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*2**9th European Conference on Information Systems (ECIS 2021)*
June 14th - 16th 2021 / Marrakech, Morocco (
Track: *Artificial Intelligence in IS Research and Practice*
*Track Description*
Artificial Intelligence (AI) is an umbrella term with an evolving
meaning over the last century. AI refers to a vast amount of
techniques, tools and technological artefacts. The AI artefacts
and techniques range from machine learning, convolution networks,
image and speech recognition, to 3D printing and an expanding
number of innovative approaches. AI, as a contextual approach with
a substantial role, has managed to find its place in a number of
areas, ranging from household applications, to healthcare, to
warfare, but also in production and the supply chain world.
In this track we would like to focus in the use of AI in IS
research and specifically draw our attention on the evolving
concepts, practices, processes and methods related to AI-related
technology management in various fields. We consider it is timely
to investigate into the potential of AI within the IS community,
with the view to shed more light in the management of practices
and processes. At the same time, it is crucial to reflect on the
challenges and the implications stemming out of AI applications.
Within a digitally connected world, whereby advanced technologies,
such as AI, Information Systems scholars should consider the
implications for industry, for society, for individuals and for
In this track, we welcome both empirical and conceptual papers,
without excluding any methodological stance (qualitative,
quantitative, mixed methods etc).
Potential Topics of Interest (indicative):
* AI concepts, tools and techniques
* Challenges and Opportunities (methodological and practical) for
* Information and Knowledge sharing and the ethical implications
around AI in organizations
* The dark side of AI and ethical considerations
* AI for decision making in organizational contexts
* Swarm and Collective Intelligence for smart applications
* Business Process Management and AI
* AI capabilities and innovation
* Decision-making and Forecasting through AI approaches
* Humanitarian applications of AI
* AI in emergent situations and risk management
* Application of AI to address societal challenges
* AI for healthcare innovation and management
* AI and Information Systems Development
* AI for Sustainability and Resilience of processes and practices
* The role of AI in the fourth Industrial Revolution (Industry
* Machine learning, Cyber-physical Systems, Robotics and AI
*Track Co-Chairs*
* Efpraxia Zamani, University of Sheffield, UK,
* Konstantina Spanaki, Loughborough University, UK,
* Ilias Pappas, University of Agder (UiA), Norway,
Paper submission deadline:18 November 2020
Notification of conditional acceptance: 03 March 2021
Final acceptance: 23 April 2021
Conference dates: 14 –16 June 2021
Track description online:
*Efpraxia Zamani*
Senior Lecturer of Information Systems
Departmental Director of Equality, Diversity and Inclusion
Information School, University of Sheffield, Room 209a, Regent Court, 211 Portobello, Sheffield, S1 4DP
+44 (0)114 222 6331
www.sheffield.ac.uk/is <http://www.sheffield.ac.uk/is>
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