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Subject: [AISWorld] AI Beyond the Hype – Call for ICIS 2020 PDW Contributions (Reminder)
Date: Mon, 16 Nov 2020 12:46:50 +0000
From: Pär Ågerfalk <par.agerfalk@im.uu.se>
To: aisworld@lists.aisnet.org <aisworld@lists.aisnet.org>

Dear colleagues,

Just a friendly reminder: As part of the ICIS 2020 program, we will run a practice development workshop (PDW) on the topic of Artificial Intelligence – Beyond the Hype. The PDW will provide participants with an opportunity to exchange their views on contemporary advances in artificial intelligence (AI). The purpose is to identify different disciplinary synergies to collectively develop plans for the future, building bridges, broadening yet nuancing the view of AI in organizations and society. Building on the reciprocal relationship between AI practices and institutions and an increasing interest in the conceptualization of the IT artifact in this context, the PDW will address a variety of organizational practices related to AI agency.

As part of the workshop, participants will work in small groups discussing a selection of current research. We invite you to submit an abstract of your current research in the area of the PDW, emphasizing the research questions or problems, methodological approach (behavioral, design science, etc.), and theories used (if applicable). Please also submit up to five keywords that indicate where you see the potential for future IS contributions in the area of the PDW. We encourage the submission of diverse types of proposals ranging from behavioral/organizational to design science and computational approaches using AI. If accepted, you will have the opportunity to present and discuss your view of potential IS contributions related to your research.

Please submit your abstract (up to 500 words, not counting references) and keywords through https://forms.gle/ZjpWwM6QFXhHDR726 no later than Nov 22. We will select the abstracts to be discussed in the PDW and announce the decision by Nov 30.

Pär J. Ågerfalk, Kieran Conboy, Kevin Crowston, Sirkka L. Jarvenpaa, Jenny Eriksson Lundström, Patrick Mikalef, Sudha Ram

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