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Betreff: [computational.science] Call for Papers 10th International Symposium on Distributed Computing (IDC 2016)
Datum: Sat, 30 Jan 2016 08:29:06 +0000
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    [Apologies for cross posting]

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                      First Call for Papers

   10th International Symposium on  Distributed  
(IDC 2016)
               Paris, France, October 10-12, 2016 

                          http://idc2016. lip6.fr/
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**********                                While Intelligent Computing  
develops methods and technology ranging from classical artificial  
intelligence, computational intelligence and multi-agent systems to game  
theory, Distributed Computing develops methods and technology to build  
systems that are composed of collaborating components. 

The emergent field of Intelligent Distributed Computing focuses on the  
development of a new generation of intelligent distributed systems. It  
faces the challenges of adapting and combining research in the fields  
of Intelligent Computing and Distributed Computing.

 All accepted papers will be included in the Symposium Proceedings, which  
will be published by Springer as part of their series Studies in  
Computational Intelligence. Papers must have at most 10 pages length  
and must be formatted according to Springer format for Proceedings and  
Other Multiauthor Volumes (Latex only).                       
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**********          Full paper submission: February 29, 2016 

Notification of acceptance: April 25, 2016

Camera ready paper due: May 23, 2016                     

Symposium: October 10-12, 2016                           
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Paper acceptance and publication will be judged on the basis of  
their  relevance to the symposium themes, clarity of presentation,  
originality and accuracy of results and proposed solutions. Symposium  
topics include, but are not limited to: 

Intelligent Distributed Frameworks  and Architectures                        
*   Methodologies for intelligent distributed systems &amp;  
applications                         *  Autonomous agents and multiagent  
systems                         *  Distributed problem solving and decision  
making                        *  Hybrid systems involving software agents,  
robots and human actors                         *  Distributed frameworks  
and middleware for the Internet of Things                          
*  Pervasive computing and Context-aware intelligent  
computing                         *  Virtualization infrastructures for  
intelligent computing 
Organization and Management                        *  Self-organizing  
distributed and multiagent systems                         *  Autonomous  
and adaptive distributed systems                         *  Emerging and  
collective behaviors in complex distributed systems                          
*  Modeling and simulation of intelligent distributed  
systems                        *  Intelligent integration of heterogeneous  
data and processes                        *  Bio-inspired and  
nature-inspired distributed computing 
Intelligent Distributed Knowledge Representation &amp; Processing 
            *  Information extraction &amp; retrieval in distributed  
            *  Knowledge integration and fusion from distributed sources 
            *  Data mining and knowledge discovery in distributed  
            *  Ontologies/meta-data for heterogeneous resources &amp;  
services                         *  Distributed fusion of sensor data  

Networked Intelligence                        *  Intelligence in mobile and  
ubiquitous computing                         *  Agent-based sensor  
networks                       *  E-service and web intelligence
            *  Intelligence in peer-to-peer systems 
            *  Security, privacy, trust and reputation

Intelligent Distributed Applications                        *  Ambiant  
intelligence                        *  Applications in  
e-business/e-commerce, e-learning, e-health, e-science,  
e-government                        *  Crisis  
management                        *  Intelligent grid and cloud  
infrastructure                       *  Simulations of groups and  
crowds                        *  Mobile robots                       
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**********         Laboratoire d'Informatique de Paris 6
University Pierre and Marie Curie                  
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**********          Amal El Fallah Seghrouchni, LIP6 / University Pierre  
and Marie Curie, France          Costin Badica, University of Craiova,  
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