-------- Original Message --------
International Workshop on Ubiquitous Computing
"The Intelligent Environment at the Service of People"
In conjunction with
The Fourth International Conference on Networked Digital Technologies
(NDT 2012)
April 24-26, 2012
Workshop Aim and Scope
The main objective of this workshop is to provide a forum for researchers
and practitioners from academia and industry to present new and innovative
research results in ubiquitous systems. The workshop will have a special
focus on” The Intelligent Environment at the Service of People”. Over
the past decade, there has been an increasing trend towards integrating
sensing, communication, and computation into the physical world. Recent
progress in wireless communications, networking, mobile computing, handheld
devices and wearable sensors have led to the evolution of ubiquitous
platforms and technologies. Many systems have been developed in many
application areas such as intelligent cars, smart homes, healthcare and
environment monitoring, thus creating ambient intelligence to improve human
experience and quality of life without explicit awareness of the underlying
communications and computing technologies.
Topics of Interest
The workshop program invites papers on various topics of interest to this
workshop including but not limited to:
* Smart Spaces and Intelligent Environments
* Ubiquitous Systems for Healthcare Monitoring
* Mobile Computing Systems and Services
* Wireless Communications and Network Architectures for Ubiquitous
* Context-aware Computing
* Ubiquitous Systems for Environment Monitoring
* Ambient, Invisible and Adaptive Systems
* Wearable Sensors for Ubiquitous Systems
* Positioning and Tracking Technologies
* Security and Privacy Issues in Ubiquitous Systems
* Fault Tolerance and Resiliency Issues in Ubiquitous Systems
* Middleware and agent technologies for Ubiquitous Systems
* User Interfaces for Ubiquitous Systems
* Optical Communications for Ubiquitous Systems
Important Dates
Paper Submission Deadline: December 31, 2011
Paper Acceptance Notification: January 31, 2012
Camera-ready Paper Submissions: February 25, 2012
Submission Instructions
Submitted paper should not exceed 15 pages, including illustrations. Papers
should be submitted electronically as MS word. All papers will be fully
refereed by a minimum of two specialized referees. Before final acceptance,
all referees' comments must be considered. Accepted papers will be published
in the Communications in Computer and Information Science (CCIS) of Springer
Authors should format the papers according to the Springer template.
The detailed instruction for authors is available at Information for LNCS
Program Committee
Yasser Alayli, University of Versailles, France
Eric Monacelli, University of Versailles, France
Suat Topsu, University of Versailles, France