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Subject: Call for Paper Computer Engineering Conference ICENCO Cairo Egypt
Date: Mon, 7 Dec 2020 09:05:20 -0600 (CST)
From: IEEE eNotice <ieee-enotice@deliver.ieee.org>
Reply-To: Icenco@eng.cu.edu.eg
To: gustaf.neumann@wu-wien.ac.at

IEEE Master email

FINAL Call For Papers - ICENCO 2020

16th International Computer Engineering Conference ICENCO 2020

Virtual Conference (ONLINE Attendance)

Faculty of Engineering, Cairo University

Giza, EGYPT, December 29-30, 2020


Topics covered include but are not limited to: Computational Intelligence, Machine Intelligence and Web Applications: Intelligent Agents, Data mining, Web Mining, Neural Networks, Computational Intelligence, Cooperative Systems, Rough Set Theory, , Wireless Internet Applications for Distance Education, E-commerce and E-government, Search Engines, Cloud computing. Computer Networks and Iot, Communications: Wireless, Cellular and Mobile:
Communications, Ad hoc and Wireless Sensor Networks, Intelligent Networks, Network Design, Control and optimization of communication systems, Network Reliability and Quality of Service, Network Analysis and Management, Optical networks, Network Security, Grid Computing, Internet of things (Iot), Internet Services and Applications, Smart Cards Security
Information and System Security, Encryption techniques, security attacks: Computer System Security, Mail and Information Security, Attacks, New technologies including Electronic Money, blockchain, E-Commerce, Encryption techniques, Hacking. Image Processing and Computer Vision: Image and video processing, Data and image compression, Computer graphics and visualization, Computer vision, Adaptive Human-Computer Interfaces.
Quantum Computing, Computer Hardware and Embedded Systems: Computer Architecture Design, Microprocessors Design, VLSI, Parallel and Distributed Processing, Embedded Systems, Robotics, System Simulation, quantum computing.
Big Data and Software Engineering: Software requirements engineering, Software Architecture and Design, Software Testing and Analysis, Software Processes and Workflows, Reverse Engineering and Maintenance, Software Tools, Database Integration and Interoperability, Query Processing and Optimization, Data Mining, Data Warehousing, Big Data analytics and tools.

Computer and Control Applications: Different Computer applications from other disciplines using Computer Engineering Techniques and methodologies.

Graduate Session: An opportunity for graduate students (Master or PhD students) early in their research to present their current work to the research community in the form of oral presentation. This provides the students a chance to get external feedback on their preliminary research.
Full Paper submission:
Deadline for submission of full paper is 15th of December 2020.
Acceptance notification deadline is 20th of December 2020

Camera Ready submission 22th of December 2020.
The conference proceedings will be submitted to the IEEE Xplore digital library. Submit: icenco2020.eng.cu.edu.eg E-mail: icenco@eng.cu.edu.eg


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