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Second Call for Papers for the 11th INFORMS Telecommunications Conference (DEADLINE EXTENDED BY POPULAR REQUEST)
The Eleventh INFORMS Telecommunications Conference will be held March 15-17, 2012 at the Renaissance Boca Raton, Boca Raton, FL. In the tradition of the previous “Boca” conferences, the Eleventh Conference will focus on the theory and application of operations research and management science to problems in telecommunications, with particular emphasis on new and emerging technologies.
Topics for the conference include, but are not limited to:
Telecommunications modeling, policy, and technology, network design, algorithms, optimization, network economics and techno-economics, sensor networks, wireless and broadband networks, mobile computing, semantic networks, network survivability and reliability, information security and privacy, pricing, quality of service, Internet and multimedia, data mining applications in telecommunications networks.
Important Dates:
* February 3, 2012: Session, tutorial, and single abstract submission deadline
* February 10, 2012: Acceptance notification
* February 16, 2012: Early (discounted) registration deadline
* February 22, 2012: Discounted hotel room reservation deadline
Plenary Speakers:
Dr. David S. Johnson
Head, Algorithms and Optimization Department
AT&T Labs - Research
Dr. Michal Pioro
Head of the Computer Networks and Switching Division
Institute of Telecommunications
Warsaw University of Technology
Dr. Iraj Saniee
Department Head
Mathematics of Networks and Communications Research Department
Bell Laboratories, Alcatel-Lucent
Conference Volume:
Conference participants will be eligible to submit papers based on their presentations for a special issue of Netnomics or the International Journal of Mobile Network Design and Innovation (depending on the topic) featuring selected papers from the conference.
For more details please visit the conference website
We look forward to seeing you in Boca and apologize if you have received multiple copies of this announcement,
Eli Olinick (Conference Chair)
Southern Methodist University
Luis Gouveia (Program Co-Chair)
University of Lisbon
Mauricio G. C. Resende (Program Co-Chair)
AT&T Labs Research
Prof. Dr. Stefan Voß
Universität Hamburg
Institut für Wirtschaftsinformatik
Von-Melle-Park 5
D - 20146 Hamburg, Germany
FAX: ++49-40-42838-5535
TEL: ...-3062
E-mail: stefan.voss@uni-hamburg.de