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Betreff: [WI] EMISA 2017 @ CAiSE - Call for Contributions
Datum: Wed, 8 Feb 2017 10:02:12 +0100
Von: Matthias Weidlich <matthias.weidlich@hu-berlin.de>
Antwort an: Matthias Weidlich <matthias.weidlich@hu-berlin.de>
An: wi@lists.uni-karlsruhe.de


Call for Contributions

8th International Workshop on
Enterprise Modelling and Information Systems Architectures (EMISA’17)

co-located with the 29th International Conference on Advanced
Information Systems Engineering (CAiSE)
June 12-13, 2017 - Essen, Germany



The strategic importance of enterprise modelling has been recognized by
an increasing number of companies and public agencies. Enterprise
modelling delivers the ‘blueprints’ for co-designing and aligning
business and enterprise information systems such that they complement
each other in an optimal way. As example consider the support of
business processes by process-aware information systems. Achieving such
interplay requires a multi-perspective approach taking organizational,
economic, and technical aspects into account. In a world of cloud,
social and big data, additional challenges for enterprise modelling and
the design of information systems architectures are introduced, e.g., in
respect to the design of data-driven processes or processes enabling
cross-enterprise collaboration. To deal with these challenges, a close
cooperation of researchers from different disciplines such as
information systems, business informatics, and computer science will be

EMISA 2017 is the eighth international workshop in a series that
provides a key forum for researchers and practitioners in the fields of
enterprise modelling and the design of information system (IS)
architectures. The workshop series emphasizes a holistic view on these
fields, fostering integrated approaches that address and relate business
processes, business people and information technology. The workshop is
open for a broad range of subjects. Possible topics include, but are not
limited to:

 * Enterprise modelling: languages, methods, tools

 * Patterns for enterprise modelling

 * Patterns for information systems architectures

 * Model life cycle management

 * Model evolution

 * Model configuration and model variants

 * Model quality: metrics, case studies, and experiments

 * Process modelling and process-aware information systems

 * Collaborative enterprise modelling

 * Model-driven architectures

 * Model-driven IS development

 * Component- and service-oriented software architectures

 * Service engineering and evolution

 * Service composition, orchestration and choreography

 * Complex event processing and event-driven architectures

 * Human aspects in enterprise modelling

 * Modelling social information and innovation networks

 * Information systems in the cloud

 * Mobile enterprise services


EMISA 2017 calls for submissions in the following categories:

(1)  PhD Research Proposals: EMISA 2017 invites PhD students to submit
research proposals. There will be a dedicated slot in the program to
discuss PhD research proposals including the current status and the
further plan of the research work. PhD research proposals shall be
submitted as a short paper of 5 pages.

(2) Current Research Talk Proposals: EMISA 2017 invites proposals for
scientific talks of international excellence. Eligible are proposal
submissions that are based on published or accepted papers from
international conferences or journals. Proposals for research talks
shall be submitted as an extended abstract of 2 pages.

(3) Novel Directions Talk Proposals: EMISA 2017 invites proposals for
talks that motivate a novel research direction, outline the research
gaps to address, and carve out major challenges. These talks shall serve
as a stimulus for discussions as part of a dedicated slot in the
workshop program. Novel directions talk proposals shall be submitted as
a short paper of 5 pages.

Proposals can be submitted according to instructions on the EMISA 2017
website: https://hu.berlin/emisa17

All submissions have to strictly follow the formatting guidelines of
LNI. Template and explanations can be found at
Submissions have to be made via easychair.org.

All accepted submissions (PhD Research, Current Research, Novel
Directions) will be published in the next print edition of EMISA Forum.
The short papers proposing PhD Research or a Novel Directions Talk will
also be published as an electronic CEUR proceedings volume.


The workshop is organized by the GI Special Interest Group on Design
Methods for Information Systems (GI-SIG EMISA, www.emisa.org), which
provides a forum for researchers from various disciplines who develop
and apply methods to support the analysis and design of information
systems. EMISA 2017 will take place in Essen, Germany, co-located with
the 29th International Conference on Advanced Information Systems
Engineering (CAiSE).

Important Dates

Submission of proposals: March 24, 2017
Notification of acceptance: April 15, 2017
Final paper version: May 1, 2017

Program Committee Co-Chairs

Michael Fellmann, Universität Rostock, Germany
Matthias Weidlich, Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin, Germany

Mailing-Liste: wi@lists.kit.edu
Administrator: wi-request@lists.kit.edu
Konfiguration: https://www.lists.kit.edu/wws/info/wi