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5th South-East Europe Design Automation, Computer Engineering,
Computer Networks and Social Media Conference (SEEDA-CECNSM 2020)
September 25-27, 2020
Corfu, Greece
The 5th South-East Europe Design Automation, Computer Engineering,
Computer Networks and Social Media Conference (SEEDA-CECNSM 2020),
in its 5th year, will provide an insight into the unique world
stemming from the interaction between the fields of computer
engineering, networks and Design Automation. SEEDA-CECNSM 2020
will provide an international technical forum for experts from the
engineering industry and academia to exchange ideas, innovations,
and present results of on-going research in the most
state-of-the-art areas.
After four successful conferences starting from Kastoria (2016,
2017, 2018), and then Piraeus (2019), the SEEDA-CECNSM conference
series has been consolidated as a reference event in order to
discuss about the newest advances in the field.
SEEDA-CECNSM 2020 will be technically co-sponsored by the IEEE
Computational Intelligence Society and all papers will be indexed
by IEEE Xplore, DBLP and Scopus.
SEEDA-CECNSM 2020 aims to address several issues and topics of
interest include, but are not limited to:
Design Automation (DA)
Artificial Intelligence and Applications
Backend Silicon Tools and Methodologies
CAD Tools and Algorithms
Characterisation and Timing Simulation
Design for Low Power
Design Optimization and Implementation
ESL Methodologies and EDA Tools
FPGAs, ASICs, ASIPs and SoCs
Numerical and Scientific Computation
Open-Source Tools
Placement & Routing
Rapid Prototyping and Hardware/Software Co-verification and
Silicon Device Level Research
System-Level and High-Level Synthesis
VLSI and Digital Design and Design for Test
Reconfigurable computing and FPGA-based acceleration
Approximate computing
System level and architecture level dependability
Safe and secure embedded systems
Computer Networks and Communications
Advances in Internet Protocols
Cloud and Fog Computing
Intelligent Agents and Distributed Computing
Internet of Things and Smart Cities
Internet Services and Applications
Management of Telecommunications and Networks
Mobile, Ad Hoc and Sensor Network Optimization and Management
Security and Privacy
Ubiquitous Computing, Services and Applications
Web Services and Service Oriented Architectures
Wireless, Cellular, and Mobile Communications
Computer Engineering
Computer Architecture and Design
Formal Methods in Architecture Design
Computer-Aided Architecture Design and Implementation
Embedded Systems and Applications
Multi-core VLSI/ULSI Design
Parallel and other Advanced Architectures
Distributed Computing
Memory and Storage Systems
Parallel programming, parallel computing and ILP
Advanced I/O device design
Human-Computer Interaction
Embedded and Cyber-Physical Systems
Industrial informatics
Heterogeneous many/multi-core computing
Social Media and e-technologies
Active and Collaborative Learning
Advances in e-Energy Design and Development
Digital Media Technologies
e-Commerce and e-Services
Economic and Regulatory Issues
e-Government Issues
e-Health Technologies and Applications
Game-Based Learning for Engineering Education
Image Processing and Visualization
Social Networks in Education
Social Networks, Crowdsourcing, and Crowdsensing
-Paper submission deadline: *April 24, 2020*
-Notification of acceptance: May 21, 2020
-Camera-ready submission deadline: June 20, 2020
-Registration for authors: June 20, 2020
-Early registration: May 30, 2020
-Late registration: September 25, 2020
-Workshop: September 25-27, 2020
Each submitted paper will be refereed by at least three members of
the SEEDA-CECNSM 2020 Program Committee, based on its relevance,
originality, significance, technical soundness and clarity of
Submissions must be in English, and can present mature research or
experimental results as well as promising work in progress. Papers
must be formatted according to the IEEE 2-column conference
article style, with a limit of 8 pages, including all figures,
tables and references. A minimum paper length of 4 pages is also
For your convenience, you may use the LaTeX
or MS Word
templates. Papers can be submitted via EasyChair
https://easychair.org/conferences/?conf=seedacecnsm2020) in .pdf
As with all previous editions of SEEDA-CECNSM, all accepted papers
will be indexed by IEEE Xplore and will be indexed by DBLP and
Selected accepted papers will be invited to be submitted to the
Special Issue on Recent Advances on Computational Engineering of
the Computation MDPI international indexed (DBLP, Scopus, ESCI,
Google Scholar) journal, on a special, 100% APC-waived (0 euros)
submission status.
