-------- Forwarded Message -------- Subject: <ADV> CFP: 9th Annual International CSEIT Date: Thu, 17 May 2018 19:39:49 +0800 From: CSEIT Conference Secretariat cseit@cfp.globalstf.org Reply-To: secretariat@cseducation.org Organization: GSTF To: Gustaf.Neumann@wu-wien.ac.at
Dear Dr. Gustaf Neumann,
Hope this email finds you well.
Given your interests and contributions to research and academia, we invite you/your research students to submit a paper to *9th Annual International Conference on Computer Science Education: Innovation & Technology (CSEIT 2018) *which will be held on 22^nd - 23^rd October 2018 in Singapore.
CSEIT 2018 aims to identifying global commonalities in computer science curricula and establishing a framework of program/course outcomes that links to associated topics and material for teaching and assessment at the undergraduate level of university education. Such a proposed environment of sharable material will have applicability beyond small collaborative groups through broad-based international voluntary collaborative groups. Click here to read more... http://lnk.ie/2D6DI/e=Gustaf.Neumann@wu-wien.ac.at/http:/www.cseducation.org/
You may visit the following link for CSEIT accepted and published papershttp://cseducation.org/PriorYearsPaper.html http://lnk.ie/2D6DJ/e=Gustaf.Neumann@wu-wien.ac.at/http:/cseducation.org/PriorYearsPaper.html.
The full paper submission deadline is on *25^th May 2018.* Hope that provides adequate time for you to complete the paper submission. If you need additional time,*please email us at *secretariat@cseducation.org mailto:secretariat@cseducation.org. We hope you can be part of CSEIT 2018.**
Briefly about CSEIT 2018:
- *Keynote Speakers:*
*Assoc Prof. Emanuel S. Grant, *Department of Computer Science, University of North Dakota, North Dakota, USA - /Emerging Trends in Software Engineering Education/ http://lnk.ie/2D6DI/e=Gustaf.Neumann@wu-wien.ac.at/http:/www.cseducation.org/
*Dr. Forest Tan,//*Associate Professor, Infocomm Technology, Singapore Institute of Technology, Singapore - /Rethinking higher education in Infocomm Technology: An applied learning model to produce industry ready graduates/ http://lnk.ie/2D6DI/e=Gustaf.Neumann@wu-wien.ac.at/http:/www.cseducation.org/*/ /*
- *CSEIT 2018 Conference Proceedings: *Print ISSN: 2251-2195, E-periodical: 2251-2209 will be published and submitted to several indexing partners.
- *Journal on Computing: *All authors who present their papers at the conference will be invited to submit an extended version of their research paper for the GSTF Journal on Computing (JoC) http://lnk.ie/2D6DK/e=Gustaf.Neumann@wu-wien.ac.at/http:/globalstf.org/journal/gstf-journal-on-computing-joc/- Print ISSN: 2251-3043, E-periodical: 2010-2283). All submitted papers will go through blind review process for acceptance. All accepted papers (after the review process) will be included in the JOC.
- *Best Paper Awards *and*Best Student Paper Awards *will be conferred at the conference (in order to qualify for the award, the paper must be presented at the conference).
- *CSEIT 2018* will also constitute a *Special Panel Session*.
-*Panel Proposals* are invited for submission. A minimum of three papers centering on a specific topic will be accepted for submission under *Panel Category* http://lnk.ie/2D6DL/e=Gustaf.Neumann@wu-wien.ac.at/http:/bigdataclouds.org/SubmitPaper.html#proposal.
For more information, please visit the *CSEIT 2018 *website: www.cseducation.org http://lnk.ie/2D6DI/e=Gustaf.Neumann@wu-wien.ac.at/http:/www.cseducation.org/.Would appreciate if you could disseminate this information to your colleagues/students who might be interested to participate in the conference.
*For testimonials from previous CSEIT delegates, please visit: **https://www.youtube.com/globalstf/videos* https://lnk.ie/2D6DM/e=Gustaf.Neumann@wu-wien.ac.at/https:/www.youtube.com/user/globalstf/videos
Should you require any assistance or clarification, please do not hesitate to contact us at secretariat@cseducation.org mailto:secretariat@cseducation.org.
*Kind Regards,*
*Trogean Batistil*
Senior Program Manager
www.globalstf.org http://www.globalstf.org/
Global Science and Technology Forum (GSTF)
10 Anson Road, International Plaza, #13-12, Singapore- 079903
Phone: +65 6327 0165
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