8th TEE Workshop: Transformation & Engineering
of Enterprises
In conjunction with IEEE CBI14 - Geneva, July 2014
Call for Papers - Transformation & Engineering of
Enterprises (TEE)
Important dates
2 March 2014 - Paper submission
27 April 2014 - Notification of acceptance
15 May 2014 - Camera-ready copy
14 July 2014 - Workshop
Aims and objectives
New technologies, new markets, globalisation, mergers and
acquisitions are among the usual suspects, which require
enterprises to transform and engineer themselves to deal with
these challenges and new realities. The Transformation &
Engineering of Enterprises involves the use of methods and
techniques from business process management, business
engineering, organizational change management, enterprise
architecture, enterprise modelling, and information systems
engineering. As a field of study, the Transformation &
Engineering of Enterprises requires validation in real-life
situations. Conversely, it is in industrial practice where
challenges can be found that may fuel and inspire researchers.
In addition, as a domain of study, the Transformation &
Engineering of Enterprises can be approached from different
research perspectives, including management science,
organizational sciences, social sciences, as well as the
engineering sciences and business informatics. The TEE workshops
are set up in such a way that it attracts an audience from both
industry and academia with their respective perspectives.
Event description
The TEE series of workshops is an evolution, and merger, of the
successful PRET series and the AppEER workshop. The scope of the
TEE series includes both the original scopes of PRET and AppEER.
TEE is a highly interactive event and will be co-located with
the 16th IEEE Conference on Business Informatics (CBI 2014) in
Geneva, Switzerland on July 14-17, 2014.
Paper types
Papers should describe innovative and significant original
research relevant to TEE topics as listed. Research papers
should reflect the mission of TEE, which is bringing together
academia and the industry regarding the indicated topics.
Research papers and case studies should stimulate the discussion
and the synergy between these two worlds, with the ultimate
objective of improving the field of Transformation &
Engineering of Enterprises. Typical research papers describe:
challenges from industry for the academic world, practical
applications of theory and/or research results regarding the
Transformation & Engineering of Enterprises. Paper
submission from industry as well as from young researchers (MSc
or PhD researchers) is strongly encouraged. Research results can
be described in an elaborated way, since the typical paper TEE
is aiming for is between 15-20 pages long (including all
references and figures). Note, however, that a clear focus of
papers, and effective use the length of a paper to convey the
contribution of a paper, will be among the evaluation criteria
for selecting papers. Longer does not necessarily mean better!
Submission guidelines
All papers must be prepared in accordance with the IEEE
camera-ready and should be submitted in PDF format via:
Work submitted for consideration must not have been published
elsewhere and must not be under review or submitted for review
elsewhere during the duration of consideration. At least one
author of accepted papers is expected to present the results at
the TEE workshop. All accepted papers will appear in the
workshop proceedings, published by IEEE (tbc).
Workshop PC Chairs
Wolfgang Molnar, CRP Tudor, Luxembourg
Henderik Proper, CRP Tudor, Luxembourg and Radboud University
Nijmegen, The Netherlands
Organizing Committee
Khaled Gaaloul, CRP Tudor, Luxembourg
Frank Harmsen, EY and Maastricht University, The Netherlands
José Tribolet, Technical University of Lisbon, Portugal
Jan Verelst, University of Antwerp, Belgium
Advisory Board
Eng Chew, University of Technology, Sydney, Australia
Ulrich Frank, Duisburg-Essen University, Germany
Birgit Hofreiter, Vienna University of Technology, Austria
Marc Lankhorst, BiZZdesign, The Netherlands
Roel Wieringa, University of Twente, The Netherlands
We encourage both, practitioners and academics to share their
insights concerning following topics:
Architecture governance
Business-IT alignment
Business transformation
Case studies in the field of TEE
Cultural aspects of transformation
Design and implementation of CIO Offices
Emergent issues in the field of TEE
Enterprise architecture management
Enterprise engineering
Enterprise modeling
Enterprise modeling languages
Enterprise ontologies
ERP implementation
Evolution, maturity, measurement and quality of research in
the field of TEE
Frameworks, methods, analysis techniques and other instruments
for research in the field of TEE
Organizational change
Outsourcing of business and/or IT
Psychological and philosophical aspects
Requirement management
Research approaches
Roles and skills in enterprise transformation
Simulation of enterprise design/models
Stakeholder management
Management of transformation, programs and projects
For more information, please visit our website: