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Decision Sciences Journal of Innovative Education
CALL FOR PAPERS Special issue on 'Identifying and Managing Critical
Success Factors of Online Education'
Guest Editors
Sean Eom, College of Business, Southeast Missouri State University
Nicholas J. Ashill, College of Business, American University of
Sharjah, United Arab Emirates
J. B. (Ben) Arbaugh, University of Wisconsin Oshkosh
Motivation and Background
We are entering a golden age of e-learning. E-learning could be at a
'Tipping Point' as American's trust in the quality of e-learning
grows, and the number of students who take at least one online course
continues to increase. Now is the time to make e-learning more
successful. The success of an e-learning system can be measured in
terms of learning outcomes and learner satisfaction, two dependent
constructs that have been widely accepted in the e-learning
literature. Learning outcomes are measured by progress on relevant
objectives set by the instructor including progress on gaining
factual knowledge, learning fundamental principles, and learning to
apply what is learned to improve problem solving. Learner
satisfaction is measured by the degree of satisfaction with perceived
outcomes of taking online courses, courses, and instructors.
This special issue is dedicated to identifying and effectively
managing critical success factors for e-learning that enable
e-learning outcomes to equal if not surpass those of face-to-face
instruction. Moreover, it seeks to draw on experience with e-learning
systems to provide direction for future developments in this domain.
Conceptual frameworks, qualitative research, and empirical studies in
the following areas are encouraged
* Review, critical analysis, and/or meta-analysis of past research to
evaluate the current state of e-learning and to guide future
directions for e-learning development
* Conceptual frameworks for e-learning
* Dimensions of e-learning systems
* Human dimension
* Students: Self-Motivation, Personality, Learning Styles
* Instructors as Facilitators, Motivators, Moderators
* Design dimension
* Learning models (Objectivism, Constructivism, Collaborativism,
Cognitive information processing, Socioculturalism)
* Course content, structure, and infrastructure
* Learning Management systems and Information technology
* Technology platforms and tools
* Security considerations
* Collaborative meetings and discussion tools
* Student-created instructional materials
* Learner control and self-regulated e learning
* Problem based learning
* Self-directed learning
* Impact of interactions on e-learning outcomes
* Instructor-student
* Student-student
* Student-content/learning management system
* Learning outcomes and learner satisfaction
* Development and validation of measurement instruments
Review Process and Deadlines
Manuscripts for the special issue should be submitted after the
authors have carefully reviewed DSJIE's submission guidelines at
http://dsjie.org/JournalMission/tabid/84/Default.aspx. Authors
submitting a manuscript should indicate that it is for the special
issue on 'Identifying and Managing Critical Success Factors of Online
Deadlines for the special issue are as follows:
June 15, 2015: Submission deadline for initial submission
September 1, 2015: First-round decisions on all submitted manuscripts
November 1, 2015: Submission deadline for invited revisions
December 15, 2015: Final decisions
For more information, please contact the editor (dsjie.editor@gmail.com).
Best regards,
Sean Eom
Sean Eom
Professor of MIS
Department of Accounting, MS 5815
Southeast Missouri State University
Cape Girardeau, MO 63701
Tel. 573-651-2615 (Office)
573-271-8770 (Home)
Fax 573-651-2992
e-mail: sbeom@semo.edu
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