“Case Studies in E-Government 2.0. Changing the citizen
relationship” Proposals Submission Deadline: December 15, 2011
Full Chapters Due: June 01, 2012
A book edited by Saïd Assar, Imed Boughzala (Telecom
Business School, France) and Marijn Janssen (Delft
University of Technology, Netherlands)
Governments are revolutionizing their ways of working
resulting in changing relationships among public
organizations and their constituents. An important enabler
are new usages of information and knowledge-sharing
technologies which emerged with the advent of Web 2.0
paradigm. Used initially in the private arena, Web 2.0
technologies (e.g. blogs, wikis, RSS, social networking
platforms, folksonomy, podcasting, mashups, virtual worlds,
open linked data etc.) are increasingly disseminated within
the professional sphere, regardless of the type of
organization or field of activities. These technologies are
user-centered, user-friendly and participatory, intuitive
and flexible. They are very useful for self-expression,
social networking, knowledge co-creation, skills and talents
identification, etc [1,2]. Furthermore, these technologies
are an important enabler for new architectures in which the
citizen is in control.
During the last decade, e-government environments have
undergone considerable transformations in an attempt to
satisfy the incessant demand for more advanced e-service
delivery, better access to information and more efficient
government management. Looking to the future, the emergence
of Web 2.0 and the rise of social networks have indeed
opened up new perspectives that challenge public
institutions. In addition government data is opened for the
public which enable to mash them up with data from other
sources (companies, universities and other public bodies).
This enables new user-centric application in which
information can be viewed at a glance. The term
e-government 2.0 points to the specific applications of
social networks and Web 2.0 in the sphere of public services
[3]. Many benefits are expected, such as a better match
between public services and citizens' expectations, greater
adoption of online services by citizens, or better control
of costs and delays in the implementation of new services.
Governments around the world are building frameworks and
proposals for e-government 2.0 [4,5,6]. This transition
towards e-Government 2.0 will not only improve
participation, transparency and integration but it is also
expected to speed up the pace of innovation through
collaboration and consultation. Ultimately resulting in new
e-government business models [13].
Despite evidence that e-government 2.0 adoption and usage is
increasing, the use of Web 2.0 in government remains in its
infancy. Interrogations are expressed concerning the path to
follow and which factors will lead to success [7,8].
Academic research output is still quite limited and there
remains a weak body of evidence on e-government 2.0 adoption
and usage [9,10,11]. In addition to more empirical research
on its usage, the e-government community requires a more
complete set of methods and tools for evaluating
e-government 2.0. Existing frameworks and evaluation methods
may not be sufficient to appropriately measure the impact of
e-government 2.0 [12]. Furthermore, the number of practices
remains limited and there is limited generalization in terms
of new types of innovative business models [14].
The goal of this book is to provide a comprehensive
collection of research works concerning e-government 2.0
implementation by showing cases and business models enabled
by various technologies and developed in different
countries. E-government 2.0 will be approached from the view
of theory and practice interaction. Contributions will be
based on concrete practical studies: this may concern
generally applicable methodological lessons stemming from
grounded applications or feedback resulting from the
implementation of a conceptual framework in the field. All
types of methodological approaches are welcome: case
studies, action research, design science, empirical
investigation, comparative research, prototyping and
experimental engineering emphasizing technical and
methodological dimensions of e-government 2.0 projects.
As they will be published in the context of a book, chapters
must be presented in such a way that they are easily
understood by an audience with varied expertise (government
agencies, research institutions, software vendors, research
scholars, consultants, and academic institutions etc.).
Contributions should include a synthetic and easy to read
state of the art related to the topic of the chapter, and
must introduce theoretical background and clearly identify
what has been accomplished, why it is fundamental to
authors' understanding of e-government and e-government
2.0, how it compares with previous work.
Recommended topics
Recommended topics in e-government 2.0 include, but are not
limited to, the following:
- Domain oriented applications (health, education, tax
payment, e-procurement, … etc.)
- Authentification and identity management
- Privacy and security issues
- e-KM, intranet, e-learning and web 2.0 in public
information systems
- Cultural, social, economic and organizational impact
- Digital divide and universal access in e-government 2.0
- Process re-engineering, policy reshaping
- Methodological frameworks and models for e-government 2.0
implementation and best practices
- Comparative case studies and cross-country comparisons
- Performance, cost and ROI measurement of e-government 2.0
- Open linked data
- Innovative 2.0 business models
- Collaboration and Web 2.0 applications in e-government
- Communities of practices in the public sector
- Open source software and standards for e-government 2.0
- Legal and juridical aspects related to web 2.0 usages in
public information systems
- ….
