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Subject: Special Issue on Business Models for Mobile Platforms
Date: Sun, 17 Oct 2010 18:27:41 -0300 (CLST)
From: eCommerce List <eCommerce_List@noresponse.cl>
To: neumann@wu-wien.ac.at, neumann@wu-wien.ac.at

Special Issue on Business Models for Mobile Platforms

Journal of Theoretical and Applied Electronic Commerce Research
Guest editors; Pietr Ballon, Harry Bouwman and Yufei Yuan

While digital mobile communication arguably has constituted, in parallel with the Internet, the most impacting innovation of the past decades in terms of how people exchange information - and this first and foremost in Europe, Japan and Korea -, its business and technological set-up is now facing profound change. Vertical coordination and integration, with mobile telecom vendors driving and controlling technological innovation, and mobile network operators driving and controlling service provision, have persisted in the mobile industry until very recently. However, the emergence of various types of software platforms and internet-like end-to-end architectures in mobile systems is increasing the pressure on the dominant technological and busin ess set-up, to the point of a reconfiguration of the entire mobile system.

The impact of this mobile-internet convergence for the structure of the mobile industry, and in particular for the position of mobile network operators as integrated service providers, has been a subject of heated debate for some time now. One strong current in business and academic literature is arguing that the ‘open and modular’ internet architectures will (or should) wipe away the current ‘closed and integrated’ telecommunications architectures. It is often implied that, as a result, (mainly US-based) internet and IT firms are bound to make significant inroads into the telecommunications market. By contrast, others anticipate that the advantages in terms of quality and security offered by integrated telecommunications architectures will allow mobile operators to dominate the mobile internet and to capture a major share of all service revenues in this context.

Recently, however, a s mall body of ‘revisionist’ literature on modularity and the ICT industry has emerged that, if applied to the mobile internet, may challenge both visions. It argues that there is no automatic mirroring between technical modularity and market unbundling, and that, instead of relying on any outright ‘open’ or ‘closed’ strategy, successful ICT companies increasingly employ ‘open but not open’ platform strategies in order to combine advantages of diversity and complementarities with advantages of control and coordination. Multi-actor and multi-side platforms need closer analysis.

The emergence of various these new types of platforms in mobile and wireless systems illustrates that competition and diversity in the mobile arena are increasing strongly, and that convergent service provision is rising strongly. Mobile platforms may refer to various system levels including mobile devices\' operating systems, mobile network protocols, mobile services and applications, and so on. Through platform ownership, companies aspire to position themselves as central gatekeepers in the mobile industry. This evolution presents a range of new possibilities to create and capture value in new and unexpected ways. At the same time, it challenges the traditionally dominant stakeholders active in the mobile industry, and has led analysts to anticipate a reconfiguration of the entire mobile industry architecture. Service and Content Providers have to consider how to decide how to deal with the multiple available platforms. Moreover privacy concerns for users are becoming more an issue.

In the wake of a buoyant and turbulent year for mobile service platforms, this special issue will focus on the causes and effects of the current explosion of platforms in the mobile ICT industry. The objective of this issue is to explore changing business models and industry architectures as a result of the introduction of mobile platforms. The issue calls for original papers on this central topic. Papers may be of an empirical or of a conceptual nature. They may deal with the characteristics of successful business models in this field, the emergence of new mobile industry architectures, new mobile eco-systems, and the competition and collaboration between media, IT, internet and telecommunications companies regarding mobile platforms. The papers may focus on individual platforms and applications, as well as on cross-platform comparative studies. The focus is on technology, on value creation in multi-actor settings as well as on governance of new mobile eco-systems.

We specifically encourage papers on the following topics:
Platform theories, network effects and multi-sided mobile platforms
Platforms and cross subsidization
Platforms: organizational and technical interaction
Eco-systems, channels and platforms
Standardization, and open and closed platforms
Business strategies related to mobile platforms
New reven ue (sharing) models around mobile platforms
Business models for mobile app stores and mobile search
Mobile media platforms, and their architecture
Mobile service platforms and eCommerce/eBusiness
Platform models for the Internet of Things
Privacy concerns
Mobile platforms and eCommerce.
Mobile platforms and eBusiness applications
Governance issues with regard to multi-actor eco-systems

The Journal of Theoretical and Applied Electronic Commerce Research (JTAER) has been created to allow researchers, acade micians and other professionals an agile and flexible channel of communication in which to share and debate new ideas and emerging technologies concerned with this rapidly evolving field. The Journal of Theoretical and Applied Electronic Commerce Research is published quarterly. The intended audience includes academicians, researchers and professionals in computer science, information management, telecommunications, business administration, sociology, law, financial services, as well as specialists in the field of electronic commerce. More info:

-Full Script Submission: January 15, 2011
-Author Notification: March 15, 2011
-Revisions due by: April 15, 2011
-Final acceptance notification: May 15, 2011
-Camera ready version: 1 June 2011
-Publication: 15 August 2011

We are soliciting for original works capturing aspect of mobile platform research, both theoretical and applied. Author guidelines can be found at:
http://www.jtaer.com/author_guidelines.doc. All submission will be refereed by at least three reviewers. Submissions should be directed by email to w.a.g.a.bouwman@tudelft.nl.

Dr. Pieter Ballon
Interdisciplinary Institute for Broadband Technology-SMIT
Free University of Brussel s

Dr Harry Bouwman
Delft University of Technology
Faculty of Technology, Policy, and Management
The Netherlands
IAMSR, Abo Akademi, Turku
Email: W.A.G.A. Bouwman@tudelft.nl

Dr. Yuan Yufei
McMaster e-Business Research Center
DeGroote School of Business
McMaster University, Hamilton
Ontario, Canada

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