-------- Original-Nachricht --------
Special Session on Knowledge Extraction based on Evolutionary Learning,
HAIS 2010
23-25 June, 2010
Session Details:
Title: Knowledge Extraction based on Evolutionary Learning
Organizers: Sebastiαn Ventura, University of Cordoba, Spain; Eva
Gibaja, University of Cordoba, Spain; Amelia Zafra, University of
Cordoba, Spain.
Contact: egibaja@uco.es, sventura@uco.es, azafra@uco.es
Important Dates:
o Submission Deadline: 15th February, 2010
o Notification Acceptance: 15th March, 2010
o Submission of Final Source Files: 11th April, 2010
The special session on "Knowledge Extraction based on Evolutionary
Learning" (http://uco.es/grupos/kdis/hais/ss1.htm) at the 5th Hybrid
Artificial Intelligent Systems Conference (HAIS 2010,
http://www.ehu.es/ccwintco/hais2010/) aims at bringing together
researchers and practitioners in Knowledge Extraction based on
Evolutionary Learning.
The goal of the session is to serve as a forum for the exchange of ideas
and discussion on recent and new trends for research in the field. Lots
of knowledge extraction processes can be addressed by means of
Evolutionary Algorithms, obtaining promising results. Evolutionary
Algorithms have been successfully applied in several knowledge
extraction tasks, such as data mining and data reduction.
We encourage authors to submit original papers as well as preliminary
and promising works in the topics of the special session.
The topics for the special session include the application, but are not
limited, of Evolutionary Algorithms to:
Data Mining
Association Rules
Data Reduction
Feature Selection / Extraction
Instance Selection / Extraction
Interval Rule Learning
Fuzzy Rule Learning
Neural Networks
Statistical Learning
Lazy Learning
Preprocessing / Postprocessing tasks
Recent Challenges of Data Mining: Imbalanced domains, Multiple
Instance Learning, ...
Real World Applications
Authors are invited to submit papers through HAIS 2010 web site. Papers
are up to 8 pages and must be formatted according to the LNCS
Springer-Verlag format. The Proceedings will be published on LNCS by
Springer-Verlag. For more details, please visit HAIS 2010 web site:
Submission Deadline: 15th February, 2010
Author Notification: 15th March, 2010
Camera-Ready Due: 11th April, 2010
Conference Days: 23rd - 25th June, 2009
Please feel free to send this invitation to other colleagues that may be
interested in these topics.
Sebastiαn Ventura
Research Group of "Knowledge Discovery & Intelligent Systems",
Department of Computer Science and Numerical Analysis, University of
Cordoba, Cordoba, Spain
Contact: sventura@uco.es
Web: http://www.uco.es/grupos/kdis
Eva Gibaja
Research Group of "Knowledge Discovery & Intelligent Systems",
Department of Computer Science and Numerical Analysis, University of
Cordoba, Cordoba, Spain
Contact: egibaja@uco.es
Web: http://www.uco.es/grupos/kdis
Amelia Zafra
Research Group of "Knowledge Discovery & Intelligent Systems",
Department of Computer Science and Numerical Analysis, University of
Cordoba, Cordoba, Spain
Contact: azafra@uco.es
Web: http://www.uco.es/grupos/kdis
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