The SEEDA-CECNSM 2020 technical program will highlight a series of
Special Sessions to complement the regular program with new or
emerging topics of particular interest to topics of SEEDA-CECNSM
Prospective organizers of Special Sessions are encouraged to
submit their proposals using the following MS Word (.docx)
template file:
Proposals should at minimum include the following information:
1. Title of the proposed Special Session
2. Motivation, indicating the novelty of the topic and any
possible interdisciplinary flavour
3. Short biography of the organizers
4. List of at least four (4) tentative contributed papers
(including titles, authors, contact information of the
corresponding author, and a short abstract). Upon acceptance of
the special session proposal, the contributed papers will be
submitted in the same format as regular papers. Organizers should
not contribute more than one paper.
Proposals will be evaluated based on the timeliness of the topic
and on the qualifications of the organizers and of the authors of
the contributed papers as well.
The papers in each accepted Special Session will undergo a review
process, similar to the other regular papers. It is the
responsibility of the organizers to ensure that their Special
Session papers meet IVMSP quality standards. In case a paper in a
Special Session does not meet the expected quality, it will be
rejected and an effort will be made to draw papers from the
regular submission process to fill in the gap. If too many papers
for a given Special Session are not accepted in the review process
and we are unable to find suitable substitutes from the regular
review pool, the Special Session may be canceled. In such a case,
the accepted papers from a canceled Special Session will be placed
into the regular program.
Proposals should be sent in PDF to the Special Session Chair at
the following address: Themistoklis Exarchos
Any other inquiries may be sent to the same e-mail address.
-Special Session Proposals: *February 28, 2020*
-Notification of Special Session Acceptance: March 6, 2020
-Submission of full papers for approved Special Sessions: April
24, 2020
-Early registration: June 20, 2020
-Late registration: September 25, 2020
-Conference: September 25-27, 2020
Phivos Mylonas, Ionian University
Michael Dossis, University of Western Macedonia
Christos Douligeris, University of Piraeus
Efthymios Alepis, University of Piraeus
Ioannis Anagnostopoulos, University of Thessaly
Leyre Azpilicueta, Tecnologico de Monterrey
Panagiotis Bamidis, Aristotle University of Thessaloniki
Edgar Batista, SIMPPLE SL
Christina Beneki, Ionian University
Fernando Bobillo, University of Zaragoza
George Caridakis, University of the Aegean
Fran Casino, Rovira i Virgili University
Vassilios V. Dimakopoulos, University of Ioannina
Michael Dossis, University of Western Macedonia
Christos Douligeris, University of Piraeus
Soultana Ellinidou, Universite libre de Bruxelles
Themis Exarchos, Ionian University
Christos Georgiadis, University of Macedonia
Apostolos Gkamas, University Ecclesiastical Academy of Vella of
Ioannis Hatzilygeroudis, University of Patras
Peio Iturri Lopez, Universidad Publica de Navarra
Katerina Kabassi, Ionian University
Athanasios Kakarountas, University of Thessaly
Dimitrios Kallergis, University of West Attica
Theodoros Karvounidis, University of Piraeus
Katia Lida Kermanidis, Ionian University
Charalampos Konstantopoulos, University of Piraeus
Ioannis Korinthios, University of Thessaly
Jose M. Lanza-Gutierrez, Universidad Politecnica de Madrid
Georgios Lappas, University of Western Macedonia
Martin Lopez-Nores, University of Vigo
Ilias Maglogiannis, University of Piraeus
Angelos Markopoulos, National Technical University of Athens
Antoni Martinez-Balleste, Universitat Rovira i Virgili
Vasileios Mezaris, Centre for Research and Technology Hellas
Angelos Michalas, University of Western Macedonia
Sarandis Mitropoulos, Ionian University
Phivos Mylonas, Ionian University
Petros Nicopolitidis, Aristotle University of Thessaloniki
Spyridon Nikolaidis, Aristotle University of Thessaloniki
Konstantinos Oikonomou, Ionian University
Stergios Palamas, Ionian University
Anastasios Panopoulos, University of Macedonia
Constantinos Patsakis, University of Piraeus
Prantosh Kumar Paul, Raiganj University
Mihalis Psarakis, University of Piraeus
Anna Sotiropoulou, Ionian University
Evaggelos Spyrou, University of Thessaly
Yannis Stamatiou, University of Patras
Nicolas Tsapatsoulis, Cyprus University of Technology
Chrisa Tsinaraki, European Commission Joint Research Center
Panagiotis Vlamos, Ionian University
Gerasimos Vonitsanos, Hellenic Open University
Nikos Voros, University of the Peloponnese
hilab (at) ionio.gr