Please submit a 1-4 pages chapter abstract clearly outlining
the mission and objective of the proposed chapter and its
relation to the mission of this book. Submissions should be
made by e-mail before Dec. 15, 2011 to said.assar@it-sudparis.eu,
and format guidelines are available at Springer website.
Authors will be notified by January 15, 2012 about the
status of their proposal. We strongly encourage other topics
that have not been listed in our suggested list,
particularly if the topic is related to the research area in
which you have expertise.
Authors of accepted proposals are invited to prepare and
submit full chapters (5,000 to 10,000 words) by June 01,
2012. All submitted chapters will be reviewed on a
double-blind review basis. This book is scheduled for
publication by Springer in 1st semester 2013.
- Deadline for chapter abstracts submission: December
15, 2011
- Notification of proposal acceptance: January 15, 2012
- Full chapter due: June 01, 2012
- Review result: August 01, 2012
- Camera-ready version: October 01, 2012
- Expected publication date: 1st semester 2013
Saïd Assar & Imed Boughzala
Telecom Business School
Department of Information Systems
9, rue Charles Fourier
91011 Evry Cedex - FRANCE
1. O'Reilly, T.: What Is Web 2.0: Design Patterns and
Business Models for the Next Generation of Software.
O'Reilly Media (2008), available online at http://www.oreillynet.com/pub/a/oreilly/tim/news/2005/09/30/what-is-web-20.html
2. Anderson, P.: What is Web 2.0? Ideas, Technologies and
Implications for Education. JISC Technology and Standards
Watch, (2007), available online at http://www.jisc.ac.uk/media/documents/techwatch/tsw0701b.pdf
3. Baumgarten, J., Chui, B.: e-Government. McKinsey
Quarterly, n°4, (2009), available online at http://www.mckinseyquarterly.com/Business_Technology/E-government_20_2408
4. Australian Government, Department of Finance and
Deregulation: Engage: Getting on with Government 2.0.
(2009), available online at http://www.finance.gov.au/publications/gov20taskforcereport/
5. Federal Ministry of Interior, Germany: eGovernment 2.0
- The Programme of the Federal Government, (2006),
available online at http://www.epractice.eu/en/library/313916
6. Riester, F.: Enhancing the digital relation with the
public user (in French). Report from the group of "Digital
Experts", (2010), available online at http://www.budget.gouv.fr/presse/dossiers_de_presse/100212numerique.pdf
7. Ostergaard, S. D., Hvass, M.: eGovernment 2.0 - How
can Government benefit from web 2.0? Journal of Systemics,
Cybernetics & Informatics, 6(6), pp.13--18, (2008).
8. Eched, Y., Billiaert, E., Veyret, E.: e-Gov 2.0: The
keys to success. Gemalto white paper, (2009), available
online at http://www.epractice.eu/en/library/292758
9. Dixon, B. E.: Towards E-Government 2.0: An Assessment
Of Where E-Government 2.0 is and where it is headed. Public
Administration And Management, Volume: 15, Issue: 2,
pp.418--454, (2010)
10. Nam, T.: New Ends, New Means, but Old Attitudes:
Citizens’ Views on Open Government and Government 2.0. In
proceedings 44th Hawaii Int. Conf. on System Sciences
(HICSS), January, 4-7, (2011)
11. Scholl, H. J., Luna-Reyes, L.: Uncovering Dynamics
of Open Government, Transparency, Participation, and
Collaboration. In proceedings 44th Hawaii Int. Conf. on
System Sciences (HICSS), January, 4-7, (2011)
12. Johannessen, M.R.: Different theory, different
result: Examining how different theories lead to different
insights in government 2.0 research. In Proceedings of the
1st Scandinavian Conference of Information Systems and the
33rd Information Systems Research in Scandinavia (IRIS)
Seminar, pp. 20—24, (2010)
13. George Kuk & Marijn Janssen (2011).The Business
Models and Information Architectures of Smart Cities.
Journal of Urban Technology, Vol. 18, No. 2, 39–52.
14. Janssen, Marijn, Kuk, George & Wagenaar, René W.
(2008). A Survey of Web-based Business Models for
e-Government in the Netherlands. Government Information
Quarterly, Vol. 25, No. 2, pp. 202-220.