-------- Original-Nachricht -------- Betreff: [WI] First CFP: IxD&A Special Issue on "Design Centered and Personalized Learning in Liquid and Ubiquitous Learning Places" Datum: Sat, 12 Jun 2010 10:23:03 +0200 (CEST) Von: mifav@roma2.infn.it An: wi@aifb.uni-karlsruhe.de
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========================================================================== Call for paper - IxD&A ( Interaction Design and Architecture(s) ) Journal (ISSN 1826-9745) - special issue on
"Design Centered and Personalized Learning in Liquid and Ubiquitous Learning Places (DULP): Future Visions and Practical Implementations"
Guest Editors: Carlo Giovannella, University of Rome Tor Vergata - ScuolaIaD, Italy Sabine Graf, Athabasca University, Canada
The special issue is intended to investigate further the practical implications of DULP vision on the future of TEL and to give the opportunity to participate in the debate also to those who could not attend the DULP@ICALT2010 workshop.
According to the objectives of the DULP@ICALT2010 Workshop the special issue of the IxD&A Journal intends to offer an interdisciplinary arena where everybody can present and discuss ideas on what could be the future of TEL (Technology Enhanced Learning) in the next few years, under the consideration of the DULP concepts. A future that has to be possible and that, thus, should be closely related to the present researches and educational processes. We remind that the DULP vision aims at combining Design inspired learning, Ubiquitous learning, Liquid learning places (& liquid society), and Person in place centered design, which shall lead to challenging technologies, rethinking pedagogies, and being design inspired.
This special issue should be of interest for all those who do not want to stop at the "simple" development and use of technologies but consider them as the basics for supporting innovative educational visions aimed at improving the experience of the training process. For this it is expected that the special issue would be of interest to all those that look at the TEL with a strong interdisciplinary attitude, the same one that inspire the DULP vision: technologists, educators, psychologists and sociologists and all those that consider the technology an indispensable ally rather than a service provider. Looking towards the future is a challenge also for creatives and especially for designers of virtual and physical environments dedicated to TEL and, more in general, for people involved in educational processes, dealing with design for the experience and with its significant qualities.
This special issue is looking for authors that a) starting from the current state of the art, are able to imagine a realistic future of TEL that should be applicable in real contexts; b) will present development and use of technologies able to induce a fruitful encounter between disciplines, to the benefit of the centrality of the learning experiences and of the expectations of the individuals.
Open list of themes that may inspire the design for the future:
- Future visions and models for ubiquitous learning in liquid learning places - New generation of virtual and physical learning place - Balancing communities and personal identity - Ecological detection of learning experience qualities - From media literacy to design literacy
_______________________________________________________________________ * Deadline for submission: July 25, 2010. _______________________________________________________________________
The manuscripts should be submitted either in .doc or in .rtf format.
All papers will be blindly peer-reviewed by two 2) reviewers. The call for paper is open, although a section of the special issue will be reserved to extended versions of the papers presented at the DULP@ICALT2010 workshop: http://www.mifav.uniroma2.it/iede_mk/events/dulp2010/index.php The submitted papers should be no longer than 10 pages (including authors' information, abstract, all tables, figures, references, etc.) and should be written according to the IEEE Conference Publishing Services Formatting Guidelines -> see the DULP@ICALT2010 website.
Link to the paper submission page: http://www.mifav.uniroma2.it/DULP10SI/login.php
More information on the submission procedure and on the characteristics of the paper format can be found on the website of the DULP@ICALT2010: http://www.mifav.uniroma2.it/iede_mk/events/dulp2010/index.php where information on the copyright policy and responsibility of authors will be also published.
For scientific advices and for any query please contact the guest-editors: info@mifav.uniroma2.it marking the subject as: "IxD&A, special issue on DULP: Future Visions and Practical Implementations"
_______________________________________________________________________ * Important dates: _______________________________________________________________________
- Deadline for paper submission: 25 July - Notification to the authors: 20 August - Deadline for submission of the final camera ready version of accepted papers: 25 September - Publication of the special issue: second half of October
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