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22nd Americas Conference on Information Systems (AMCIS), San Diego, CA, August 11 - 13, 2016
The interrelation of social aspects, such as culture and values, with information systems (IS) has become an important research area, particularly, since many IS projects seem to struggle with cultural phenomena. Research in this area is manifold and includes culture and values of IS stakeholders (e.g., designers, programmers, managers, users) on organizational, managerial, and societal levels. Cross-cultural studies comparing the design, development, and use of IS in different contexts cover important facets of culture and values in IS. This mini-track tries to particularly stimulate research that covers the management of culture to foster an IT-based innovation environment. It is open for cultural and value related studies on societal, organizational, and managerial issues. The track aims at achieving a deeper understanding of topics such as culture and values integrated in IS; cultural contexts and the IS life cycle; and stakeholder group cultures and IS management.
Investigating culture and values in IS contexts supports the idea of the AMCIS 2016 conference topic “Surfing the IT Innovation Wave”, because culture and values play an important role in tackling the challenges arising from IT-related innovations. We seek research that sheds light on the various meanings and roles of culture in the context of IS, ranging from behaviors and beliefs of specific IS groups to the role of organizational, national, and occupational cultures in IT innovation, but also to values embedded in technology and managerial methods. Concerning values, we are interested in research aiming at identifying, exploring, or explaining values in IS contexts; research on the influence of values on society or organizations – and vice versa; and research on personal values and managerial conflicts evolving in the context of IS, such as in case of privacy concerns. Hence, a broad spectrum of studies is covered in this mini-track.
Consequently, we strongly encourage researchers to submit studies covering cultural issues, values, and their interconnection with society, organizations, and management in the IS context. Both, qualitative and quantitative research papers are welcome.
Research topics include, but are not limited to:
• Culture of IS innovation in high and low tech firms
• IS culture, information culture, digital culture, online or social media culture, the geek culture, or sub-cultures
• IS values and culture conflict; managerial issues of IS-related culture conflicts
• The IS Occupational Culture; socialization, cultural fit, and commitment of IS professionals
• IS culture and education
• Cultural values embedded in ICT; cultural values embedded in IS-related methods and management approaches
• Measuring or identifying cultural patterns or value sets in IS contexts
• Methodological issues conducting culture-related IS research
• Culture as a dependent variable in IS research
• Prescriptive theorizing on culture in IS research
• Culture change, culture development, and culture management in IS contexts
• ICT for supporting cultural studies and culture change
• Culture of “smart” organizations/groups
• Culture and values in the context of privacy and data protection issues
• Culture and information sharing
• Culture, values, and IS management or project management
January 4, 2016: Manuscript submissions opened
March 2, 2016: Manuscript submissions closes at 10:00am PST
We look forward to your submissions.
Kind regards,
Barbara Krumay, WU Vienna, barbara.krumay@wu.ac.at
Theresa Schmiedel, University of Liechtenstein, theresa.schmiedel@uni.li
Dr. Theresa Schmiedel
Assistant Professor
at the Hilti Chair of Business Process Management
University of Liechtenstein
Institute of Information Systems
Fürst-Franz-Josef-Strasse, 9490 Vaduz, Liechtenstein
Phone +423 265 11 11, Direct +423 265 13 09
theresa.schmiedel@uni.li, www.uni.li
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