-------- Original-Nachricht -------- Betreff: [isworld] MCIS 2009 CFP: 4th Mediterranean Conf. on IS, 25-27 Sept. 2009, Athens, Greece (submissions until 15 April) Datum: Fri, 27 Feb 2009 14:08:21 -0500 Von: Nancy Pouloudi pouloudi@aueb.gr Antwort an: Nancy Pouloudi pouloudi@aueb.gr An: AISWORLD Information Systems World Network isworld@lyris.isworld.org
Conference Theme: Information Society Research, Education, Policy and Practice in the Mediterranean Region Athens University of Economics and Business (AUEB) 25-27 September 2009 Athens, Greece www.mcis2009.org ****************
Apologies for cross-postings. Please forward to interested colleagues and PhD students ****************
The Mediterranean Conference on Information Systems (MCIS) is organized under the auspices of the AIS and aims to: * Encourage and inspire innovative and informative IS research that is relevant to the social, economic and cultural conditions of the Mediterranean region * Raise the visibility of IS-related research practice, education and policy carried out in the Mediterranean region * Bring together researchers, educators, policy makers and practitioners originating from, or working in the region, thus engaging junior and more experienced members of the Mediterranean IS community in a creative dialogue
The MCIS 2009 program committee, bringing together scholars from 19 countries in the region, invites papers, case studies, panels and workshop proposals in a number of areas that are relevant to IS Research, Education, Policy and Practice in the Mediterranean Region.
Types of Submissions (in English)
* Full research papers (7-12 pages) * Extended abstracts and research-in-progress papers (3-7 pages) * Research case studies (7-12 pages) * Panel proposals (3-5 pages) * Doctoral research proposals and extended abstracts for the 2009 Doctoral and Junior Faculty Consortium * Papers, teaching case studies, position statements, and panel proposals for the IS education thematic area Submission instructions and author guidelines are available at the conference website: www.mcis2009.org
Conference Tracks & Themes
* IS in Education (Main horizontal theme) (Chairs: T. Jelassi, N. Mylonopoulos) * IS in Tourism (Chairs: M. Sigala, A. Frew) * Free, Libre and Open Source Software and its use in the Mediterranean region (Chairs: E. Kalliamvakou, J. M. Gonzalez-Barahona, D. Spinellis) * Social Study of IT Marketplace in the Private & Public Sector (Chairs: G. M. Campagnolo, N. Pollock) * Digital Interactive Media (Chairs: G. Lekakos, K. Chorianopoulos) * IS Knowledge and Innovation (Chair: E. Soderquist) * Enterprise Systems (Chairs: V. Morabito, A. Elbanna, M. Themistocleous) * Healthcare Information Technology (Chairs: M.M. Kabil, N. Hikmet, A. Veletsos) * Information Systems and Marketing (Chairs: A. Vrechopoulos, I. Kopanakis) * Recommender Systems (Chairs: G. Lekakos, G. Samaras) * Developing a Sustainable Information Society (Chair: H. Dragomirescu) * IS Security (Chairs: G. Dhillon, S. Gritzalis, S. Kokolakis) * E-Government (Chairs: A. Cordella, A. Poulymenakou) * E- and Mobile Business (Chairs: A. Pateli, A. Pucihar, HD. Zimmermann) * Interoperability of Public IS Infrastructures (Chair: Y. Charalabidis) * Security and Privacy in IS: Legal & Regulatory issues (Chairs: L. Mitrou, E. Kosta) * Social Virtual Worlds (Chairs: M. Limayem, I. Boughzala) * Economics of Information Systems (Chair: H. Cavusoglu) * The Internet of Things (Chairs: K. Pramatari, F. Thiesse)
Other Thematic Areas Organizational Theory, Strategy & IS in the Med. Socio-economic Context, Social & Behavioral IS Research, E-Learning, E-inclusion, Ethical & Policy Issues of the IS in the Med. Region, IS in Retailing and Supply Chains, SMEs & Business Networking in the Med. Region, IT-Based Entrepreneurship in the Med. Region, Internet Technologies and Collaboration among Med. Universities
Important Dates Submission of Papers due: April 15, 2009 Notification of acceptance: June 15, 2009 Camera-ready version: July 15, 2009
MCIS Doctoral and Junior Faculty Consortium Proposal submission: May 18, 2009 Notification of acceptance: June 22, 2009 Submission of the final proposal: July 20, 2009 Doctoral & Junior Faculty Consortium: September 24, 2009
MCIS Special Issues in IS Journals In addition to publication in the MCIS CD-ROM proceedings, selected papers will be considered for further publication in:
European Journal of Information Systems Information Technology for Development Electronic Markets Journal of Information System Security AIS Transactions on Enterprise Systems International J. of Electronic Governance International J. of I.S. in the Service Sector J. of Hospitality & Tourism Technology
Conference Location and Accommodation The MCIS 2009 will be held at the main building site of the Athens University of Economics and Business (www.aueb.gr) in the center of Athens, Greece. Accommodation will be offered by several hotels in the centre of the city at competitive prices.
MCIS 2009 Conference Chairs GENERAL CHAIRS Georgios I. Doukidis, AUEB, Greece Chrisanthi Avgerou, LSE, UK PROGRAMME CHAIRS Phillip Ein-Dor, Tel Aviv Univ., Israel Angeliki Poulymenakou, AUEB, Greece Moktar Amami, Royal Milit. Coll. of Canada PROGRAMME COMMITTEE CHAIR Nancy Pouloudi, AUEB, Greece LOCAL ORGANIZATION CHAIR Katerina Pramatari, AUEB, Greece PhD & JUNIOR Faculty Consortium Co-ordinators Chrisanthi Avgerou, LSE, UK Amany Elbanna, Loughborough Univ., UK IS EDUCATION Co-ordinators Tawfik Jelassi, France/Tunisia Nikos Mylonopoulos, ALBA, Greece
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