration: https://www.lists.kit.edu/wws/info/wi